[windows2000] Re: Subnetting

  • From: "Chris Berry" <compjma@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: windows2000@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 02 Apr 2003 14:44:12 -0800

>From:  Ron Leach [mailto:rleach@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
>I am currently trying to get a handle on understanding subnets.  I'm
>assuming that the basic function of subnetting is to make efficient
>use of addressing and to reduce overhead in the network address

The purpose of a subnet is to tell the computer what portion of an ip  
address is the network address, and which portion is the host address.

The purpose of subnetting is to divide your network up into smaller chunks 
to reduce the load caused by broadcast traffic. (among other things)

>I would also like to get your opinion on deriving the correct subnet
>mask.  Let's say for example that given a Class A network I want
>to have 20 hosts, what is the best way to derive the correct subnet

Know what you're doing or use a subnet calculator. (or both if you're smart, 
even guru's can make mistakes)

Chris Berry
Systems Administrator
JM Associates

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