[ZeroBrane Studio] Re: Using ZB Studio with Moonscript

  • From: Otto Robba <otto@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: zerobrane@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 22 Jun 2014 04:44:19 -0300

Thanks Paul,

The plugin worked! I thought the functionality would be built-in which is what threw me off hehe. Really like having the parser within ZB. Only thing missing I'd say is proper syntax highlighting - I made most of the regexs for that in the lang file I mad for .moon support on gtksourceview. Not sure if it helps you but, in case they do:


Moonscript is probably really niche so the Compile change might be too much work for too little gain - I mean, I'm using it and I like it but I'm unlikely to be the standard Lua programmer. I'm guessing the regular lua users far outweight the moonscripters :)

Thanks for the great work,

Em 22-06-2014 02:13, Paul K escreveu:
Hi Otto,

Here is the blog post I mentioned earlier:

Please let me know if something is not working or is not clear in the
instructions. Note that "compiling" a moonscript from ZBS will still
through an error (as it applies the Lua interpreter to the code), but
this step is disabled with moonscript interpreter selected, so you
will be able to run and debug moon scripts. I may integrate moonc into
"Compile" step, but it requires some changes to ZBS API and I haven't
decided if it's really needed.

I look forward for the feedback on how it's working for you.


On Sat, Jun 21, 2014 at 6:09 PM, Otto Robba <otto@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hey folks,

Version 0.7 of ZB apparently has Moonscript support in the form of debugging
- it is not clear how to use it, however.
I don't see Moonscript as a valid interpreter and trying to compile a .moon
file throws a Lua error.
I can attest that Moonscript is properly installed (using it normally).
Can anyone explain to me what I'm doing wrong?


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