[Wittrs] Re: The StoryTeller

  • From: "Cayuse" <z.z7@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <wittrsamr@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2009 13:02:21 -0000

Joseph Polanik wrote:
the story I, *this* storyteller, tell is that I and other storytellers
self-reference by using a first-person singular pronoun.

do you tell a different story about storytellers and the practice of
self-referencing thru the use of a first-person singular pronoun?

The word "I" has a valid use when applied by the physical organism to the physical organism that is using the word. The problem of free will arises because the physical organism tells stories about itself to itself, wherein the physical organism regards itself as behaving as a non-random "uncaused cause". The physical organism then equivocates between uses of the word "I", sometimes meaning the physical organism, and sometimes meaning this nebulous element that is unthinkingly assumed to be in control of the physical organism.

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