[ZeroBrane Studio] Re: error loading module 'socket.core'

  • From: Paul K <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "zerobrane@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <zerobrane@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 09:03:09 -0700

> I have no idea what the "mob" in "mobdebug" i supposed to mean,
> so maybe it is meant to be spelled "moddebug".

No, the name 'mobdebug' is correct. The debugger 'mobdebug' was
implemented based on 'remdebug' (which probably got its name from
"remote debugger") and as I wanted to have a similar name, but at the
same time make it distinct I ended up with mobdebug, which was based
on "mobile debugger" as it was used for debugging Lua apps running on
mobile devices (at least initially).


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