(VICT) Re: Vet Ideas

  • From: "Karyn and Thane" <bcpaws4me@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Vi-clicker" <vi-clicker-trainers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 24 May 2008 14:53:47 -0700

Oh Sandy do I know what you mean! The first couple times inside the clinic, 
Thane wanted to say hello to EVERYBODY! (caps intentional)
Oh man, I felt like a kindergartner.
My vets clinic is across the street from us pretty much (if we use the short 
cut path) so its easier for us to frequent there than many I am guessing. 
Its eency tiny and the clinic does not do appointments. It is a walk-in only 
clinic. You are seen in order of arrival unless an urgent type of life and 
death/ potential for shock arrival occurs. Its really hard for me due to my 
sensitivities but I do practice going in there some with Thane. One of the 
biggest things I have liked to do is to have Thane sit and watch people go 
by. This is just on sidewalks not in the clinic. With each time i enter the 
clinic after beginning this approach of sitting and watching people, it has 
gone easier. The more obedience training your new one gets, the better it 
will go as well. I also like to wear Thane out a bit before our arrival. 
That is achieved by taking the long route to the vet or by playing quite a 
bit first. Of course my seeing the vet herself thus far has all been urgent 
needs for Thane, but I have used them for nail clipping also about every 4-6 
weeks. This helps us. The clinic does not have enough room for us to just go 
and sit quietly for training purposes, but each time he is exposed here, he 
acts more and more grown up.
Once targeting is understood, perhaps you can do some hand targeting games 
to help keep him more settled and focused on you. Targeting is so beneficial 
for any dog, but even more so for ours.

Karyn and Thane 

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