Re: Italics (was Re: Mixed up colors)

  • From: Harry Binswanger <hb@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: xywrite@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 23:35:34 -0400

Gee. Carl, yesterday I posted the settings, and you wanted the colors. Now I send the colors and you want the settings. You can't have them both you know. Well, maybe, because I just sent them to Paul. :)

Anyway, I filled in the blanks as requested.


colors = (0,128,96) (255,255,255) (147,17,36) (0, 0, 159) (255, 255,
180) (0, 131, 223) (255,0,0) (10,100, 100) (165,210,210) (0, 255, 0)
(87, 0, 87) (255,183,0) (255, 255,255) (170,17,36) (220,220,220)

What XyWrite settings are you using with this? Fill in the blanks:

DF L1=33,1,33,33
DF L2=33,4,1,33,33

MD NM=207
MD BO=22
MD UL=27
MD BU=107
MD IT=30
MD BI=106
MD RV=12
MD BR=115

Also, from my post to Paul:

Also useful: df dd=128 gives you MoDe 79 for DeFined text that's MDNM and the whole color table when DeFined is still readable with dd=128.

And, as I said in an earlier post: the value one sets for MD NM can interfere with the proper functioning of the settings for the top command line: using MD NM=251 made the first two values under DF L1 not work right. When I made it MD NM=207, all was well. Of course, I had to adjust the colors= section of CONFIG.TXT to keep MD NM being black on white.

Also, also, I sent Paul this nifty little frame:

When you experiment, this U2 frame will be helpful, because it allows you to change a mode in settings.dfl and just hit the keystroke (that you assign in the KBD file) to see the effect "live."

b-gin [UNTITLED]
{123}{123}5hbsa{125}{125} For ctrl-s and ctrl-e: keep bk=0 but
 get same effect; also if file is U2, calls LoadHelp {091}HB 1
0/21/09 rev. CLD 10/22/09{093}[cr|lf]{002}{<}SX01,{<}VA$FP{>}{>}
2,{<}CP{>}{>}[BX_]sa[Q2_][BX_]load {<}PV01{>}[Q2_][BX_]jmp {<}
PV02{>}[Q2_]{<}PR new settings.dfl loaded{>}{<}EX{>}{<}EI{>};*
; ;*;[cr|lf]

Carl Distefano

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