[The-L] Re: Book on Lyme and Colloidal Silver

  • From: "Bradley W. Compton" <bcompton@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: warwicklist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2020 15:49:55 -0400

Thanks, Shauna, as always, for your informed and clear-headed comments.

As many of us have read in recent weeks, in vitro success of a drug in no way tells you that it will act as a successful treatment. It's only the first step in many, which include seeing whether it kills the pathogen in actual human beings, and oh, what the hell, maybe some safety tests too (remember: organ damage, acute kidney failure, seizures).  I'm no fan of Big Pharma, but one of the reasons drugs are so expensive is that it is fabulously expensive to develop them, in part because so many potential drugs that seem promising in vitro lead nowhere in the end.

Brad C.

On 4/20/2020 3:17 PM, Shauna Lynn Mallet wrote:

What I find interesting about this, is that it seems to be impossible to find “Dr.” Farber’s credentials when doing a basic Google search. No reviews, can’t seem to find him on the National Board of Physicians and Surgeons either.
Of course, this doesn’t mean that he doesn’t hold a doctorate in something, and he could even be a Doctor of Medicine, I just find it odd that whenever I try to look up his credentials all I’m met with are links for his book sales.

As a healthcare worker, and almost nurse, I urge Warwickians with questions or concerns about their health to look to their primary care physician, and not the Flyby News.

Shauna Mallet

“Life is never completely without its challenges” Stan Lee

On Apr 20, 2020, at 3:02 PM, Jonathan Mark (Redacted sender noflyby for DMARC) <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

The following is from an article by Steve Barwick about a book by Dr. M. Paul Farber,/The Micro-Silver Bullet: A Scientifically Documented Answer to the Three Largest Epidemics in the World: Lyme Disease, Aids Virus, Yeast Infection, and the Common Cold/.  fyi..

"..In his book you’ll see the clinical research evidence he presents demonstrating that colloidal silver does indeed kill the pathogen that causes Lyme disease, which is to say the bacterial spirochete known as/Borrelia burgdorferi/.

According to Dr. Farber:

/“Two studies have been conducted with colloidal silver and its effectiveness against Borrelia burgdorferi. The first study conducted at Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, showed growth inhibition in low concentrations (2-10 ppm) and much faster action in higher concentrations (15-75 ppm)./

/The Department of Health and Human Services, Rocky Mountain Laboratories, tested cultured spirochetes of the Borrelia burgdorferi…using 150 ppm and 15 ppm colloidal silver…none of the treated cultures contained live spirochetes after 24 hours.”/

In other words, in test tube studies concentrations of colloidal silver as low as 15 ppm wiped out the Lyme disease pathogen.

Dr. Farber later claimed to have witnessed “a 100% killing effect of the Lyme pathogen,/Borrelia burgdorferi/, within less than five minutes of exposure” to a colloidal silver preparation.

He went on to say that “Studies by Margret Bayer, Ph.D., at the Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia have shown that the growth and replication (spread) of Lyme disease bacteria/Borrelia burgdorferi/are measurably slowed or stopped” by a colloidal silver preparation “when viewed in a laboratory test tube.”

Finally, he states that researchers Dr. Willy Burgdorfer, Ph.D. (the scientist who actually discovered the Lyme disease pathogen) and Dr. Tom Schwan, Ph.D., while working at the Rocky Mountain Laboratories of the National Institutes of Health, Public Health Service, United States Department of Health and Human Services, found that silver was “uniformly deadly” to the Lyme pathogen and a related fever-inducing pathogen.

See the below letter (on U.S. Department of Health & Human Services letterhead) from Dr. Burgdorfer confirming these dramatic results. (Click image to see a larger and more readable version of the letter.)"


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