[ussgeorgetown] "With a Great Big Hug..."

  • From: N'Ellie Coyne <nelliecoyne@xxxxxxx>
  • To: ussgeorgetown@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2007 20:22:03 -0400

"With a Great Big Hug..."
Tawa Pax, Josh Garrity, Kathrine and Stephanie Westmoorland, Joanna, Frankie, Abbie Murgo, Prue Carmichael, and Barney

It was a fairly simple idea. Teach Emma Goodman that it's not nice to be the bully by beating her at her own game. Problem was trying to figure out how they'd get her into the holodeck. Stephanie chewed on her lip as she walked down the hallway towards the transporter room. Just ask someone, Frankie had said. It it's Nan he'll be happy to tell you how they work, she'd went on. If it were so easy why wasn't Frankie doing this? Stephanie was still new at this prank thing. Hell, she was still getting use to being a real kid and not some boarding school refugee. Stopping in front of the transporter room she sighed. "Maybe we could figure something else out."

New lieutenant or not, there was no escaping patrol duty. Tawa could have named any number of things he'd rather be doing rather than that but it was part of the job. Whatever, he said to himself with a shrug. He stepped around the corner and shook his head. What is it with kids anyway?

Stephanie was just about to open the door when something out of the corner of her eyes caught her attention. "Crap," she muttered.

"Now that's just plain wrong," Tawa snorted as he approached. He pointed one well muscled arm up the corridor. "So's your direction. As in you aren't authorized to be down here."

"Homework," she managed to get out before clearing her throat. She tried to put on airs, but this guys freaked her out a little. "I needed to ask someone about something."

"Funny thing about technology in this day age," Tawa mused, folding his arms across his chest, "it's all over the place. They have these neat devices called a comm."

Stephanie forced herself to take a more Westmoorland type stance, not that she thought it would impress anyone. "Some of us prefer to do things in person, makes the request more personal."

"Then sit up straight at the comm screen because, quite frankly, Starfleet regs don't care about personal niceness," Tawa told her. "Trust me, I'm proof."

"Then that would explain why people keep trying to fight Starfleet," Stephanie huffed. "There is always room for proper niceties."

Citrus scented amusement came from him. "No,they fight it because of stupidity," he snorted. "not manners."

"Stupid people have no manners." She replied. "Or at least that's what my grandmother says. Then again, she says a lot of stupid things herself."

"I was just going to say: I am neither stupid nor manner less," Tawa told her. "I just don't give a damn what most people think, including her."

That made Stephanie laugh. "That makes two of us."

Tawa laughed out loud at that. "But I wouldn't try to pull rank on it."

"She wouldn't care about rank." Stephanie explained. "Grandmother isn't impressed with Starfleet. She'd probably shoot you before you got past the front gate."

"Look, kid, you can’t be here," Tawa insisted. "And my own grandmother would shoot me if she wasn't Vulcan."

"Why can't I?" Stephanie asked. She really hated being told what to do, especially by grunts, it was part of her upbringing and she couldn't seem to shake it. "What if I needed to beam somewhere?"

"Then you go find the person responsible for you and have them contact the appropriate officer," he said with a shrug. "Rules are rules even if they are stupid."

Stephanie huffed. "She has better things to do then help me with my project."

"Yeah and I am not getting demerits or worse for letting you where you're not supposed to be," Tawa said with a semi-sympathetic shrug. "If I were you, I'd find somebody who knew how to hack stuff."

"Hack stuff?" She asked with a light pink coloring her nose. "Why would I want that? And you get demerits? What is this high school?"

"I wouldn't know since I never went to high school but ask any Fleet officer. You rack up enough black marks, you got
trouble. I'm still a few too close for comfort," he explained.

Stephanie scrunched her nose. "Great, being an adult doesn't sound much better then being a kid."

"Considering half the officers I know still call me 'kid', I wouldn't know," Tawa told her.

"Why do they do that?" She asked.

"Ah because I only just turned twenty-one a short while ago?" he pointed out.

She thought about it for a second and then asked, "So even though you're in Starfleet they still treat you like a kid?"

Josh snorted slightly as he came up behind Tawa, having heard his comment. Most people still called him "Kid", too. He raised a brow curiously when he realized who he was talking too.

"Oh great." Stephanie sighed when she saw Josh. Somehow her reaction to seeing him amused him. He'd already gathered from listening that Tawa had caught her down there and tried to send her away, and she clearly didn't want to go.

"You're late," he said softly, offering her an excuse for being there if she wanted it, more because he was curious than anything else. Why was she there?

She'd been around Danni long enough to know when to catch on quick. The question was, why was this newly found step-cousin of hers willing to help? "Not my fault. The jolly green security guard likes to talk and keep people from getting where they need to go."

"And I'm about as stupid as he is," Tawa said with a snort. "You're still not authorized to be here unattended so can the attitude before I really ask what's going on."

Stephanie batted her eyes and grinned. "But I'm not unattended. You've kept me company until my cousin could arrive."

"Don't flatter yourself, chick," Tawa told her.

"I was doing my job. There's only three kids I keep company and you aren't one of them."

"Your brother, sister, and the chemical bug." She replied.

"If you mean T'Pern then yeah. Heard about that little mishap you guys had. I gotta say, I like the green bit," Tawa chuckled.

Stephanie beamed. "Don't know what she mixed together but it was great. The color lasted for a week."

It was all Josh could do to suppress the smile. How many "mishaps" had he already had to quickly clean up for the
"chemical bug"? If nothing else, she and the others kept things interesting.

"Look, the less I ask, the less I know. Bad enough she used our cabin computer," Tawa muttered.

"Aunt Joanna has parental controls on hers." Stephanie explained.

"Yeah, well, who knew about that sorta thing?" Tawa wondered.

Stephanie titled her head, blue-green eyes sparkling as she looked at this odd person. "Aunt Joanna."

"Look, I have one smart assed Vulcan kid with me. I don't need it from you, too, chick. All I'm saying is your aunt is probably way older than me and therefore had cause to know about those things," Tawa told her.

Josh punched up directions on one of the PADDs he carried and handed it to Tawa, knowing that he'd still have to come over before long. It wouldn't take long for T'Pern to work her way around those, but they might stump her for a day or two. Maybe.

Tawa hmmphed at the PADD. "Guess what I found out, Josh. The kid's dad is coming back."

Josh paled visibly, remembering T'Pern's father, the scientist who's work had so very nearly been his complete undoing.

Tawa cocked one brow. "What's the matter, man?"

"History," Josh answered, shuddering at the memory of the JOLT and the damage it had done. Nodding at the PADD in Stephanie's hand, Josh indicated she should show him what she needed, hoping to change the subject quickly and tactfully.

Stephanie looked at Josh, then at the padd, and then at Josh again. What was the worst he could do? Tell her mother? That would require him to actually talk to her, and she was pretty sure he was scared to death of her. So after shrugging she handed him the padd.

Josh looked at the PADD, then back up at Stephanie, his bright blue eyes glittering with amusement, though he kept his quiet voice completely neutral as he nodded and said. "Alright, but next time you have a project like this, be here on time."

He was going to help? A slow smile appeared on Stephanie's face. He really was going to help. Ok, no matter what Frankie said about him, he was cool. "Sorry. I will be. Mother says being late is rude."

"Rude? On this ship?” Tawa asked the ceiling. "Perish the thought. Now that doc on Tempest...ah, look, I don't want to know what's going on, do I?"

"And lose all plausible deniability?," Josh answered, his expression dead serious, though his eyes still twinkled merrily.

Stephanie laughed. "So it'd be fair to say that the supervising officer for a school project is present so go on ad do what you do?"

Tawa asked, completely straight faced. "It would," Josh agreed, glancing at Stephanie and trying not to smile and her mirth. "Then I am so very sorry for holding up the progress of education," Tawa said in that same tone but then he leaned so that he and Stephanie were nose to nose. "Keep T'Pern out of trouble when my back is turned."

He asks the impossible, Josh thought, as he led Stephanie to the previously patrolled area, smiling slightly.

Stephanie huffed. "No one needs to help T'Pern find trouble she does well enough on her own."

"Yeah, no kidding," Tawa snorted.

"Still, you known damned well what I mean so that's the deal...assuming you don't want me asking questions."

"Common trait," Josh answered quietly, smiling gently. "who's codes were you planning on using for this?"

Something in his tone made it clear he had a suggestion. Stephanie shook her head at Tawa. "Not without a lawyer present." Then she looked at Josh.

"That's Frankie's assignment." His smile becoming uncharacteristically mischievous, Josh said, "Tell her I've got this one."

She looked up at him for a moment, still wondering why he was helping, then smiled as she reached for the badge on her shirt. "Westmoorland to Murgo. One, we got help."

"Oh yeah?," Frankie's voice came back, sounding both skeptical and curious. "Give a hint."

Meanwhile, Josh led Stephanie to an area where the programming could be done without raising too many questions, his eyes twinkling. Silently, his fingers began to fly, using an amalgam of codes that would eventually lead back directly to Ms. Carmichael. Deftly, he programmed the holodeck and prepared the transport code that would allow Ms. Goodman's lesson's to begin. Adding a small amount of programming and resetting a chip in Stephanie's PADD, he handed it back to her. "Push here," he pointed to a key on the PADD, "Scan the room...then push here" he indicated a different key.

"Okay?" Stephanie looked at the padd and then up at Josh and nodded, a huge smile on her face. "Thanks, Josh."

Josh nodded, smiling slightly as Frankie's voice sounded through the com in disbelief, "Did you just say...whoa...no way....you got him in?"

"Reboot the PADD after you push the second button to wipe it all beyond recovery." Josh said quietly.

Checking his chronometer, he nodded toward the exit. Time to get back to work.

Meanwhile Frankie continued to sound off in disbelief. "Come on...give....how? You gotta tell me how...."

Stephanie gave her cousin a warm smile, knowing he didn't like to be touch. "Thanks, we'll let you know how it goes."

Josh nodded slightly, then, as an afterthought, gave her one of his PADDs. "If they ask. You were researching field harmonics for extra credit." That should give her ...what was it Tawa had thought to maintain....'plausible deniability'? That done, he headed back to work.

With padd in hand Stephanie ran back to where her cousins were waiting for her. She couldn't wait to see the look on Emma Goodman's face.

Frankie saw her approaching and ran to meet her with Abbie in tow. "Okay, are we ready? Did you do it? Did he help? How'd you get him to help?" Frankie bombarded her in urgent whispers the moment they were all together.

"We're ready," She held out the padd. “Just have to press this key on the padd, and he offered."

Abbie smiled. "See, he's ain't so bad."

"Offered," Frankie asked suspiciously. "As in spoke up and just....offered?" she rolled her eyes and announced. "Okay...that's it. There's a shapeshifter aboard and we're busted."

"Why is it so hard to believe he just wanted to help?" Stephanie asked.

"Um...it's Josh...he's Mister straightlace, no frills, no spills, just the facts ma'am, JOSH..." Frankie answered. "Besides, in order to offer, he'd have to talk and everyone knows he doesn't just do that."

Stephanie shrugged. "He talked to me."

"Exactly," Frankie agreed.

"I rest my case." Stephanie just shook her head. "You need to lay off, he's a really cool guy. You're lucky to have him and Zack, Abbie and Zoe, and even Dr. Coyne. Stop being so huffy."

"I'm not being huffy, I'm being straight with you." Frankie answered. "And if you're so impressed with them all, by all means feel free to take them...well, except N'Ellie...and Zoe...okay, and Abs, at least for now...nevermind. You can share them though."

Frankie sulked a minute, hating the fact that Stephanie was right. "Fine. Okay. He offered to help. What did he do? How much do we have left to finish?"

"All we have to do is press the button." The older girl replied. "And watch safely from the comfort of our cabins."

Frankie grinned. "Sounds good," she cooed happily. "Maybe Daniel the Great isn't so bad after all. Let's do it."

"Who's cabin?" Abbie asked as she followed the others down the hall. "Daddy's home in ours, and well, there's Aunt Kate..nuff said."

Stephanie laughed. "Mother had a meeting to work out a possible job while we're here."

"A job? Aunt Kate? Are you kidding? I thought Daddy said Queen Bee's like
Aunt Kate don't work, they make work for others." Frankie blurted without thinking.

"No, Mother works." Stephanie replied as she held back a giggle. "She works with Grandfather plus there's all that society crap. Believe me, putting up with the biddy committee is a lot of work."

"I thought she was part of the biddy committee." Frankie asked, fro winging slightly. "Daddy always said she was, anyway."

"Mother's to young to be a biddy." Stephanie replied as they entered her cabin and then headed for her room. "She's only a junior biddy, Grandmother's a biddy, she's Queen biddy."

Frankie laughed. "at least Daddy got that part right."

Stephanie sighed as she turned on her computer and then laid Josh's padd next to it. "Grandmother must be so angry right now."

Flopping on the bed and giggling, Frankie couldn't resist asking, "How is that any different than usual?"

"Because it's not just me or Aunt Joanna who's defying her, it's Mother."

"Ok, good point." Frankie conceded. "So, are we gonna do this or what?"

Stephanie nodded as she turned on her computer. Then she pressed the button as Josh had told her and watched. The holodeck grid slowly changed into the set of an old Earth children's show, a school room of some kind, and then a moment later Emma Goodman appeared. She looked confused as she looked around, and then her eyes went wide. Through the large double doors came bounding in a huge purple dinosaur. "What the heck?"

Frankie asked, sitting up. "What is that supposed to be?"

The large purple dinosaur began to sign as he approached Goodman who looked terrified. Stephanie laughed, "I don't know but this is great!"

"Tell me you're saving this to share with the class later," Frankie demanded, watching with the same sick sort of fascination someone would watch a shuttle crash. "This is scary." She began to giggle, reveling in Goodman's horror.

"Of course I am!" Stephanie roared as the huge thing tried to hug the screaming girl.

Abbie smirked. "I can do one better."

Reaching over she tapped at the controls and then laughed. "There, now it's broadcasting on the school network."

"How'd you do that, Abs? It isn't going to lead back to us, is it?" Frankie asked, knowing better, but wanting to hear her say it just in case.

Abbie started in on a long winded expiation of what she did which all boiled down to. "It was on Josh's padd, he looped it so many times it can't be traced to us."

"All hail Daniel the Great," Frankie breathed in a moment of genuine admiration, eyes still transfixed upon the nightmare on the screen. “So, how do we get rid of the PADD so we don't get bombed with it?"

"We just touch the padd screen again." Stephanie replied as she watched two smaller foam rubber dinosaurs enter the scene. They were smaller then the first, one yellow and one green with a baby blanket. The joined hands with the larger one and were now playing, what looked like, ring around the rosie with Goodman in the middle.

Frankie's laughs were almost as deafening as Goodman's bloodcurdling screams. Frankie couldn't help but think it served the twit right. After all, she'd started this little war, right?

"I would safely say that we Westmoorland girls have won this one." Stephanie said between bursts of laughs. "No way she's out doing this one."

Frankie'd just opened her mouth to respond when they were interrupted by a sharp knock on the door.
"Ladies," Called both Katherine and Joanna in unison.

"I think we need to talk." Joanna continued.

"You think?" Katherine asked, her voice clearly dripping with sarcasm. Turning back to the door, she asserted. "I'm sure we need to talk. Now."

With a quick jerk of her hand Stephanie reached out and touched the the button on the padd that Josh said would wipe everything clear. "Coming Mother!" She called out as Abbie shut down her computer, then in a whisper she added, "Ok, them in unison, a lot scarier then that purple thing."

Abbie snickered but nodded.

Going over to the door Stephanie opened it. "Yes Mother?"

"The young woman you were complaining of at dinner night before last, Ms. Goodman, I believe? What do you know of her current whereabouts?" Katherine asked plainly.

"According to what we just saw, she's on a holodeck." Stephanie answered honestly. "Whatever she's doing it's been broadcast on the school network."

"You, however, had nothing to do with that. Right?" Katherine prompted. Joanna gave her girls a look that made it clear the question was for them as well.

"Of course not Mother." Stephanie replied, hoping to hell her mother couldn't read her as well as she knew her aunt could read her girls. "I don't even know what that purpley thing was other then nightmarish. Honestly, what was that things purpose? Some people have very wrapped imaginations."

"It was so sickly sweet it made me want to gag," Frankie agreed, deciding to stick with just the facts, hoping that if she remained carefully honest her mother wouldn't catch on.

"Uh, huh," Joanna snapped, eyeing both suspiciously. "Let's hear it. All of it, beginning with why you would risk getting the entire family in so deep so soon after your last escapade, and finishing with who else is involved."

"You heard her," Katherine agreed in her sternly demanding tone.

Stephanie really hated that tone of voice and she had to fight to keep herself from crumbling under it so soon.

"Oh wow," Abbie said from the computer terminal. "I thought cruel and unusual punishment was against the law." She added without looking up from the screen. She'd easily gotten into the holodeck files thanks to Zack's lessons and was accessing the program data on the program Josh had used. "That thing was Carmichael's. Man she's twisted."

"Carmackle.." Stephanie flinched, "Um, Carmichael came up with that?"

"Man," Frankie huffed, suppressing a snicker. "Someone really should refer her to the giant smurf or something. Seriously. You'd have to be pretty sick to do that to a kid, right?"

Katherine looked at Joanna, trying hard not to laugh. Her child sounded so much like she had once upon a time.

Joanna blushed, fighting back a grin, knowing exactly what her sister was thinking. "You're sure none of you had anything to do with this?" Joanna asked, looking at her girls dubiously.

"We can honestly say that we had nothing to do with using that program." Stephanie admitted. And it was true, Josh had picked the program.

"Yeah," Abbie added in, "We wouldn't have come up with something that good. We were just gonna beam her into a vat of snot."

Joanna looked ready to throw up.

"Now, you will tell me who helped you come up with the alternate plan. Who decided to use that particular program?"

Stephanie glared at her cousin as her mind tried to come up with something to say.

"Nobody." Abbie gulped.

"Alright," Katherine demanded, giving them all 'the look'. "Which of you did this. One or all, you decide. Either I know who's responsible, or I hold all of you equally so."

"That would be me," Josh answered. "I meant to delete it after Ms. Carmichael left it running the last time. I guess I forgot to."

"It's alright, Joshua," Katherine answered, her tone suddenly surprisingly gentle. "You're not responsible for someone else's...wait...this really is Ms. Carmichael's program."

Josh nodded. "she had a small group of very young children trapped in their last time." he told her honestly. She'd been leaving preschoolers in their off and on all week.

"Oh, dear," Joanna gasped, looking horrified. "Really?" She turned to Katherine a moment, then glanced back at her children before storming out. There was simply no way she could allow such cruelty to continue.

Katherine hesitated only a fraction of a second before hurrying after her. Better she should handle this. Joanna would only endanger her position, and might not be firm enough. This was definitely a moment for her to take the lead.

Josh waited until they were gone before turning back to the girls. "

Whoa, that was too close," Frankie sighed, eyeing her brother with newfound admiration.
"You saved our bacon that time."

Stephanie let out a slow breath. "I thought we were so dead."

Abbie bit her lip. "Sorry?"

"No big," Frankie shrugged. "As long as we're off the hook. We are off the hook, aren't we?"

Josh shrugged back. He had no idea.

"I wouldn't count on it." Stephanie said. "Mother doesn't forget "bad behavior" easily."

"Yeah, well, she can't very well blame us as long as we all," Frankie turned to Abbie for emphasis," are careful. Right?"

Josh stood there listening a moment, then sighed. Reaching across Stephanie, he punched in a sequence on the PADD. Emma was abruptly beamed out of the holodeck as the program shut itself down and deleted itself, again, apparently, on Carmichael's command. He showed the girls, then erased all traces of the entire adventure from the PADD before hooking it back to his belt. They didn't do anything. He'd sort of made sure of that. He'd programmed it. He'd given them the PADD without telling them what would happen if they pushed the button. Then he'd cleaned up the mess. It should go back to the woman who'd been so ugly to Joanna in her own home the previous night, but if not...well, he'd done it. Not them. He turned then and went back to the replicator, finishing the work he'd come there to do.

"Ok," Abbie said as she watched Josh closely. "He's cool."

Darcy sat at the desk outside Mrs. Carmichael's office working on paperwork. She'd sudden been flooded with calls from parents regarding what was happening on the school's at home channel.

Joanna stormed in, Katherine hot on her heels. "Where is Mrs. Carmichael? I
need to see her now."

The young woman blinked. "Mrs. Murgo," She looked at the woman, she really like her she was kind and enjoyed her work like no one Darcy had ever met before. "She's in her office."

"Thank you, Darcy," Joanna said as she hurried toward the office, with Katherine right behind her. "What in the world is that thing, and how can you subject students to it?"

Without looking up from the work she was focusing on Prudence replied, "A preschool program I've been working on."

"Preschoolers? You can't be serious. You can't really intend to send helpless little children in with that...that...thing! Did you miss the vid? Did you not hear that poor child screaming?" Joanna demanded, wide-eyed.

"Clearly, you can't possibly expect us to place our children in your care after that spectacle." Katherine added.

"They will remain home under our own tutelage until further notice."

"The program is harmless." The older woman said, finally looking up at her guests. "The dinosaur merely sings, tells stories, and teaching the children basic preschool objectives such as sharing and such. Miss. Goodman reacted the way she did because she has a fear of costumed characters."

"And the purpose to sending her in there was...?" Joanna prompted.

"Clearly cruel and unusual punishment," Katherine finished for her before Mrs. Carmichael could answer. "feeding on the fears of her students. I simply won't stand for any such treatment of our children, Joanna. I can't believe Captain Hale would tolerate such things."

Prudence actually blinked. "You believe I sent the child into the program?" She didn't know if she were wounded by the idea or angry. "I would never do such a thing. The girl was clearly a victim in the prank wars that have hit the upper and middle levels. I was attempting to find out how Miss. Goodman ended up on that holodeck when you walked in."

"We've followed the tracer the entire way here. It was fairly convoluted, I'll give you that, but in the end it did lead to you, Prudence. I'm sorry if it offends you. Perhaps you understand more clearly how I felt when you came to my door. However, all that notwithstanding, the fact is it was your program that terrorized that poor child."

Joanna attempted to explain as diplomatically as possible. "And she's not the only one. A vast majority of the people who saw the 'cast were horrified by it."

"How can you possibly justify subjecting students to that?" Katherine demanded, making none of the attempts at diplomacy that her sister was so hampered by.

"Small children find the program rather entering. Perhaps even Stephanie would have liked it as a small child. Maybe we could call her nanny and found out? I'm sure she knew the child rather well and was on a very close, personal level." She replied as she glared up at the two women. "If the trace lead back to be then clearly someone knows enough about the systems to make it appear as if I were the one responsible. Perhaps if
you were to ask your step-son. Joanna, he seemed rather knowledgeable."

"You can't possibly be suggesting that Joshua had anything..." Katherine sputtered angrily as Joanna considered Prudence's suggestion. Deciding Prudence might be right, though not in the way she implied, Joanna cut in, "Of course not, Katherine. I'm sure Joshua would be more than happy to help us trace the source. If it was someone else, I'm sure he'd be able to help us find out who."

"You may also what to discourage your daughters from further involvement in this silly little war." Prudence offered. "The children seem to be trying to out do each other and I really don't wish to know what the other side will come up with to counter this one."

"I assure you we have already addressed the matter with our children and found them to be as surprised and completely horrified by the entire spectacle as we were," Katherine assured her.

Prudence laughed, "You really don't know children very well, Ms.

"I know mine, Mrs. Carmichael." Katherine hissed, her voice dripping with venom.

"I do know children well, as I'm sure you're aware, and I'm convinced our girls weren't involved. I will, however, talk to them about this entire incident again, if only to ward off the trauma they seemed to experience witnessing it," Joanna concurred, unable to believe Prudence would dare say such a thing to a parent, and deciding she only said it because Katherine was her sister. How dare she!? "I'm quite surprised you haven't had to field the question of more concerned parents than just the two of us, given what we just witnessed."

"Perhaps, Ms. Westmoorland, you believe you do, but didn't your daughter come to this ship as a runaway?" Prudence replied before looking at Joanna. "We have been fielding calls since it began to air. We are making it clear that we are looking into the matter."

"She did, and I called here immediately, knowing exactly where to look for her, and I strongly suggest you watch your tone. You are mistaken if you think you have the authority to speak to me or any other parent in this manner, regardless of whether my sister works for you or not. You are an employee only so long as we feel we dare entrust our children's growing and expanding minds to the likes of you. You may find that some of us not only question your authority and ability, but your capacity for rational decisions where our children’s wellbeing is concerned, given that this was your program. I am wholly unconvinced this wasn't your idea of appropriate discipline, given your views on this 'little war' as you put it, and will not, for one, have you anywhere near my child. My own education more than qualifies me to head up her education on my own, but even if it didn't, I would still be far more assured of my own competence with students than you have proven to be. Good day, Mrs. Carmichael." Without waiting for any further reply, Katherine turned and stormed out.

Joanna hesitated only a moment before sighing and adding, "You really did far overstep your bounds, Prudence. You were way out of line and until you apologize to her, I'm afraid I have to agree with her. I can't allow my girls to be subjected to that sort of obvious bias. I'm sorry, but they won't be attending either. Honestly, I expected far more from you. I'd have thought all the time dealing with parents would have taught you some semblance of just basic decency, but that....that was way over the line." She was so angry, she couldn't see straight. "I....I just...I quit..."She hurried after her sister then, knowing how deeply hurt she would be, no matter how well she hid it behind that pompousness her mother had so carefully taught them both. How dare Prudence Carmichael! Honestly!

"Well," Prudence said with a sigh as Darcy came into the office. "That was an awfully
long winded way of saying go to hell."

"You know she's going to get us back." Stephanie said from her dangling position on the edge of the couch. She had her feet pressed against the window, her hair pooling on the floor, and her cousins were upside down as she looked at them. "We have to be ready for the next attack."

"That....that woman...to even think she could..." Katherine sputtered as she stormed in.

"I agree," Joanna consoled her, entering right behind her. "And I assure you I told her so."

"I know, Joanna, thank you," Katherine said, only slightly mollified. She looked around at the girls. "I do hope I haven't made a mistake."

"You haven't. For her to think even for a moment she had a right to speak to you or anyone else that way," Joanna began.

"Horrid old bitty," Katherine agreed, flopping into the chair nearest her daughter. "Do get me some wine, won't you?"

"Of course, dear," Joanna agreed, moving to the nearest replicator.

"No, no, real wine. I have some in my closet, on the rack." Katherine corrected.

"Oh, of course, of course. I'll be right back." Joanna moved quickly to do as she was asked.

"Can you believe," Katherine huffed to the girls, "That cow had the nerve to suggest Joshua might be involved in that whole mess?"

Stephanie looked as of she were watching an upside down tennis match as she head turned side to side, her hair dancing on the carpet in a comical way as she did so. Then she looked up, at an odd angle, at her mother. Stephanie had seen her mother angry on many many occasions, but there was something different this time, something she wasn't sure to seeing in her mother's eyes. The woman actually looked hurt.

"Why would he do that?" Abbie asked after glancing at her sister and her cousin. "He
doesn't even know Emma Goodman. She'd scare him, She's weird and evil."

"Everyone scares him, remember. No way he'd survive Goodman." Frankie concurred, deciding that if he would go to such lengths for them, they owed it to him to protect him. "Besides, he's too busy working to do anything else, right? He doesn't even come to our apartments unless he's got to fix something or is dragged there, and he never talks to
anyone. How's he going to have time to pull something like that?"

"Exactly," Joanna agreed, returning with Katherine's wine. "Here you are, dear."

Taking the wine from her sister, Katherine took several sips before responding. "Well, we should figure out where we're holding our classes, given the number of parents who seemed to agree with us on the way back. It would appear that we'll have a rather large 'homeschool' venture on our hands." Looking at her sister proudly, she added, "It appears that a rather large number of parents have confidence in your teaching methods. You've a following, dear."

Joanna just nodded, looking down in disbelief at the rather large stack of comm codes in her hand.

"Home school?" Stephanie asked in shock before very ungracefully falling off the couch in her attempt to sit op. "Owww."

"Yes, dear, homeschool. You're all to be homeschooled, along with a rather large number of your peers, until further notice," Katherine answered.

Stephanie rubbed her head as she looked at her mother, then her aunt, before asking, "Why?" "Prudence Carmichael far overreached all bounds of decency in dealing with your mother, that's why," Joanna answered, sitting gracefully upon the couch near her sister.

Suddenly Stephanie didn't feel so good. She looked over at her mother again, there was still a lingering hint of hurt in her eyes. "What did she say Mother?"

"She insisted that you were all responsible for this outrage, and when I challenged that assumption, she said..." Katherine's eyes looked even more hurt as she recounted it. "She said that I obviously didn't know you and threw the fact that you ran away in my face as if that proved it. She even went so far as to suggest I call your nanny to find out more about you."

"She was cruel and ugly and had no right to go anywhere near where she saw fit to go," Joanna stated angrily.

"Which nanny?" Stephanie teased weakly as she ran her hand through hair. "I went through several. "She added before pulling her knees to her chest. This had gotten so far out of hand. If her mother hadn't been trying to defend them then Mrs. Carmichael wouldn't have said those things. "I don't think Ms. Kelley's hair ever grew back."

"I'm still getting the wig bills," Katherine agreed, smiling weakly. "She acted as if telling me that you weren't an angel was new information. Of course I am fully aware of your mischievous side. Why do you think we came here first? Whether you'd been responsible or not is completely irrelevant, however. For that woman to think she has the right to speak to any parent in the manner she just did only proves her complete unfitness to hold the position she does, and you will not be returning to school so long as she's even remotely involved."

"Nor will the rest of us," Joanna agreed, though she suddenly appeared slightly green. "That's why I not only pulled my girls out, but quit my post as well. I will not work for anyone who treats others as she just treated you."

"Wait...you quit your job?" Frankie asked, looking at the other girls in disbelief. "I did." Joanna answered back, drawing herself to her full height before making a mad dash for the bathroom, her stomach finally hitting rock bottom.

Abbie looked scared and about as pale as her mother had been a moment before. “Mommy?"

That did it. Huge hot tears welled in Stephanie's eyes as she watched her aunt run from the room.

"Don't worry, girls, she's fine," Katherine assured them, rising from the chair and going to her sister's aid. "Her reaction is perfectly normal given the circumstances."

"Throwing up is normal when you quit your job?" Abbie asked, adding yet another reason to her list for grown ups being weird and never wanting to become one.

Once her mother was out of ear shot Stephanie looked at her cousins. "We have to tell them the truth."

"No," Frankie hissed, not out of worry for them, but for someone else she never thought she'd care about. "After Josh went to all that trouble? What will happen to him if we come clean, do you suppose? He put himself way out there on the line for us, remember?"

"You have to tell them," Katherine told Joanna, holding her hair back for her and patting her back gently.

Drawing a ragged breath and dabbing at her face with toilet paper, Joanna sat back on her haunches, leaning her head against her sister's shoulder. "I need to talk to Darius first." she told her with a sigh. “You don't suppose they really had anything to do with all of this, do you?"

"Of course they did," Katherine answered, smiling slightly. "And you know the answer to that as well as I do. Whatsmore, Joshua helped them, just as Carmichael suggested, but I'll be damned if I'll give her the satisfaction of ever knowing it given how she dared speak to us. She has neither proof nor authority to speak as she did. As far as I'm concerned it no longer matters to me whether they were involved or not. That she could so blithely dismiss us as she did, she was rude and condescending and we were not raised to tolerate that."

"We were raised to be that," Joanna reminded her, rising a bit shakily from the floor.

"Indeed we were." Katherine agreed. "I mastered the art, and you...well, you rose above it. For her to treat either of us as if we were so very far beneath her is simply not acceptable at all. If her demeanor to us is thus, how much worse must it be for our children?" she demanded escorting her back to the girls again. "No wonder they act out
as they do!"

"Frankie!" Stephanie hissed, sounding very much like her mother. "Your mother quit her job because we put her and my mother in a position to get slammed! How can we not tell them? My god we made Aunt Joanna throw up!"

"You should see her when Zoe picks her nose." Abbie said with a giggle. "She goes all green."

"You're antics might have put us in the position, but she chose to take full advantage of it," Katherine said, thus informing the girls' they'd been overheard. "And kindly desist any discussion of such things, Abigail. The last thing we want is to make your mother more...green...though I assure you that nothing any of you did caused that."

"A bell," Stephanie mumbled to herself. "Gotta get her a bell." Taking a deep breath the girl looked up at her mother, tears now making they're way down her cheeks. "I'm sorry Mother, this got way out of hand. We never thought it would get so twisted. We really didn't mean for you and Aunt Joanna to get caught in the cross hairs."

"Are you joking?" Katherine asked seriously. "After what that Goodman girl did to you I'd have helped you myself if you'd just asked, though I appreciate you're honestly, slightly belated though it might be."

"Exactly," Joanna agreed, drawing her girls to her.
"Besides, it's quite unlikely you're father will want me to continue working once we've spoken, anyway." Seeing the questioning looks on their faces she held up a finger and shook her head. "Not yet. Let me talk to him first, alright?" Dumbfounded and concerned, Frankie merely nodded.

"Tonight?" Joanna looked at her oldest daughter a moment then nodded back.

"Tonight." Stephanie looked at her mother in utter shock. There was no yelling, no long winded ramblings about proper this and that, no high brow fuming. The girl was completely dumbfounded.

Abbie laughed. "I think Stevie just broke or something."

"So it would appear," Katherine agreed, laughing as well. "Come now, darling, surely you don't think your Aunt Joanna and I were completely innocent of pranks in our day, do you?"

"Well, maybe Aunt Joanna." The girl replied when she remembered how talking worked.

Both Katherine and Joanna laughed. "Actually, your mother was just better at not getting caught than I was," Joanna told them, wiping her eyes. "We were both rather good at trouble."

"Yes, well, we had the sterling example of father to guide us, remember?" Katherine agreed, laughing so hard she thought her sides might burst.

That she could believe. Her grandfather had a wicked sense of humor. But her mother? "What about all that proper Westmoorland behavior stuff? You always seemed so.. so

That only seemed to make both women laugh harder. "Oh ...yes....an .absolutely... perfect... blowhard! " Joanna sputtered, the expression on her face somewhere between amusement and disbelief.

Katherine stuck her tongue out at her sister, then swatted her with a pillow, laughing too hard to respond. Joanna picked up the couch pillow behind her and swatter her back. Katherine picked up Abbie and held her in front of her like a shield, laughing too hard to even swing the pillow again.

"Hey," Frankie protested. "Put her down! I'm the only one who gets to do that!" She then picked up her own pillow and dived into the fray, helping her mother swat her aunt, laughing as well.

Abbie giggles and laughed as she tried to tickle her way free of her aunt. She was now convinced without a shadow of doubt that her daddy had been talking about someone else. She clearly had another Aunt Katherine out there, because her Aunt Kate was cool.

Stephanie blinked as she watched it all unfold. Her mother, Katherine Westmoorland ice queen, was in the middle of a pillow fight. "I've fallen into the mirror universe."

"Lighten up, " Her mother told her, still laughing as she swatted her with a pillow just before dropping it under the barrage of tickles from her neice. In less than a breath, Frankie and Abbie, as well as Joanna were all ganged up on her, tickling her mercilessly. "Stephanie...help..." she gasped through her helpless laughter.

"Lighten up?" The girl asked, blinking again. Her mother had been taken over by body snatchers or something how was she meant to lighten up? Could her grandmother have been so smothering that Stephanie had never truly seen the real person her mother was? This is a dream, she thought to herself, and when I want up Mother's going to be furious over something or another. A moment later Stephanie shrugged, if she was dreaming she might as well have some fun. With an evil smirk she replied, "Ok, I'll help." Then quickly joined in by tickling her mother.

"Ahh..." her mother squealed, still laughing. "Insolent..." Without another word, she dragged Stephanie to her, tickling her child as the others continued to tickle her.

Blue-green eyes went wide as Stephanie squealed. She wiggled and laughed out very girly squeaks as she gasped for air. "M-oth-er!" She giggled as she tried to bat her mother's hands away. "Mother!" She squeaked. "Mommy!"

Katherine just held her close as the others turned on each other. "I love you," she whispered, barely audible above the din.

It had taken a second for what she'd said to sink in. When was the last time she'd called her mommy? Had she ever? She was half expecting some kind of rebuke for it, but when her mother's voice reached her ears, tears once again welled in her eyes. "I love you too." She replied as she hugged her mother tightly, resting her head on her shoulder.

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