[wwpoenglish] OUR MISSION

  • From: Maria Cristina Azcona-WWPO <worldwidepeaceorg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: wwpoenglish@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 12:27:29 -0300


Worldwide Peace Organization is a group of human beings, mostly writers,
educators, philosophers, scholars, academicians and common people, who
really want to change reality towards a better future for humankind.

We think we can help the world to  live  free  of  terrorism, war and
international conflicts through the interaction between intellectuals
from  different cultures.

We develop strategies based on our writing and intellectual skills to
convince the powerful governments and religious leaders around the world to
work together to stop the massacres, assassinations and wars in the world.

We have a strict set of values ​​where human life is at the top of the
pyramid, especially children of any nationality.

We act for the realization of our dreams. This action is through
publications, letters, articles and books  in pro of  adult education,
continuing education of the population and  education of childhood.

We think that world peace springs from the social harmony, and believe that
social harmony is born in the inner world, through inner peace, then a
peaceful family group and then neighborhoods, cities, and countries full of
social harmony.As well we think that social harmony and peace arrives on
the shoulders of just economic, political, and social arrangements that
respect universal human dignity, equality, and freedom. These conditions
help to make  real the chance to have a better inner peace for those who
are victims of inequality and violence.

We work to produce educational, literary contests and many activities for
children, adolescents and adults, to  make them  awake and conscientious
 and become aware and see what is going on around, how the planet Earth is
becoming a bad place where darkness and death lurking under our noses.

We create Internet groups to discuss these values ​​and do joint research,
working together from a global perspective through email, Skype, LinkedIn,
Facebook, and use all kinds of Internet tools.

  This interaction focuses on the realization of research on the causes and
consequences of war, terrorism, and family and social violence. We believe
that through articles and books as multiple co-authors, we will be able to
create a better world for the formation of a new paradigm for future
generations. Education of children is also one of our goals. We believe
that children are the hope and the seeds of a peaceful world.

We are sure that there is a duty to preserve the environment as the basis
of human life in a climate of respect. We also believe that inner peace and
des stress are the starting point for international peace and should be
transmitted in schools and homes .We are able to write  letters and
organize events to convince the authorities to change their mind and use
their  power to create state policies and regulations  around this idea of
​​peace from the social harmony


*Lic.  María Cristina Azcona*
* WWPO Founder president*

*Organización mundial por la paz*
*Worldwide peace Organization*

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  • » [wwpoenglish] OUR MISSION - Maria Cristina Azcona-WWPO