[windows2000] Re: System Drive Free Space - Help

  • From: "Sullivan, Glenn" <GSullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "'windows2000@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'" <windows2000@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2002 14:05:41 -0500

And because that is where exchange 5.5 install puts it by default.

Same reason people put their Active Directory logs and databases on the same
drive.  That's where they end up, and they don't know why it should be any

Not to get off topic, but that is the problem with Microsoft "dumbing down"
the admin requirements of their software.  It is too easy to get it working.
It is exponentially harder to get it working well.

Kind of like Othello: "A minute to learn, a lifetime to master"

(And before anyone gets on my case for Microsoft Bashing, just about all
OS's have gone the same path.  It is now possible for someone to, with no
linux experience, get a RH 7.3 box up and running.  But is it running well?
Not out of the box, that's for sure...)

Pretty soon it's going to be like a Simpsons Episode: You look into the
"control center" of a company and all you see are moneys in little red hats
pushing buttons, swinging from the ceiling, and eating bananas.

I guess I'll have to learn how to train monkeys...

Glenn Sullivan, MCSE+I  MCDBA
David Clark Company Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Oglesby [mailto:roglesby@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 1:19 PM
To: windows2000@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [windows2000] Re: System Drive Free Space - Help

I was about to say. If there is a drive use the exchange tools to move
the store off of the system partition. Also may sure your logs are
getting cleaned up (depending on how you are backing up)

Why would they put the store on the system drive? Because they didn't
under stand exchange real well.

Ron Oglesby
Senior Technical Architect
Office 312.372.7188
Mobile 312.961.2380
email roglesby@xxxxxxxxxxxx

-----Original Message-----
From: Sullivan, Glenn [mailto:GSullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]=20
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 12:20 PM
To: 'windows2000@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'
Subject: [windows2000] Re: System Drive Free Space - Help

You should be able to easily move the exchange databases with the
Optimization Wizard.  It analyzes your setup and make recommendations as
where the files should live.

It is always wrong, but it is the easiest way to move the databases.
let it run through its paces, and then change the "New locations" to
you want rather than what it wants.

Then check the box that says "Move databases automatically" and voila!

Glenn Sullivan, MCSE+I  MCDBA
David Clark Company Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: White, Collin [mailto:cwhite@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 1:05 PM
To: 'windows2000@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'
Subject: [windows2000] Re: System Drive Free Space - Help

There is already another drive on the server with plenty of free space.
would the people who built this system put the store on the system
especially a small system drive, when there was plenty of disk space
available on another drive? =20

I guess my next question would be how do I create and Migrate?  Can you
point me in the right direction for some docs on this?


Collin White

-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Reese [mailto:GReese@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]=20
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 12:27 PM
To: windows2000@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [windows2000] Re: System Drive Free Space - Help

Can you add another drive to the server?  If so, you could create a new
store on the new larger drive and migrate you existing one to it.

It might also be worth your while to see who your space hogs are and =3D
send some polite emials to them asking them to archive old stuff and =3D
clear out deleted items etc.


-----Original Message-----
From: White, Collin [mailto:cwhite@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 12:16 PM
To: 'windows2000@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'
Cc: 'thin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'
Subject: [windows2000] System Drive Free Space - Help

Hello, I have a situation.  My Exchange 5.5 server has run extremely low
system drive disk space.  It consists of 2, 4.3 GB mirrored Compaq 1" =
drives.  I only have 75 MB of free space left on the drive, and my =3D
Server is
of course not responding well.  I was thinking of somehow cloning the
information from the system drive to a larger drive but I am not sure =
will work.  This is the only email server for the company.  I am up for
and all suggestions, I am not sure how long this server will stay up.
Thanks in advance,
Collin White
Sorry for the CC to the Thin, but I need all the help I can get

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