[windows2000] Re: Pause timer for batch files?

  • From: "Sorin Srbu" <Sorin.Srbu@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "windows2000@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <windows2000@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 24 May 2004 15:05:36 +0200

On Mon, 24 May 2004 13:56:37 +0100, Mark Cook wrote:

>If you use it as is AIDA32 will start and the logon script will continue,
>however, if you change it to
>Start /wait "%systemdrive%\program files\aida\aida32.exe" /R
>\\max\aida_logs\autoreport_$DATE\$HOSTNAME.csv /NAS /SAFE /NOICONS
>then the logon script will pause until the aida32 process has completed,
>then continue.  This way you shouldn't even need a sleep command !

Just tried, and it won't create a report to the share when using
the start /wait-sequence. Strange... Any ideas as to why? I still
think it's some kind of time-out problem, but can't figure out how
and why.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Sorin Srbu [mailto:Sorin.Srbu@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
>Sent: 24 May 2004 13:58
>To: windows2000@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: [windows2000] Re: Pause timer for batch files?
>On Mon, 24 May 2004 13:45:08 +0100, Mark Cook wrote:
>>Are you using 
>>START param1 param2 etc.
>>in your login script to start AIDA32 or just AIDA32 without the START
>>command ?  
>No, just a plain line as below
>"%systemdrive%\program files\aida\aida32.exe" /R
>\\max\aida_logs\autoreport_$DATE\$HOSTNAME.csv /NAS /SAFE /NOICONS
>Is the "start" statement necessary? Haven't needed it before.
>>We used AIDA32 here running from a network share and writing back
>>to a SQL DB with no problem.
>Don't have any sql db, but plan to use an access db, if and when I
>get this thing working... 8-/
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Sorin Srbu [mailto:Sorin.Srbu@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
>>Sent: 24 May 2004 13:46
>>To: windows2000@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>Subject: [windows2000] Re: Pause timer for batch files?
>>On Mon, 24 May 2004 13:37:12 +0100, Mark Cook wrote:
>>>How are you creating the report ?
>>Using Aida32 on each client. I tell the client to run the locally
>>installed aida32.exe, and to save the report to a server-share.
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Sorin Srbu [mailto:Sorin.Srbu@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
>>>Sent: 24 May 2004 13:39
>>>To: windows2000@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>Subject: [windows2000] Re: Pause timer for batch files?
>>>On Mon, 24 May 2004 13:26:29 +0100, Mark Cook wrote:
>>>>Have emailed you off list with one, just knocked up for you in about one
>>>>minute :-)
>>>Thx, tried it, won't work. I mean that the timer works but the
>>>sleep.exe induced pause doesn't allow the report to be created.
>>>However, if I put the pause-statement back, it works. Wonder why...
>>>Thx though for the exe!
>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>From: Sorin Srbu [mailto:Sorin.Srbu@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
>>>>Sent: 24 May 2004 13:21
>>>>To: Windows2000 Mailing List
>>>>Subject: [windows2000] Pause timer for batch files?
>>>>Hi all,
>>>>I'm trying to make a hard- and software audit on our domain
>>>>computers with free software. Aida32 if somebody is interested...
>>>>Anyway, I'm trying to tell the clients to make an audit when the
>>>>computer starts up (using a stratup script), but this failed for
>>>>whatever reason, so I resorted to adding the script to the login
>>>>scripts-feature in a GPO.
>>>>Now, it works, but seem to have some problems with the command
>>>>window closing to fast, as it works if I put a pause statement in
>>>>the end of the script. To minimise user input, ie pressing a key to
>>>>unpause the script which some users find difficult and dangerous,
>>>>I'm speculating whether there is a "pause timer" of some sort, that
>>>>I can tell to pause for some 30 seconds and then continue w/o the
>>>>user input.
>>>>The script I'm running is a simple batch script, no vbs or similar
>>>>at all.
>>>>Does anybody know of a simple timer that would do what I want?



# Sorin Srbu, Systems Engineer          Web: http://www.farmfak.uu.se/organisk/
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