[yunqa.de] Re: DISQLite3 Personal and C++ Builder XE

  • From: Joe Pasquariello <joep@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: yunqa@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2011 10:04:43 -0800

Hi Ralf,

Thanks for your reply. I have RAD Studio, so I can compile the Delphi source, and I think that all of the HPP files would be generated automatically. I am interested in DISQLite3 because it is compatible with TDataSet. I will give it some thought. The #include statement that references the missing file is shown below. If you find this HPP file does exist somewhere, please let us know.

#include <DISystemCompat.hpp>    // Pascal unit


On 12/15/2011 9:48 AM, Delphi Inspiration wrote:
On 15.12.2011 18:31, Joe Pasquariello wrote:

I'm trying to evaluate DISQLite3 Personal with C++ Builder XE. There is
one HPP file included in the ZIP file (DISqlite3Api.hpp). This file
references at least one other HPP file that defines necessary types, so
it's not possible (with the personal version) to build a C++ project.
C++ Builder is not a supported compiler for DISQLite3. This is why it is
not on the list of compilers on the DISQLite3 web page:


Does the commercial version include all of the HPP files, or must I
purchase the source code so that I can compile the PAS files and
generate the HPP files myself?
I am not a C++ Builder expert, I merely set Delphi compiler options to
output *.hpp and *.obj files when I create the *.dcu files. As such,
DISQLite3 Commercial does not contain any additional *.hpp files which
you find missing from the Personal edition.

(Maybe other list members can jump in if you let them know which files
exactly you find missing.)

I have had feedback from some users that some of my components' source
code works well with C++ Builder. But I have no details about what they
did to make it work. Likewise I can not give guarantees that the
DISQLite3 Source Code edition will work with C++ Builder XE. If you
decide to give it a try, the risk is entirely yours.

Delphi Inspiration mailing list

Joe Pasquariello
Fenway Systems, LLC
2980 College Ave, Suite 7
Berkeley, CA  94705
Tel: 510-665-4355
Email: joep@xxxxxxxxxx

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