[3ddesktop-dev] Re: My turtle smokes 3ddesk

  • From: Jeff Buck <jeffb@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: 3ddesktop-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: 22 Apr 2003 11:33:54 -0700

I would think that you might want to try reducing your texturesize. That
would probably speed things up quite a bit.

If you only use 3ddesk to change desktops, then you shouldn't have any
problems with the other desktops not being up to date. 3ddesk only
updates it's snapshots of your different desktops as you zoom out, so if
you use another pager, then things will get messed up/out of sync. I
think Brad is working on a way to have 3ddeskd (the deamon portion)
periodically update the snapshots in the background, but I've gotten the
impression that this is pretty darn non-trivial, and I would guess that
it could be a huge pain if different window managers handle things

I was having some speed issues recently after an "upgrade" to my
machine. I just swapped out my video card like 10 minutes ago, and it
was like night and day. Life is good now. I only run my resolution at a
measly 1280x1024 with 8 desktops, but I'm getting something like 100fps
I'd guess at least. I've run it higher on different systems and not had
a problem.... depending on the video card.


On Tue, 2003-04-22 at 11:21, Brett Campbell wrote:
> Hey sorry 'bout the lame post, but 3ddesktop seems to be unusable when i have 
> two or more desktops loaded into the pager.  Unusable in that it's pretttty 
> darn slow.  
> I will have all my workspaces full of windows, but the pager only shows 
> whomever's content that i *call* 3ddesk from... iow, i have to run 3ddesk 
> from each workspace to have its contents show up in the pager (on a 'zoom 
> out').    
> Now, this slow behavior may be due to the fact that i'm running X at such a 
> towering resolution.  Is this sort of thing only feasible for those who run 
> at 800x600 or 1024x768?  The TFT panel on my laptop works best at 1400x1050.  
> Problem? :-)
> Basically, when there is only one desktop loaded into the pager, it works so 
> smoothly.  It's a truly beautiful thing.  As soon as i get the content from 
> another stuck in there... bog, bog, blah.
> Thanks for any advice.
> lion-O
Jeff Buck <jeffb@xxxxxxxx>

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