Re: VDOS memory and screen length

  • From: Harry Binswanger <hb@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: xywrite@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 11:34:09 -0500

Paul and Kari,

I use the StringReplace function in Autohotkey to get rid of these bad characters.

StringReplace, current, current, Â,%A_Space%, all



One other question. I have been toying with CP1252 but when I implement it, boxes and other features in XY4 turn into characters from non-UK alphabets. Is there any fix for this or do I have to live with a row of ÄÄÄÄs across the top of my screen? Boxes (eg MEM) are a mixture of the same horizontally and other characters vertically. I have tried changing all the drawing characters in settings.dfl to a space, which helps but does not get rid of all the ÄÄÄÄs etc.

This is doable by using the font software I talked about recently on this list or any other suitable font editor. It results in a non-standard encoding which will be useful for English speakers, but less so for any language with a need for umlauts (e.g. German, Swedish, Finnish).

Best regards,

Kari Eveli
LEXITEC Book Publishing (Finland)

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