[windows2000] Re: Spam/XMail ?

  • From: "Joe Shonk" <JShonk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <windows2000@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2003 10:04:11 -0800

I shouldn't affect your Windows2000 group, so long as your not sending a =
response back (stating the email was denied)

You can setup special rules/filters (depending on the package)

With SuperScout,  we setup a custom dictionary of allowed words, so if =
[windows2000] was part of that list, the point value would be 10 for =
that word.  The rule would be something like

If CustomAllowedDictionary =3D>10 then
Allow Message through
Otherwise {then you would have your standard Anti-Spam/Sex/Violence rule =

You don't necissary have to allow the message through, you could have it =
go through another set of qualifications, but not have it send a =
response if denied.


-----Original Message-----
From: SewardAdmin [mailto:mwm@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 8:18 AM
To: windows2000@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [windows2000] Spam/XMail ?


A quick questions for the admin of [windows2000] group.  We have just =
a Spam Filter to our mail server.  Although we are currently recieving
[windows2000] group messages just fine, there is a case (depending on =
is being said) - that the email would be rejected.

If a certain message was rejected - (for whatever reasons - spam, sex
etc...) does this effect my membership with [windows2000] group?  Or =
the group server just ignore the error?
We are currently testing the current configuration - but that could take =
few days!


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