[USS Tempest] Lady and Doctor Marine

  • From: TKilyle@xxxxxxx
  • To: usstempest@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 16 May 2006 14:07:02 EDT

Lady and Doctor Marine
by Lindsey Craig, Nathaniel Lynley, H's'l'ng of Reynam, &  C'ss'l of Calhoun  

Nat sat staring at his work screen and shaking his head.  His opinion  of 
most Starfleet brass had been fairly low before his own set of troubles and  it 
had plummeted to nothing with his six week long exile.  Then Lindsey had  come 
along to lift him out of his alcohol fogged stupor, offering him the  lifeline 
of a job and continuing friendship.  He still had a low opinion of  most 
brass, especially any that caused her trouble.  He let out a slow  breath as 
up.  Moving to the small cabinet next to his desk, he found  an unopened 
bottle of Bushmill's (and that downright amazed him) and took out  two glasses. 
Carefully carrying all three, he proceeded to her ready room  and pressed the 

"Come," Lindsey called, not bothering to look up  as she read once again the 
report.  "More have been reunited," she said as  she raised her joyful eyes.  
"Hey, Nat, thought you'd quit the  drink."
"I did," he said carefully, "but once you've heard the second part of my  
news, you may want a drink and one never should allow a friend to drink  alone."

"Er...  Okay," she waved him to a seat and clasped her hands  on her desk.  
"Go on then, hit me with it."
He settled the bottle and glasses on the desk then sat himself across from  
her.  Holding his palms up, he said, "First the good news: Dr. Matthews has  
been transferred to more advanced medical care and should be improving quite  

"Keep me posted on his progress," she said simply.  "I've  okay'd his 
transfer off Tempest.  Don't know where or even if he's heading,  but I'll let 
know unless you're the one who tells me."  She gave him a  wink then added, 
now for the bad news."
"It was Dr. Calhoun who inked the note on the counselor's behalf," Nat  
explained.  "And therein lies the bad news.  We both know the good  doctor is 
than a bit, ah, sensitive shall we say?  A particular  admiral pushed a bit 
too far and our doctor fairly threw his jacket at the man  and quit."

Lindsey blinked only once then eased herself back and steepled  her fingers.  
"Which admiral?"
"McCoy," Nat replied.  "I've verified this whole story with Private  Zelany 
as he witnessed the entire scene.  He says he warned the admiral not  to press 
forward with certain items yet..."  He shrugged bemusedly.   "When one is that 
old and set in one's ways, I suppose certain things don't sink  in."

Sighing softly, Lindsey rubbed her middle finger over her right  eyebrow. 
"Okay, how do we fix this?"
"I'm not quite sure," Nat admitted.  "From what I've heard, Dr.  Calhoun, and 
not a few of his fellow freed men, have some axes to grind against  
Starfleet.  Honestly, Lindsey, I think you're the only regular Fleet  officer 
name he hasn't appended a Xenexian curse to--even if he's been  somewhat 
civilized about until now."

"Damn," she sighed.  "Well, I  can have a word with Fleet Admiral Ross, he's 
kinda indebted to the guy for  getting his son home.  Maybe he can pull 
Nat felt the beginning of his own headache forming in tandem to  Lindsey's.  
"Do you know, though, that the bloke actually apologized to  General Barker 
after he threw him out, too?  Seems he was just checking up  on his injured 

"Not a mindless animal," Lindsey agreed.   "Just damn sensitive.  Have you 
spoken to him yet?  He's supposed to  resign t'me too."
"Actually, the conversation was rather brief.  He told me he was sorry  to 
inconvenience you but that he wasn't sorry for what he did otherwise,"Nat  told 
her then, with a smirk, he added, "Ah, and he also said it was a damned  
shamed because he likes you and the ship."

"Which is all sweetness and  light but that don't help with the solving of 
it," she snorted.  Something  suddenly occurred to her and she started to 
consult her console.   "Hmph.  Wonder if he realises his fiancee's signed into 
Marines for  another twelve months..."
"I've no idea really.  I don't..." He trailed off as something  occurred to 
him.  "Now that came from the president but that was  Fleet..."

Lindsey raised her eyes and fixed them on her aide.   "You've got something.  
C'mon, share."
"Have you noticed that the good doctor's problem with authority extends  only 
to Starfleet, excluding you, at least?"

She nodded slowly.  "He  seems okay with the Marines.  Shame he's in 
Starfleet really."
Nat smiled very slowly, the same smile he used during the war when he was  up 
to something.  "Well, it isn't the service the man objects to, it's the  
branch.  My own warrant comes from the president, as did the doctor's, but  
it work similarly with Marines?"

"That I know of," she said with a  frown.  "Have to admit I'm not so hot on 
Marine regs and such.  But I  assume they work same way ours do.  You talkin' 
about a transfer?"
"I believe so.  I don't see why the warrant wouldn't be transferable  if the 
man agreed to it and assuming the senior military reps agreed," he  mused.  
"That would still be General Barker and Admiral Ross, wouldn't  it?"

"Sure, up until the Cairngorm gets here," she said with a  shrug.  "We're 
gonna have to put this to the Doc though."
Nat eyed the bottle on the table.  "The question being then is do you  ask 
him up here or do we go down there?  In either case, a shot of that  would 
certainly take the edge off."

"I think go down," she mused.   She waved her hand at the bottle and winked 
at him.  "Go on then, pour out  our shots."
"Never drink alone," Nat said as he poured out the shots, "and never drink  
in a bad mood."

"Amen to that," she laughed as she took a sip and  shuddered.  "Don't drink 
often.  This stuff is smooth though."
"I'll pour you another once we're through with this chore," Nat said, eyes  
twinkling as he downed his in one gulp. 

"Damn, Nat, take it easy there,"  she chuckled, finishing hers off and 
flowing to her feet. "C'mon on then, if  we're gonna do this.  Otherwise we'll 
let it lie and I'll be damned if  I lose my CMO because of some Admiral with a 
bee up his ass."
Nat snorted in amusement as he stood up.  "You're talking to a  professional 
connoisseur of real alcohol, Lindsey.  It's when I can do that  to half a 
bottle that you ought to worry," he said mildly, knowing that he  actually 
do just that.  "And do not get me started about  admiralty.  We all know how I 
feel there."

"I hate t'think what  you're gonna say when I ever get promoted," she rolled 
her eyes.  "Suddenly  go from bein' alright to bein' another damn admiral."
"Well now, that'll be a hard one but I suppose if I just remember every  
single unkind word you called me during the war then it will be fine," he said  
deadpan.  He tsked in mock affront.  "Such unladylike  conduct."

"Me?  A lady?  Now whoever started that rumour has  gotta be hunted down and 
shot this instant," she grinned.  "Besides, you  give as good as you get, Nat."
"Well, yes, quite," he said with a grin, holding an arm out to hold the  lift 
for her.

Lindsey slipped inside then gave him a wink.  "Ever  the gentleman.  Besides, 
it's no fun bein' obnoxious if the person ain't  obnoxious back."
"Considering some of the people I've recently met by comm, you will never  be 
able to be obnoxious in my eyes ever again," he said with a smirk.  He  
requested the appropriate deck then explained.  "Rosemary's father and  
are, shall we say, quite the forceful pair of  personalities."

"I've been to the school, Nat, I know," she smirked as  she leaned against 
the wall of the lift.  "Nice place, cute kids but the  people are strong and 
adamant in their protection of 'em."
"That is a very diplomatic way of putting it.  I've not had the chance  to 
call my family yet, though."

"You gonna do that straight after we see  the Doc?" she asked idly.
"I had every intention of doing it straightaway after we spoke to hers but  
this came up.  Believe me, I can hear the 'I told you so's and the 'it's  about 
time's coming at me already," he said with a happy smile. 

"And  you're gonna suck 'em up with that silly smile on your face," she 
laughed  brightly.  "Damn, if I look like that when I talk about John, I want  
someone to shoot me."

"You do and you know you do," he said deadpan.  The door opened onto  the 
Marine deck and he held it for her.  "I think I'll tell Alfred about  that, 
He likes you after all."

"Sure, he's a good guy."   Lindsey strode out, nodding at Nat in thanks, and 
headed straight for the door  of the quad.  She rang the chime and stepped 
back a pace - no point  invading the man's privacy, after all.

Aisling glanced up at the door  then over to where Cassiel was making them 
tea.  She climbed creakily to  her feet and padded over.  "Oh," she said, 
"Captain, come  in."

Lindsey gave the woman a bright smile and nodded.  "Feelin'  better, 

"Much thanks to my physician," she returned the  smile.
Bright hazel eyes took in the visitors.  Cassiel had as much as said  to the 
chief, who he still thought sounded very much like Hamish, that he was  sorry 
for any problems the captain was caused but that he was not sorry for  
anything else. At any other time, he might have been apprehensive if the  
captain had 
come to his home personally but not right then.  He was still  too wound up.  
"Captain.  Chief.  Have a seat.  I was fixing H's'l'ng some  tea."

"Carry on," Lindsey said easily.  "It was you we really came  to see anyway.  
May we have a word?"

Aisling glanced at Cassiel as  she asked, "Do you need me to leave?"
"No, H's'l'ng," Cassiel said softly, smiling at her.  He needed her  
strength.  "Unless this refers to a patient's medical matter."

"No,  it refers to your resignation," Lindsey said.  "I don't accept it."   
She held up her hand for him to allow her to finish.  "Not only don't I  accept 
it, Nat here's come up with a compromise."
His eyes narrowed slightly as he stared at the woman.  "I will not  apologize 
to that old man," he growled.

Pulling a cushion onto her lap,  Aisling stared at Cassiel very hard.  "You 
resigned?" she asked softly,  bright lavender eyes turned to stone.

"Did I ask you to apologise?"  Lindsey mused, choosing to ignore the little 
time bomb in the corner.   Hell, she could hear the girl ticking.  "Compromise 
is we transfer you to  the Marines.  Means I get t'keep my CMO and you get to 
avoid certain  Admirals."

Her fingers turned white as she gripped the cushion, not quite  hearing what 
the Captain had said.  In one movement, she threw the pillow  at Cassiel as 
hard as she could then let out a hiss as the movement tore at  painful muscles. 
"How could you?"
He only ducked slightly, the pillow glancing off his arm rather than his  
head.  "The old yn fytyn pushed too far," he explained, holding up his  hands 
ward off any further missiles.  "Damned brass  monkeys..."

"I don't care," Aisling hissed.  "You suck it up, just  like the rest of us." 
 Cradling her arms to her body, she stormed up to him  and glared from her 
tiny height.  "You didn't even tell me."
Nat glanced at Lindsey.  There was no way in hell that he was getting  in the 
middle of this but they couldn't quite leave yet.  Of course, he  could 
sympathize with the man's feelings about the admiralty in general  but...
"I was still settling down," Cassiel explained.  He wouldn't shy  away.  Not 
from her.  "Please, H's'l'ng, you know I have a fuse the  length of a grain of 

She grabbed the pillow he'd discarded and  threw it at him again, even 
harder, pulling an even louder hiss out of  her.  "That is no excuse, C'ss'l.  
 All you had to do was  explain.  Or even mention it in passing.  'Oh by the 
way, I quit today  so, you know, we won't be seeing each other for another 
twelve months until your  contract runs out'.  Did you even think of that?"
"I didn't know about that part, H's'l'ng," he protested.  "I know very  
little about your branch except that the ones at the top have better manners 
control than the Fleet ones do.  Sorry, Captain."

"No offence taken,  Doc," Lindsey said easily.  "I know how obnoxious our 
brass can  be."

Aisling just shook her head at him.  "Learn, then."  With  that, she slipped 
past him and padded into the kitchen to get her painkillers  and the tea.
Still watching Aisling in case any further missiles were forthcoming,  
Cassiel asked, "What exactly do I have to do?"

"Be a Marine," Lindsey  told him.  "Means reporting to whoever they get for 
the chief  position.  I believe it's Cammick at the moment.  You'll also be  
reporting to me and to Captain Harak, since she's chief Marine medic.   Other 
than that, put your paw mark on the transfer papers and that's it, I  think."
Cammick he knew rather well, finding the captain's fraternal interest in  
Aisling rather amusing and also very comforting.  He'd gotten past him to  
her while she recovered.  And Harak?  Ah, now there was a good  medic.  He 
could respect both of them.  Still watching Aisling out of  the corner of his 
eye, he held out his hand.
"Show me where," he said simply.
"Here, Doctor," Nat replied as he held out the PADD and pointed to the  right 
All Aisling did was pour out two cups of tea.  She didn't  care if it was 
selfish of her or rude, but she'd rather not fight with him in  front of the 
Captain and the Warrant Officer.

"Welcome back," Lindsey  said with a smile as she offered him her hand.
"Thank you, Captain," he said as he took the hand.  "I'm sorry if it  caused 
you any headaches."

"Only one and that's the one I get every time  we dock somewhere," Lindsey 
laughed.  "I'll see you for some analgesics  later.  Y'all have a good evenin' 
now," she chimed as she waved and  left.
"And you might want to see the quartermaster about the proper uniform," Nat  
added as he followed her out.
"Right," Cassiel muttered as the door closed behind them.  Gingerly,  he 
turned to face Aisling and waited.  He supposed he deserved it after  all."Are 
still speaking to me?"

"I'm angry," she snapped, "not  petty!"  She shoved one cup toward him, 
glaring openly when a little hot  tea went over her hand but she'd be damned if 
she'd show how much it had  hurt.
He sat next to her but didn't quite touch her.  Humility was not his  strong 
suit but for her, he'd try.  "Aisling, I'm sorry.  I don't know  what else to 
say other than that.  I am a hot tempered, selfish fool who  doesn't deserve 
you," he said as he stared down at his hands.

She wanted  to snap at him, be scathing and mean, but as she stared at him 
she found that  she just couldn't.  "C'ss'l," she sighed.  "Of course you do.   
And I do love you, I'm just pissed is all."  With a shy shrug, she added,  
"And hurting."
"You shouldn't have thrown the pillow so hard," he said mildly, finally  
looking up at her.  He took both her hands between his, careful of the  still 
tender wrists.  "I didn't tell you because I didn't know how.   Didn't want you 
mad at me for being so foolish."

"I almost lost you," she  whispered.  "I can't lose you.  I don't think I'd 
survive it.   This is too perfect."
"They'd've had to throw me out bodily," he grumbled.  "I already told  that 
red headed doctor no when she asked if I wanted to stay and keep an eye on  Dr. 
Matthews.  I didn't want to leave you." 

"Then don't ever.   When this year is up, if we both want to, we can go back 
to Xenex and you can  start up a practice," she said with a smile as she 
shifted a little closer to  him.
"Whatever you want, my H's'l'ng."  He fell back against the back of  the 
sofa, the tension leaving him in one fell swoop.  "Such ups and downs  are not 
good for a man."

"I'm sorry," she whispered as she shuffled away  and started to sip her tea.  
"My temper is almost as volatile as  yours."
"Why are you sorry?  It makes you a Xenexian as much as it does me,"  he said 
wryly.  "It's a damned wonder any of us is civilized enough for off  planet. 
Come back here, my H's'l'ng.  I need you close."

"Captain  Cammick called round today," she told him, cuddling against his 
side and trying  to change the subject.  "He wanted to know when he could have 
"And what'd you tell him?" he asked even as his arm went around  her.

"That he would have to discuss it with my physician as I couldn't  possibly 
comment," she grinned.  "But he brought me chocolates from the  station and 
told me he was lost without me, which was sweet."
"Bribery is always a good thing," he chuckled.  "It's up to you, you  know, 
H's'l'ng.  As soon as you feel up to it, you can be cleared for light  duty.  
Full will take much longer."

"No," she whispered.  "Not  yet.  Please?  Let me stay here a little longer?  
I don't want to  see the pity on their faces just yet."
"Whatever makes you happy but I don't think anyone pities you,  H's'l'ng.  
You were quite brave," he told her.

"I was a fool who got  captured and had to be saved.  I'm a liability," she 
told him.
"And next time it will be some one else's turn and you will repay the  
effort.  Is that not what Marines do?" he asked curiously. 

"Most of  the time they don't have to," she huffed.  "Most of the time the 
Marine is  trained to either stay alive or die."
"You stayed alive, H's'l'ng.  You beat that thing better than any of  us did. 
 Gods but Kadir admires you.  You put up with more than many  of us men did.  
Hell, M'k'n'zy had better kiss your feet for all  this...after I beat him 
senseless that is," Cassiel told her.

She shook  her head as she admitted, "I know what he did to you, C'ss'l.  He 
told  me.  Pain is pain whether it leaves a mark on the outside or inside."
"H's'l'ng, look at me," he said firmly as he put his hands on either side  of 
her face.  "That is exactly it.  It doesn't matter whether it was a  few 
days, a few hours or five damned years.  Pain is pain and you went  through it 
just as we did.  If you will not begrudge us respect or dignity,  how could we 
that to you?"

"Yours is legitimate," she said with a shy  shrug.  "My wonderful man, you 
went through so much.  All I've done is  lessen you by being what I am."
"I don't think you realize how close you might have been to losing both  
these arms, H's'l'ng.  After a certain threshold is passed, there is no  
regeneration of nerves.  You were very close to that threshold and, unless  
this new 
technique applies well to our people, you would have been beyond  miserable," 
said, hating to be so clinical but wanting to be truthful.   "The only thing 
you've done is show very strong we Xenexians are."

Her  face paled to milk as she listened to description and she hugged herself 
 tightly.  "I could have lost them?"
"Yes," he told her.  "If reinserting the joints hadn't've worked, that  might 
have been the next step.  I know that because...."  He took a  deep breath to 
steady himself, hearing her joints pop and hearing her  screams.  "Because I 
did it often enough even without scanners and  machinery."

She let out a little strangled gasp, curling in on  herself.  "Gods..." she 
whispered as she laid her forehead on her  knees.
Cassiel moved over to wrap his still too thin arms around her.  "I'm  sorry, 
H's'l'ng, but I would never lie about such things.  Now do you  understand, 
though?  Those men don't pity you and neither do the  Marines.  You are a 
fierce, beautiful warrior," he murmured.   "Mine."

She cried gently against his chest, his embrace soothing.   "Yours," she 
"Even all this is normal.  To some degree, every single one of us  changed, 
no longer what we were before that thing got us," he continued as he  rocked 
her gently.  He snorted slightly in amusement.  "Hell, even the  Klingons are 
different.  I pity the poor bastard who pisses off Kadir. That  man is much too 
calm for one of them.  You are in good company,  H's'l'ng.  You are not alone."

"I want my confidence back," she  admitted, wrapping her painful arms around 

"And you'll get it.  How would you advise somebody else to try it?" he  
asked, still rubbing she shoulders.  "If you were medical personnel, I'd  tell 
to jump right back in."

"That's what you want..." she said  sadly.  "You think I'm a coward because I 
"Not any more than you think I am for being so skittish."  He kissed  her 
forehead very lightly.  "You'll get back to things when you get back to  them.  
Everyone reacts differently and so the recovery is different.   Take your time, 

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  • » [USS Tempest] Lady and Doctor Marine