<USS Lovisa> 0406.27 Lovisa Sim

  • From: MoonshadowsToNEN@xxxxxxx
  • To: usslovisa@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 00:03:45 EDT

AlexKilgarran:     If my memory serves me correctly, Zel was going to be back 
aboard after her shuttle mission
AlexKilgarran:     And the drill in security was to be concluded.   
Drizzella GL0n:     Yep....the log should be in your boxes...
AlexKilgarran:     Does that sound right to you Commander?
MoonshadowsToNEN:     Log addressing dril in you boxes
Chance Bennigan:     that sounds just about right Captain
AlexKilgarran:     Does every one know where they are for this week?
joymudd:     :: Nods yes ::
Mara Ryell:     ::nods::
MoonshadowsToNEN:     ((In Peoria?))
Sarah L Mollin:     No... but I'll figure it out.
AlexKilgarran:     All righty... .lets get started tehn.
Geoff Mercida:     I was just revealing my theory on the ship..
AlexKilgarran:     BEGIN SIM
AlexKilgarran:     BEGIN SIM
AlexKilgarran:     BEGIN SIM
AlexKilgarran:     :::on the bridge:::
Chance Bennigan:     ::also on the bridge::
joymudd:     :: In her office, finishing arranging all the bits into suitable 
patterns ::
MoonshadowsToNEN:     ::At Securit¥ console on Bridge juggling PADDs and 
search parties::
Geoff Mercida:     ::looking smug on the bridge after giving his theory on 
the ship they were tracking::
AlexKilgarran:     :::turns to Mara:::: Let me know when Lieutenant Glon's 
shuttle has docked.
Drizzella GL0n:     :::kind of disappointed she won't have TIME to go tackle 
Chris rightaway::::
Mara Ryell:     ::looks up at Alex::   She's back, sir.   The bay has just 
finished repressurizing.
AlexKilgarran:     :::nods::: Have her report to the bridge please Mara.
Geoff Mercida:     Chris>::wandering the halls afterthe drills still upset at 
joymudd:     ;; logs out, and steps into Sickbay propper. ::
Mara Ryell:     Aye Captain.   +Zel+ Lt. Glon, please report to the bridge.
Chance Bennigan:     Sir, has the ship made any new aggressive moves?
AlexKilgarran:     Not so far......
Geoff Mercida:     ::decides to stop gloating and goes back to his post::
Drizzella GL0n:     +Mara+ ON My way....
AlexKilgarran:     Mr. Mercida.... you are sure that she's the ship we ran 
into last year?
Geoff Mercida:     ::turns and nods to the captain::   All the evidence 
points to yet sir.
Sarah L Mollin:     ::in her office, going through the database to schedule 
the next round of physicals::
Drizzella GL0n:     :::::walking up the corridor, then spotting Chris, runs, 
gives him a HUGE kiss and then bolts for the TL::::>Later Darling!
joymudd:     :: Exits sickbay... quickly, before someone tries to give her a 
suppressent shot, and heads to the bridge. ::
Chance Bennigan:     Perhaps, we should attempt to make contact, and see who 
we're dealing with
Mara Ryell:     ::monitoring for more suspicious transporter activity::
Geoff Mercida:     Chris>::watches Zel run off::   Sometimes I swear that 
woman has someenergy.
AlexKilgarran:     :::nods:::: I'd rather just arrest them right now.....
AlexKilgarran:     Maybe scuff their paint a little this time....
Drizzella GL0n:     Yeoman Anderson> ::::sitting at her auxilliary console, 
watching Geoff between her duties::::
MoonshadowsToNEN:     To Mr Bennigan>Sir, no sign of Starseeker to Ennien
Chance Bennigan:     That would land us in a court martial though.....
joymudd:     :: Steps quietly onto the bridge. ::
Mara Ryell:     ::speaks up::   And their ship is quite a match.   It might 
be a close fight.
joymudd:     :: Wonders if she should advise in favor of avoiding court 
martials... ::
Chance Bennigan:     >Moon> That's unfortunate Chief, perhaps we'll need to 
run these types of drills more often
Geoff Mercida:     ::nods at mara's comment::   I'm not a tactician by any 
means sir but I think this might take a more subtle approach..
AlexKilgarran:     :::nods::: Very well....Lets get Lieutenant Glon's report 
on the surface... the more information the better here I think don't you?
Rikka Kilgarran:     ::scoots back to Engineering, through various air ducts 
and accessways, now that her part in the drill is all done::
MoonshadowsToNEN:     >Bennigan> I thought that that was what we were 
commencing to do, sir
Drizzella GL0n:     ::::exiting the TL onto the Bridge::::
Drizzella GL0n:     >Alex> Reporting for duty sir...
AlexKilgarran:     Report Lieutenant.
Chance Bennigan:     >Moon> Indeed it is, and apparently with good cause
joymudd:     :: Stands vaguely near Mara for a while, listening. ::
MoonshadowsToNEN:     IOn all fairness sir, they ARE hunting a hunter
Mara Ryell:     ::nods to Joy, turning her attention to Zel::
Sarah L Mollin:     ::enters the schedule into the ship's automatic 
notification calendar, and hauls herself up out of the chair to put her dishes 
(and the 
few bites of sandwich she couldn't finish) in the recycler::
Drizzella GL0n:     >All> I sent 4 types of messages Sir....the Federation 
Standard was BLOCKED not long after it went out...so they know SOMEONE is out 
here, but just where.....unknown....
AlexKilgarran:     :::nods listening::::
Geoff Mercida:     ::sits down and listens to Zels report::
Chance Bennigan:     >Moon> This is true. And with this new found difficulty, 
I would hope to see you putting in extra time with your department to teach 
them how to pursue hunters.
Rikka Kilgarran:     Davey> ::following Rikka, amazed and very pleased to 
have this new and somewhat secret playground to roam in::
Chance Bennigan:     >Moon> I know there's a great deal you could teach them
MoonshadowsToNEN:     ::Tail loops in amusement:: They need new noses sir!
Drizzella GL0n:     ::::smiling:::The Sivaoan language...went down as 
well....right after the Fed Stand....
joymudd:     :: Concerned, her nose is just there for looks... ::
AlexKilgarran:     Any response to that one?
Chance Bennigan:     >Moon> ::smiles and laughs:: Whatever it takes, I want 
our team at the top of their game
Drizzella GL0n:     Not that I caught Sir....I could recheck the shuttle 
MoonshadowsToNEN:     ::Tail twists into a painfull looking, tight 
corkscrew:: Aye sir... I will consult medical
AlexKilgarran:     Did we get any response to any message?
Sarah L Mollin:     ::slogs over to the quartermaster's office to stand in 
the measuring beams so the computer will be able to issue her clothing to 
accommodate her growing pregnancy::
Sarah L Mollin:     ((afk, brb))
joymudd:     :: Checks to make sure her nose is still firmly attached. ::
Drizzella GL0n:     Subspace...I sent "Scratch Patterns" in the hope it would 
be perceived only as static.....and then "Tail Thump" tones....THAT was 
terribly VAGUE in it's content, BUT IT was the one that got a response...
Chance Bennigan:     ::notices Joy checking her nose:: Everything alright 
Mara Ryell:     ::glances from Chance to Joy curiously::
AlexKilgarran:     What kind of response did we get?
joymudd:     I think so, Commander.   Just, my nose is not really functional, 
but I like it as it is.
Chance Bennigan:     ::grins:: I think it looks good on you counselor, you 
wouldn't be the same without it
Drizzella GL0n:     >Alex> I sent...."Beware Aggressors"....they replied, 
"Challenge Accepted" so....they have an idea.
Mara Ryell:     ::focuses back on her console::
joymudd:     :: Smiles ::   I'll just let Moonshadows do the sniffing, if you 
don't mind.   I'll bring a tricorder.
MoonshadowsToNEN:     +Search Team Gamma 14+Gamma 14 proceed to section 34 - 
12 frame 27
AlexKilgarran:     :::nods::: Understood.... I think its time to put our 
cards on the table Commander.
Mara Ryell:     ::looks up at Zel::   "Challenge accepted?"   They did 
understand that we're not the aggressors, right?
AlexKilgarran:     Open a channel to the other ship......
Geoff Mercida:     ::stares at Zel::   You've been hanging out with that 
klingon too much.   Aggresors beware???
Chance Bennigan:     I like that idea Captain, I hate waiting games
Mara Ryell:     ::nods::   Hailing the vessel, Captain.   ::taps console::
MoonshadowsToNEN:     ::Mara:: They think you want formalized, ritual combat 
with that answer, Ms Ryell
joymudd:     :: Steps quietly out of the camera angle. ::
Mara Ryell:     >Moon>   Interesting, I had no idea.
Drizzella GL0n:     :::addressing Mara and then GLARING at Geoff::::>The 
trouble with Tail Thump is that the ENTIRE body language is taken into 
Mara Ryell:     >Alex>   They're not responding to our hails.   I'm pretty 
sure that they've recieved them.
Chance Bennigan:     ::turns to Moon:: Can ritual combat be cancelled? 
especially with these kinds of circumstances?
Drizzella GL0n:     >Mara> I am hoping that the Scratch Patterns made it MORE 
clear that NO "WE" aren't the aggressors.
Geoff Mercida:     ::raises his arms::   I'm going to go to the lab while Zel 
tries to get us killed...
joymudd:     :: Looks to Geoff, briefly ::
AlexKilgarran:     :::frowns:::: 
Mara Ryell:     >Zel>   That's what I was concerned about.   We don't really 
need any extra confusion.
MoonshadowsToNEN:     ::ponders:: It depends on who answered... and their 
mood, you would have to explain you had lqanguage difficulty... if you 
tome in the Old Tongue perhaps
AlexKilgarran:     Mr. Mercida... Go over Zel's logs on the shuttle... Double 
check she didn't pick up any other responses.
joymudd:     What we have here is a lack of communication...
Geoff Mercida:     ::nods::   Aye captain,   ::tursn to his station and pulls 
up the shuttle logs::   
Mara Ryell:     >Alex> Captain, Starfleet reports that they've dispatched the 
USS Nautilus to our location, to assist us.
Chance Bennigan:     It seems that is the difficulty we're facing on all 
fronts Counselor
joymudd:     Well, if we have hailed the Silver, we are not covert anymore?
AlexKilgarran:     Understood... ETA for the Nautilus?
Sarah L Mollin:     ((bak))
joymudd:     Any reason not to let Moons chat with her people?
Mara Ryell:     Five hours sir.
AlexKilgarran:     :::nods::: 
Drizzella GL0n:     ::::coming right up behind Geoff's shoulder:::><q> and as 
for spending TOO MUCH time with Tajneteb, I feel I don't spend ENOUGH.
Sarah L Mollin:     ::gets a replicator to produce a new uniform that won't 
be so snug across the middle, and goes to change into it::
Chance Bennigan:     Captain, perhaps we should move within contact range of 
the Sivaoan world, that unknown ship definitely knows we're here. Hopefully we 
can talk our way out of ritual combat
Mara Ryell:     And the Counselor has a point.   I would suggest moving the 
ship.   We can still keep it out of range, but from our communication they'll 
definitely be able to trace back to our current position.
Drizzella GL0n:     Yeoman Anderson>::::frowning at Zel moving right up on 
Geoff from behind, but keeping her own counsel::::
Rikka Kilgarran:     ::recounting the fun of the drill to her friends in 
Chance Bennigan:     ::flashes a smile at Mara::
AlexKilgarran:     Make it so Commander
Mara Ryell:     ::smiles back::
Chance Bennigan:     ::nods::
Geoff Mercida:     ::looks up at Zel::   Tajneteb??   Who the heck is that?
Chance Bennigan:     Helm move us within range of the Sivaoan homeworld
Chance Bennigan:     Helm> ::nods and moves the ship::
MoonshadowsToNEN:     Mr Benniganm Ritual combat to my people is hand to 
hand, claws and teeth
Mara Ryell:     ::turns to Joy::   All's well in the medical world?
AlexKilgarran:     ::::absently starts tapping his feet alternately::::
Drizzella GL0n:     ::::going over the shuttle logs with Geoff, smiling at 
the confusion::::>Geoff> Chris changed his name...left the human one behind for 
one MORE Klingon....
joymudd:     I believe so, Mara.   Fairly quiet in the aftermath of the 
Geoff Mercida:     ::reading over the shuttle logs::   Defintly more 
Mara Ryell:     ::distracted by Alex's tapping, looks over::
joymudd:     Sarah and I had a chance for a little talk.   Other than that, 
things are pretty routine.
Chance Bennigan:     >Moon> well let's hope we can gain their cooperation 
without going through that
Sarah L Mollin:     ::hesitates, then gets into a TL::   Bridge.
Mara Ryell:     ::turns back::   She's been looking a little pale lately.   I 
didn't want to say anything.
joymudd:     :: Nods ::   She promised to have someone look her over.
MoonshadowsToNEN:     If necessary sir, I will meet the challenge.   ::Flexes 
her claws and grins with her pointy dental work::
AlexKilgarran:     I am hoping that won't be necessary.....
Mara Ryell:     >Alex> Sir, the silver ship has tightened it's orbit around 
the moon.   They're now in a low orbital pattern.
Geoff Mercida:     ::finishes up with the logs::   I got nothing..
Chance Bennigan:     Still no response from our hails?
Mara Ryell:     ::nods back to Joy::   That last mission was a bit tough on 
everyone, but especially her.
AlexKilgarran:     Mara can we scan their armaments?
Drizzella GL0n:     :::smiling still:::>Geoff> It means Lone 
Knife....:::finishing the logs as well:::
Mara Ryell:     ::shakes her head at Chance::   No response Commander.
joymudd:     Agreed, Mara.
Sarah L Mollin:     ::gets to the Bridge and exits the TL::
Sarah L Mollin:     ::looks around::
Chance Bennigan:     Captain, I think that is signal enough for us to raise 
the shields and go to yellow alert
joymudd:     :: Smiles at Sarah ::
Sarah L Mollin:     ::spots Joy and smiles back, a little self consciously::
Geoff Mercida:     ::turns the chair around to face foward again::   Well 
"Lone Knife" better get ready because you just to us involved in some ritual 
MoonshadowsToNEN:     Permission to terminate drill, Sir?
Mara Ryell:     >Alex> We've been running scans, sir, I've been keeping an 
eye on their system.   ::taps console::   So far I haven't seen any weapons 
systems powered up.
joymudd:     To Sarah>   We're moving in toward Moon's homeworld.   Our 
silver compainon is near the moon, ignoring us.
Sarah L Mollin:     ::curious::   But they know we're here?
joymudd:     Yes.   We have hailed them.   They are not responding.
Mara Ryell:     ::tenses::   I take that back sir, they've just powered their 
Drizzella GL0n:     :::moving from the console:::>Sarah> Not EXACTLY Dr....
Drizzella GL0n:     (whoops that's right we hailed them)
Mara Ryell:     I've located several plasma torpedoes, but they are not 
powered up yet.   There are several batteries available.
Chance Bennigan:     >Moon> permission granted
Sarah L Mollin:     ::more to herself than to anyone else::   What in the 
world could they be doing here?
Chance Bennigan:     >Mara> raise shields
AlexKilgarran:     Any evidence of them having fired recently?
Geoff Mercida:     ::grins for a moment::   Trying to put the whole planet in 
Mara Ryell:     Aye Commander.   ::raises shields::
joymudd:     Making trouble, Sarah.   My best guess, anyway.   They were 
likely behind the pon farr problems on Vulcan, and the solar flares at Legges.
Mara Ryell:     >Alex> I'm afraid we'd have to move in closer to get that 
sort of information Captain.
Sarah L Mollin:     ::shaking head::   It seems so pointless in the long run.
MoonshadowsToNEN:     Thank you sir....   +All security Channel+Moonshadows 
to Ennien: all security personel: Stand down from drill... go to Yellow alwert 
Drizzella GL0n:     :::frowning at Geoff's comment:::>Geoff> They've taken 
different tacts with EACH race...I don't think they will repeat themselves...
AlexKilgarran:     :::frowns::: What do you think COmmander... Re hail or 
Move in closer?
joymudd:     Unless they are trying to shape some very broad Federation 
MoonshadowsToNEN:     ::Double clicks comm badge::Moonshadows to Ennien to 
Starseeker to Ennien... stand down drill.
Chance Bennigan:     I think we should move in closer sir
Geoff Mercida:     ::still being smarmy::   Cats in heat though think about 
it Zel..
MoonshadowsToNEN:     Mr Bennigan sir....
AlexKilgarran:     How close would we have to get to find out if they've 
Sarah L Mollin:     ::thoughtfully::   This is where Rikka could perhaps be 
joymudd:     :: Nods to Sarah ::
Chance Bennigan:     >Moon> yes Moonshadows?
MoonshadowsToNEN:     In ritual comba sir, anything goes, but first one to 
squawk out loud loses and fight overe.   Goiod luck sir
Mara Ryell:     We'd be right on the edge of their firing range.
Drizzella GL0n:     >Geoff> BIG KITTIES with prehencile tails.....it give 
them REACH.
Chance Bennigan:     Good luck? ::sighs:: I really hope it doesn't come to 
Geoff Mercida:     WEll I guess its a good thing I'm not going down there 
MoonshadowsToNEN:     I hope so to sir... Martial arts versus claws and teeth 
has always been an iffy match, sir
AlexKilgarran:     All right... move us in... have Engineering get all the 
power they can spare to the shields.
AlexKilgarran:     :::turns and notices Sarah on the bridge::::
Sarah L Mollin:     ::timidly::   Alex... Captain...
Chance Bennigan:     Each person has to use the advantages they were born to, 
hopefully that will be enough
MoonshadowsToNEN:     ::Keys badge again:: Moonshadows to Starseeker, termi
nate drill, respond
AlexKilgarran:     :::gives her a smile::: 
joymudd:     :: Decides it is not the councilor's function to do ritual 
combat... ::
Sarah L Mollin:     ::stammering::   I... if it's not against regulations, 
you could ask Ruthie to help rather than using all spare power to shields... 
she's a Motiver... she can move -- and deflect -- big things.
Drizzella GL0n:     >Geoff> Probably so...you'd squawk at first scratch...
Geoff Mercida:     You'd better beileve it.
AlexKilgarran:     :::frowns::: We can do that if we have to...I'd rather we 
do it on our own first.....
MoonshadowsToNEN:     ::Amused and warming to the subject:: Humans fair best 
by grappling and putting their heads up under Sivaoan's chins sir... then only 
your back can be reached with the foreclaws
Sarah L Mollin:     ::nods::   It might be stretching the regulations a bit, 
Mara Ryell:     Helm> Moving us within range, Captain.   ::pilots the ship 
Chance Bennigan:     ::smiles:: ohh a back scratch, I could use one of those 
AlexKilgarran:     Hail them again Mara.....
Drizzella GL0n:     Yeoman Anderson> ::::being quiet at the console, 
wondering if Geoff WOULDN'T like her using her fingernails::::
Mara Ryell:     ::frowning, nods::   Repeating the hail.   ::sends a friendly 
hello to the silver ship::
AlexKilgarran:     :::nods to Sarah::: I think so.
MoonshadowsToNEN:     The doctor can close up a back with Stichit 9-10 sir
joymudd:     :: Finds a seat at an empty engineering station.   Hangs on to 
something.   Not the councilor's function to become a random projectile, 
either. ::
Sarah L Mollin:     ::slips into an empty seat, following Joy's example::
Mara Ryell:     >Captain> Sir, no response to the hail but they've powered 
torpedoes and raised shields
Chance Bennigan:     ::overhears::
Chance Bennigan:     Red Alert
AlexKilgarran:     :::frowns::: Counselor... what do you think here?
Drizzella GL0n:     >Geoff>Toughen up Science boy....::::cracking her 
MoonshadowsToNEN:     ::Resets her board:: Security patrols... Search and 
rescue, no drill... search areas not previoulsy covered, Ensign Starseeker to 
Ennien mssing, not responding to comm.... possible injury 
Mara Ryell:     ::nods to Chance::   Going to Red Alert.   ::starts up the 
pretty lights and loud klaxons::
Chance Bennigan:     power up weapons
Geoff Mercida:     Science is not a physical job.   I think thats why I took 
the position.
joymudd:     Not a friendly act.   We're not quite in our rights to open fire 
preemptively, but we can sure give them some very firm language about how to 
behave in our space.
AlexKilgarran:     :::shifts his position so he is standing near the seat 
Sarah is in::::
AlexKilgarran:     :::looks to Mara::: Formulate the hail Lieutenant...
Sarah L Mollin:     ::silently to Alex::   ~~I'll be all right, do what you 
have to do.~~   ::means it, at least for the moment::
Mara Ryell:     >Chance> Phasers powered, torpedoes armed.   ::shifts her 
stance at the console::
MoonshadowsToNEN:     ::Security teams report in grumpily::
Mara Ryell:     >Alex> Formulate, sir?
Chance Bennigan:     ::turns to Alex:: Looks like this is only going to get 
uglier, what do you want to do?
Drizzella GL0n:     >Geoff> You sure it wasn't because ::::cuts off, thinking 
they might need help with the Hail::::
AlexKilgarran:     Work up a Hail that rattles the sabre a bit... get their 
Drizzella GL0n:     >Mara> Diplomacy...but with bravado....
Mara Ryell:     ::scanning the ship::   It looks like they've fired 
disruptors recently.   But scans aren't picking up any debris and I haven't 
found any 
damage on the surface.
AlexKilgarran:     PAUSE SIM
Mara Ryell:     ::paused::
AlexKilgarran:     PAUSE SIM
Drizzella GL0n:     paused
AlexKilgarran:     PAUSE SIM
Chance Bennigan:     ::paused::
MoonshadowsToNEN:     ::Resets her board and begins scanning for Sivaoan life 

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