[ussgeorgetown] "Saturday Evening Social"

  • From: "N'Ellie Coyne" <nelliecoyne@xxxxxxx>
  • To: <ussgeorgetown@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2005 22:46:27 -0400

"Saturday Evening Social"

"I still think he's a vampire," Frankie muttered on her way to get ice cream 
with the rest, looking to the other girls for agreement. 

There goes Doc's idea about this being a good idea for me to watch this kid, 
Tawa told himself as he escorted her along with the others to the mess hall.  
And what were these kids even going on about.  What the hell was a vampire?


"Alright, T'Pern, I give up. What's a vampire and why were you guys going after 
them," He asked.


N'Ellie couldn't help but laughed. "Trust me kid. Josh isn't a vampire." 
N'Ellie bit her tongue so she wouldn't say the rest of what she was thinking. 
"You might wanna drop that vampire bit before you mother comes to get you. How 
do you squirts know about vampires anyway?" 


"They're in my books and Frankie's holo-movies." Abbie answered. 


N'Ellie looked down at the little girl who looked so much like her mother. 
"What books?" 


"The vampire chronicles." Abbie answered. 


N'Ellie blinked. "Abbie how old are you?" She asked as they entered the mess 
hall and found an empty table. 




N'Ellie blinked again. "Seven year olds read Anne Rice?" 


"Only when Mommy's not looking," Frankie snickered, "but he is like the 
vampires in them books. He's got no color, and he's all thin-like, and he's got 
really freaky hypnotic blue eyes, and he has to have real blood, not replicated 
blood. So, explain all that, if he's not a vampire. Why did he have to have my 
daddy's blood?"


Oh Joanna! Where are you? I'm not all that great with kids when it comes to 
this stuff! Help!  N'Ellie sat the girls at the table and then waved Cookie 
over. She told him what she needed and he smiled at her before heading to the 
galley. Finally she looked down at the curl headed ten year old. "Ok, first 
lots of humans are pale skinned. Josh is even more pale because he's not well." 
Who was she kidding he was always pale, but even more so now. "He's thin 
because he has a very high metabolism, which means his body burns calories 
really really fast. And again, some humans are just thin. Your Daddy has a thin 
build and so do you." She tapped Frankie on the end of her little nose and 
smile. "I personally think he has amazing and very pretty crystal blue eyes. 
And as for his blood issues.. Josh has a very unique element in his blood that 
makes his blood type very rare and un-replicatable. It just so happens that 
your Dad has the same kinda blood. We were lucky he was here when he was." It 
took a hell of lot for N'Ellie not to choke on her last words.


Frankie giggled at the ____expression on N'Ellie's face. "You looked like you 
was gonna throw up." she told her, still giggling. "Didn't she, Abs? Did you 
think she was gonna throw up when she said that?"  She looked at N'Ellie 
earnestly. "How come, N'Ellie? How come you looked like that?"


Abbie nodded as she watched the old man with no hair walk out with a tray of 
ice creams, cans of stuff, and bowls of candy. "Uhhuh.. Like she was gonna 
throw up.." She hadn't even been looking at N'Ellie. 


Mika looked up at Gressa.  Her nanny hadn't said one word since they left Sick 
Bay.  Her lower lip tremble as she sat down with the others.  Gressa couldn't 
help but notice.


"What's wrong with you, child?" the Klingon woman asked.


"You're mad at me and Daddy's going to mad at me," Mika replied, her voice 
shaking like her lower lip.


Gressa grunted to herself then put on large arm around the girl's shoulders.  
"Your father is not going to mad.  He will be disappointed, I am sure.  You 
would do well to remember that the next time you contemplate doing something 
you aren't supposed to."


"That wasn't an 'I'm going to throw up look' that was an 'I haven't eaten since 
yesterday and I'm going to be sick if I don't eat soon' look." N'Ellie replied. 
She gave Cookie a thank Kahless look and then helped him set up the mini sundae 
bar. "Ok, babies first so lets get Zoe a small dish of plain vanilla."


Zoe clapped, still seated on Gressa hip. "Nilla! Nilla with sprinkles!" 


Frankie pouted. "No fair. She always goes first."


N'Ellie smirked at Frankie as she handed Gressa the ice cream for the baby. 
"Not always, Frankie. You are the oldest so you had to come first at some 


"Nuh-uh...first was Daniel... always everything was about him...Daniel this and 
Daniel that...and not never no more," Frankie pouted, glaring at Zoe. "not 
since she came along."


Handing over the sundae making duties to Cookie, N'Ellie took Frankie's hand 
and lead her to a table by the window. "You're your mother's first, Frankie. 
You were so important to her, such a blessing for her." N'Ellie picked the girl 
up and placed her in her lap and then turned her small face so they were 
looking at each other. "You're your father's first daughter and that makes you 
just as special as Daniel."


"To Mommy, maybe," Frankie corrected her, "but not to Daddy. Nobody's as 
special as Daniel was to Daddy."


N'Ellie frowned as she looked down at the little girl.  "Excuse us a moment." 
She tossed over her shoulder to the others as she lead her farther out of 


Hearing Frankie, Mika finally looked up from her pout.  Gressa was helping 
little Zoe but Mika was still waiting, thinking about what her father might 
say.  What Frankie was saying sounded a bit like she herself said when her 
father and Calista told her she was going to have a sibling.


"My dad and Calista are going to have a baby but Daddy says that I'll always be 
the first baby.  I think N'Ellie's right, Frankie.  You'll always be the first 
girl," she said as she twirled a curl around her fingers.


Seren and Lish were side by side with Lish holding Challornetha.  A trip to the 
mess hall was called for rather than their quarters.  Neither was up to making 
dinner and Seren, Lish knew, made faces at replicated food.  Besides, they 
reasoned that this would be a chance to just sit and relax.  They both came to 
a complete halt when they entered the room and saw all the girls.



T'Pern sat with her notepad out what she wasn't writing anything. She was still 
thinking about the patient that she and her companions had thought to be a 
vampire. ~ After getting a good look at him he didn't seem much like  a 
vampire~ She thought as her stomach growled. ~ I wonder what happened to him?~


"I still can't believe you're really going to eat that," Christian said, 
looking at the peanut butter cup ice cream with pickles and chocolate sauce his 
sister was cradling like a treasure in her arms. 


"It's very good," Calista responded, casting him look that clearly dared him to 
continue. "And the little ones like it." 


Spying the troupe of little girls across the mess hall, Christian smiled. 
"Speaking of little ones, I believe I see my very charming future-niece over 
there, and it looks like she's got ice cream too," ~though her's looks better 
than yours,~ he teased in her head.


"Mika," Calista smiled as she approached. "Gressa, Tawa, I want you to meet my 
brother Christian. Christian, this dear lady is Gressa, the one I told you 
about. I swear we'd never get along half as well here without her. And this 
young man over here is my coworker and friend, Tawa Pax."


Mika grinned at Calista.  Either she didn't know what she'd done or she didn't 
think it was too bad.  "Hi, Uncle Christian," Mika said.  She told herself that 
had to be okay since Calista was going to be like her mom.  


Gressa offered the man a nod, eyeing him suspiciously despite the younger 
woman's introduction.  One never knew these days.  For his part, Tawa smiled 
slightly and nodded.  "Pleasure to meet you, Commander.  Calista's my favorite 


Christian smiled, nodding to each in turn. "Pleasure to meet you both." Turning 
his attention to Mika, he asked, "Would you like to introduce your friends too, 
little miss?"


T'Pern looked up at Tawa. ~Is he upset at me?~ She thought ~It was an honest 
mistake.~ T'Pern griped Tawa's hand harder, without noticing that she did, 
before turning her attention over to Mika and the newcomers.  


Mika grabbed Christian's hand and dragged him over to the other girls before 
Tawa could introduce his charge.  Tawa shook his head and smiled at Calista.  


"You know what?  That many of them together is dangerous," he said dryly.  He 
felt T'Pern's hand in his and looked down at her.  What's with this kid?  He 
offered the girl a slight smile and said, "Come here, small stuff.  I want to 
talk to you."


Lish and Seren, still staring, approached the safest looking people in the 
room--Calista and Gressa.  "Calista, were we overrun by an elementary school?" 
Seren asked.


"Actually, from what I understand, it's just one family. If the rumours are 
correct, it would appear that the Murgo family has landed."


Lish's snow white brows were lost under his braids.  He and Seren joined 
Calista but his gray eyes glanced over at the girls then back down at the child 
Seren held.  "The same one?"


Calista nodded. Very quietly, she told Lish. "Scuttlebutt says he's here to 
help, though. Even some really weird rumors I won't repeat, but about which 
we'll see. One move against Josh here where I can reach him, though, and I'll 
kill him myself."


Lish hissed in honor of people who weren't even there.  He fought back the urge 
to lash out, though.  He was angry at the man, not his family.  He tilted his 
head slightly in a nod.


"We would be in agreeance with that."


Abbie looked around and watched as all the grown up talked. Then she looked 
over at her sister and N'Ellie. Shaking her head she just had to laugh. 
"N'Ellie don't know what she's getting into." 


The mess hall was a lot fuller then Vivie had expected it to be. She looked 
around quickly and then spotted who she was looking for. Stepping a little 
closer she called out softly. "Cali, can I talk to you a moment?" 


Calista looked surprised for a moment, but nodded. "yeah, sure, Vivie...excuse 
me counselor," she moved toward her, then asked quietly. "What's up?"


Vivie sighed. She hated this part of her job. Leaning in she lowered her voice 
so only Calista could hear her. "We just got word from SF." She took another 
deep breath. "Hon, your dad.. He was killed this morning."


Calista looked at Vivie blankly a moment, as though she hadn't heard what she 
said. When at last it sunk in, she turned, looking around for her brother. 
~Christian, can you come here a minute?~ she called out silently.


Lish could tell something was wrong.  He wanted to give Calista a vestige of 
privacy in the room so he stood up.  He gently touched her shoulder and said, 
"We will be over there if you need me, Calista."


From across the room, the red-haired man stood and excused himself from his 
place with the girls, still laughing at their antics. "I'll be right back," he 
assured them as he extricated himself and walked quickly to his twin sister's 
side. ~What is it,~ he asked, placing an arm around her waist and pulling her 
close at the sight of her. 


"Our father is dead," she told him blandly, unable as yet to muster any emotion 
regarding the news. 


Christian sat her at the closest table, keeping a hand on her shoulder as he 
turned his attention to Vivie. "How?" he asked very quietly. 


"According to what we were told he a seizure that caused an aneurysm in a blood 
vessel in his brain." Vivie told him softly. "I'm so sorry, Cali." She placed a 
hand on her friend's shoulder. 


Cali placed a hand over Vivie's and frowned slightly. "But he's never had 
seizures before...." She looked up at Christian for more answers. 


"You know what he was involved in. What he tried to do." Christian answered 
quietly. "We knew this was coming, even if we didn't know how."


Cali nodded. "You're right, of course." Turning her eyes back to her friend, 
added, "thank you, Vivie,"she moved to stand, before placing a hand to her 
abdomen, eyes widening. Christian sat her back down quickly. 


"Easy, now," He said aloud, echoing the words telepathically for her and the 
children she carried. "Breathe and relax. Let the shock pass before you try to 
move forward." Placing one of his hands over hers on her abdomen, he seemed to 
listen a moment, then looked up at Vivie. "Could you possibly have Doctor 
Kaartaren meet her at their quarters? I'm going to take her back there if Lady 
Gressa doesn't mind continuing to mind the small one alone for the moment, and 
I think she could use his company right now."


"I'm already here," Pas said, striding through the mass of children and adults 
to kneel by Calista's side.  He'd sensed her turmoil long before then and had 
only quickened his pace when he sensed it growing.  ~~Calista, what's the 
matter, love?  Tell me.~~


Calista threw her arms around his neck, burying her face in his shoulder 
silently, clinging as one drowning might clink to a life preserver. She 
couldn't answer. She couldn't say it. She dared not even think about what she'd 
just been told or how she felt about it. 


She was shocked, yes, and distressed that those he'd surrounded himself with 
had finally turned on him. Even afraid for herself and Christian, knowing how 
long they'd been unwitting pawns in it all. Would those who'd killed him come 
for them as well? And yet, she could find no grief within her, no real sadness 
at his passing, and this distressed her most of all. She should be upset, even 
angry to hear that her father was dead, should she not? Why then was she so 
terribly relieved? What kind of monster did this make her?


The infants she carried felt the overwhelming surge of conflicting emotions 
within her and recoiled from them, unable to deal with so much so fast. Calista 
doubled with the pain of their reaction, still clinging to Pas, her one port of 
sanity in the tidal wave of confusion that threatened to consume her. 


~We should get her out of here now,~ Christian told Pas as he stood, moving to 
clear a path for them, keeping his own feelings on the entire matter carefully 
hidden for fear of causing his twin even greater distress.


Pas had her in his arms and was on his feet heading toward the door in a 
heartbeat.  ~~Calista~~~ He was there in her mind, a warm soothing presence.  
~~Imzadi, you're okay. I'm here.  I need you.  Our babies need you.  Mika needs 


It took T'Pern a moment to realize that Tawa was speaking to her. She looked up 
at him ~ Am I in trouble ~ she thought as she stood in front of him. " Yes?"


Tawa nodded toward a chair then took the one next to it.  He looked at T'Pern 
with a face that was stern yet not truly darkened.  "What were you guys doing?  
I never heard of vampires to begin with but do you really think Joshua's 
a...whatever those things are?"


Joanna noticed Lish across the room and remembered something she'd heard 
earlier. "Is that young Andorian gentleman the counselor your young man saw on 
the station, by any chance?"


N'Ellie looked over at Lish and nodded as she waved him over. "That's him and 
he's not my young man."


"Whatever you say dear," Joanna patted her hand absently.


Asking Seren to wait with the baby, Lish approached N'Ellie and Joanna.  He 
actually had never met the woman but he knew who she was.  This woman is 
married to one of the monsters who want to hurt my baby...yet there her own 
three babies.


"Can I help you with something, N'Ellie?" he asked in his soft voice, after 
giving Joanna a brief version of an Andorian nod.


Aidoaneth was never one to eat first meal but it was well past the time for 
lunch, if not dinner.  He didn't want to nauseate T'Leara with the smell of 
food in her current state and had simply kissed her cheek, telling her to join 
him in the mess hall should she feel up to it.  Of course, once he arrived 
there, he stopped short.  He couldn't recall ever seeing so many little ones on 
a ship in one place.  T'Leara knew but not too many others did...he missed his 
children.  He offered N'Ellie and her charge a smile.


N'Ellie smiled back at Aidoaneth before returning her attention to Lish. "I'd 
like to introduce you to Joanna Murgo." The one I've told you about in my 
sessions. She added in her head. No need to let on that she's been seeing a 


Lish barely blinked.  He titled his antennae toward the woman.  "Welcome aboard 
the Georgetown, ma'am," he said in his soft voice.  He tilted his chin toward 
her girls.  "You have lovely children."


"Then you, counselor." Joanna smiled genuinely at the Andorian. "I am sorry to 
interrupt your time with your family...you have a beautiful child as well...but 
you see, my children are, in a manner of speaking, what I hoped to talk to you 
about." she paused, searching for the proper way to explain this to him, before 
finally settling on the direct approach, "Fifteen years ago my husband's son 
from a previous marriage was lost and presumed dead. My children have grown up 
with the knowledge that their brother, Daniel, died before they were born. 
However, it appears that this was not the case. I understand one has figured 
out already who the young man is, and I intend to tell the others." She turned 
a frank gaze toward the counselor. "And I should very much like your assistance 
in determining the best time to tell the young man as well. He is a patient of 
yours, you see, and currently in very delicate physical condition."


Lish had been about to thank the woman for her comments when she came out with 
the rest of her statement.  Long white lashes blinked in confusion.  He peered 
over at the girls then back at Mrs. Murgo and N'Ellie.  She could only mean one 
person and he found that to be just absolutely amazing.


"Do you mean Joshua?" he asked, not able to hide the surprise in his voice.


"I do." She answered simply. "I believe he has a right to know who he truly is, 
and the opportunity to rejoin the family that circumstances and certain 
unscrupulous people -  his own father, God help us, included - have deprived 
both him and his brother of all these years. I simply need your professional 
attendance to when the best time to see to this would be."


"Those same people have done a lot of things to a lot of people," Lish said a 
bit sadly.  "Mrs.  Murgo, I'd be very glad to help out but I think it would be 
best if we started with you and your husband, then your children."


"My husband and I are already working on it, thank you, though I'm certain your 
assistance would be welcomed. Francesca has figured much of it out herself, 
though, and I fear if we don't intervene she'll inform the others in a manner 
less than conducive to harmonious integration, you understand. They've rushed 
in and disturbed him once already without any knowledge who he might be."

Lish sniffed slightly in amusement.  That seemed to be a trait of many older 
siblings.  "Yes, I heard something about vampires," he said softly.  His gray 
eyes lit onto Joanna's.  "If your husband has no objections to me, Mrs. Murgo, 
I am at your service."

Joanna smiled gratefully, taking one of his hands in her own. "Thank you so 

"You are quite welcome," Lish said automatically. 


Tawa's bright blue eyes blinked.  Where in the Goddess' name do people come up 
with this stuff?  "That has to be one of the most bizarre sounding stories that 
I've ever heard.  Drinking blood...that's just really, really bizarre.  Alright 
I can understand why they might have felt inclined to attack that poor nurse 
but what exactly were you doing wandering around when you were supposed to be 
doing school work?"


T'Pern stared strait at his eyes not even blinking " I wished to see more of 
the ship. While wandering I spotted Doctor Kaartaren and this group of girls 
and was invited to join them. As for school work I haven't the slightest idea 
what you're talking about. I have not seen any school let alone work from it." 
~ I used to have school on the holodeck.~


Tawa bit back a sigh.  He supposed the teacher on board had been rather busy.  
"Yeah, well, that has to change and very quickly.  Trust me, I know from 
experience that a kid with nothing to do can always make trouble," he told her 
with a wry twist of his mouth.  Damn.  What was that lady's name.  Oh--right.  
Tapping his comm badge, he said, "Mrs. Carmichael, this is Ensign Pax.  If you 
have a moment, could you come to the mess hall?  There's someone I'd like you 
to meet."


" Do you have another one of those?" T'Pern asked looking at him. " If I could 
take one apart, I could figure out how to make some so that my new companions 
and myself could communicate with each other." 


"No need to take any of them apart, T'Pern.  You could ask the Ops officer or 
maybe my boss to set you guys up with one each with a special sub frequency 
that's set to your little vampire hunting group," Tawa explained.  Great, 
they're both Vulcans but I don't think either of them is exactly the warm 
cuddly sort...


" That would be quite helpful." said T'Pern looking up at him much more at ease 
than she had been before. " Who were you trying to get to come meet you?"


"Mrs. Carmichael is the head teacher.  I'm guessing something happened to the 
lady who was supposed to be your teacher.  You were supposed to have had school 
work by now," he explained.


" Oh. Mr.Pax." T'Pern looked up at him trying to keep the worry out of her 
voice and eyes. " you won't leave me will you? I mean. You won't resign as my 
caretaker will you?"

"What?" Tawa asked, his eyes widening.  He shook his head and gave her a smile, 
even if Vulcans didn't generally smile.  He then put one rather large green 
hand oh her shoulder.  "Of course I'm not going to do that, T'Pern.  I'm here 
with you 'til your dad comes back from his mission."


It had taken her a moment to figure out who had called her, but once Prudence 
was aware that it was the guardian of one of the ship's children, she quickly 
made her way towards the mess hall. She had been fielding complains form 
several of the parents regarding their lack of a proper teacher for their 
children, and Prue really couldn't blame them. Stepping into the mess hall Prue 
was more then a little surprised at the number of children she was unfamiliar 
with. Spotting the Vulcan child whose guardian had called her Prue walked over 
to her and the man standing next to her. "Ensign Pax? I am Prudence 
Carmichael." She then looked down at the child. "You must be T'Pern." Her voice 
was very firm and proper and accented with a soft English accent.


"Pleased to meet you, ma'am.  I'm not sure what happened to her teacher but 
T'Pern says she hasn't seen any school nor any work from it.  That seems to 
have left her and her cohorts plenty of time for vampire hunting," Tawa 
explained, still not quite believing the vampire thing at all.


"Vampire hunting?" Prue asked with a quizzical look. "Indeed. As for the young 
miss's teacher, I'm sorry to say I've lost the primary teacher for her group. I 
can offer to place her with the younger children until I can find a replacement 


"What do you think, T'Pern?" Tawa asked.  Even if it was his choice in the end, 
he always wanted her to have a say.  Kids were not stupid.


T'Pern shifted her gaze from the woman to Tawa before responding.  "I would 
much rather spend my time with my new companions and do not see how being with 
a younger age group would benefit me academically I have already learned what 
they are learning and believe that if I must spend my time on 'schoolwork' it 
would be better to review history in the holodeck. If you wish to place me with 
the younger children it is your choice but I do wish for you to consider my 


"I was not aware that there were new children onboard." Prue replied as she 
glanced at the other three children. "I must speak with their parents about 
enrolling them in the system. I will not have children on the ship who are not 
in school." She then looked down at T'Pern. "I will send you course work to do 
until I can get a teacher for your group."


"And if you need help, ask me or I'm sure Ensign McCallah might not mind 
either," Tawa said.


Aidoaneth was having fun watching the children.  It made him wonder what his 
and T'Leara's child would be.  These were all girls and he wondered if all 
Human children were so loud and giggly.  He sat drinking a cup of tea and 
watching them.


Abbie watched the tall man in the medical uniform as he'd been watching them. 
He kinda looked Vulcan but something about didn't seem like any Vulcan's she'd 
ever met. Slipping away from the other she walked up to him. "Hello."


"Jolan'tru, little one," he said with a smile.  Perhaps a little younger than 
Kaartaren's child, he thought.  Cute, he told himself.  "Those are your 


"The brown haired one is Frankie, the little redhead is Zoe, and I'm Abbie." 
Abbie replied as she looked at the man. "You're not Vulcan are you? Even though 
you have elf ears."


"Elf ears?" he asked curiously, subconsciously reaching to touch his ears.  He 
shook his head.  "Definitely not an elf nor a Vulcan.  I am Rihannsu although 
in Standard you say Romulan."


"Wasn't you the bad guys before the war?" Abbie asked. "Are you still the bad 
guys? My Daddy says that Romulans are.." Abbie stopped short. "Well, I can't 
say the words or Mommy will yell at me."


Aidoaneth chuckled softly.  "The Romulan Empire was definitely an enemy to the 
Federation before the war--yes.  Now, I can only speak for myself and my 
brother.  He lives on Earth just as I live here on this ship.  We are both 
doctors," he explained.  "I am Dr. tr'Ghaladriel, Abbie, and if you would be 
wise to mind your mother's advice about certain words.  Words are powerful and 
cause a lot of trouble."


"Mommy says that words have a lot of power." Abbie replied. "But they're just 


"Perhaps," Aidoaneth said, not wanting to explain to her how, to a Rihannsu, 
words did indeed have their own power, especially names words.  "How old are 
you, Abbie?"


Abbie smiled brightly. "Seven." She answered. "Are you as terribly old as my 
Daddy is?"


Ari had gotten tired of sitting in the lounge and decided that perhaps a bit of 
dinner would settle her nerves. She was still feeling bad about the way things 
had ended with Von and hoped that she might be taking a dinner break and they 
would have a chance to talk.


When she entered the mess hall she was overwhelmed by the noise and the number 
of children running around. They were all projecting and as tired as she was, 
Ari hadn't thought to block her senses. She got an immediate headache. She 
quickly put up her walls and found what she hoped would be a nice quiet table 
in the corner.


Frankie noted the newcomer in medical blues and slipped away from the others 
quietly. "Who are you? And what happened to your hand!"

Ari returned Aidoaneth's nod, wondering what he thought about all these 
children running around. She was just grateful that she didn't have any. As she 
was trying to mind her own business, a strange voice was talking to her. ~Can't 
a person just sit without being disturbed?~

Looking at the young girl, Ari debated on what to say or even what to do. "I am 
a doctor on this ship, who are you? As for my hand, it was injured and had to 
be amputated. I was given this prosthesis which I can remove and replace with 
different ones, for different uses." Just to see what her reaction would be, 
Ari turned her left hand, until it clicked and then removed it, setting it down 
on the table.

"whoa, that's cool," Frankie responded, her eyes going wide with wonder. "does 
is hurt?"

"No, it doesn't hurt, if it did I would refrain from removing it. If you would 
like to look at it you may, but please be very careful with it."

"Okay sure," Frankie agreed quickly, anxious to get a closer look at the 

Aidoaneth gave a nod to his fellow doctor then turned his attention back to his 
young friend.  "I do not know your father so I really cannot answer truthfully. 
 I will tell you that I am forty-two years old, not terribly old for my people 
at all."

"My Daddy is 41 which is really old for humans." Abbie told her new friend. 
"He's an Admiral. He's in sick bay giving his blood to the vampire that Mommy 
keeps calling N'Ellie's young man. She says that N'Ellie has a mitten, no way 
that's not right, ooo.. smitten, that's it.. She's smitten with him."


"Vampire."  Aidoaneth liked to read and had actually read a few ancient Earth 
novels on the subject.  He had to look away from the child a moment, to control 
the urge to laugh, and ended up looking at N'Ellie.  'Vampires' he mouthed.  
"Joshua is not a vampire, Miss Abbie.  He is Human."


T'Pern nodded to the woman before her stomach gave an all mighty roar. " 
Mr.Pax, would it be alright if I got myself some food. I am afraid that in 
exploring the ship I forgot to get lunch."


"Now that I find just absolutely amazing," Tawa said dryly, knowing how the kid 
liked to eat. "Go ahead and join your little friends but eat real food and not 
ice cream.  I don't know about you but it gives me sugar highs."   He grinned 
at Mrs. Carmichael.  "It's true, you know."


"Ice cream. I do not believe that I have ever consumed it so it is not very 
logical to believe that I would now."T'Pern said trying not to think too much 
on his humor ~ hmmm...Ice cream. That is an odd name for a food.~ T'Pern made 
her way over to the counter and ordered what she always ate, a somewhat odd 
assortment of Rigellian fruits and Borellian greens, before sitting amongst her 
peers and looking at the strange foods they held. 


Mika looked up at Gressa and N'Ellie, her eyes darkening.  "Where's my dad 
going and why's he carrying Calista?"


N'Ellie had felt the wave of emotion long before Mika has asked about Calista. 
~Do you need help, Sir?~ She asked Pas while trying to reassure Mika. "I think 
he's just trying to get out of the crowd, Mika. It's getting a little wild in 
here. I guess the crew grew tired of sick bay." 


~~Calista just needs the doctor right now, baby~~ Pas told his daughter.  
~~N'Ellie make sure she stays with Gressa, please.~~  He just hoped he'd kept 
his distress away from Mika.


T'Pern looked around. She had just noticed  how crowded it had gotten. She took 
out her note pad and automatically started jotting down the eating habits of 
some of the strangest creatures. When she came across one she didn't know the 
name of she would sketch down a life like portrait of the creature so that she 
could look it up later. In only a matter of minutes she was so engulfed in what 
she was doing that she found her self wandering around and, much to the dismay 
of those that were eating, standing beside people and taking notes on them. 
Many people were disturbed by her presence and would either look uncomfortably 
at her or get up and move to a different spot. Some would even start yelling in 
languages that she didn't understand at which point she would move on. ~ so 
many different cultures. How interesting.~ She thought as some sort of reptile 
like creature began to wave its tray above his head. ~ They have such different 
temperaments. how strange.~

Wandering back into the Mess Hall, Vincent frowned at the mass of people.  Ah 
but what better place to get lost in a crowd, he muttered.  He had yet again 
failed to get back into his quarters and he feared that his wife would never 
speak to him again.  Ordering a shot of coffee, he eased himself behind the 
only vacant table and stared around at the myriad people.


T'Pern wandered over to a man that had just ordered a coffee and stopped right 
next to him staring at him and taking notes every few seconds.

"Bon jour, mon petit chou, what can I do for you?"  Vincent smiled at the 
child, trying not to fidget under her inspection


As soon as the man spoke T'Pern began writing again before returning her 
attention to the man. " What is that?" she asked turning her attention to his 
steaming cup of coffee."Is it supposed to so hot?"

"Mais naturellement, it is coffee, it is supposed to be hot.  Would you like to 
try some?"  He offered her the espresso cup.  "It is strong, I warn you."


T'Pern took the cup that was offered to her and sipped some before giving it 
back. "What is it made of?" She asked as she enjoyed the sweet after affects of 
the warm beverage. " It is a very interesting liquid."

"In reality?  Coffee beans, picked, roasted, ground down into power and infused 
with hot water.  Although, the methods for creating the perfect cup of coffee 
differ from person to person, the essentials are the same."  He gave the child 
an appraising look.  "You liked it?  I am impressed.  Most people your age do 
not appreciate the taste of a good cup of coffee.  Admittedly, this is nowhere 
near a good cup.  If I could get into my quarters, I have some beans that my 
brother gave me as a birthday present last year.  Real, home grown beans, 
roasted five times over varying levels of heat and different woods."  Vincent's 
eyes went misty with the memory of the hot nectar.  "The aroma alone is heaven."

T'Pern took note of the look on the mans face. "If it would not be overly rude 
may I ask what species you are?" She said still looking at the ___expression on 
his face. " I would like to be able to note it."

"Not at all," Vincent said, an eyebrow perked.  "Je suis un humain."  With a 
chuckle, he repeated, "I am a human.  Why do you wish to know?"

T'Pern thought about it for a moment before answering.  "Science. I am studying 
the ways that different species interact and such. Why were you alone?"

"Ah, that is a sad story, petit chou.  My wife, although she loves me, she is 
very angry with me and will not let me back our cabin."  Sadness crept through 
his eyes even though he kept his smile in place.  "Aussi, I am not exactly the 
most popular person here.  But alas we French are used to it," he added with a 

T'Pern had no clue what to do in these situations so she just stood there 
before asking. " Does the coffee cost money?"

"Non, petit chou.  It comes from the replicator.  My supply of beans was free 
also, my brother has a few plants at home in a greenhouse."  He shrugged.  "If 
I were to try to procure some on the Station then yes, quite possibly.  Beans 
of the quality that I am used to would be expensive.  I am glad that mon frere 
sends me packages of the things from time to time."  Frowning a little, he 
waved her over.  "You can sit, petit chou, you do not have to stand there."

T'Pern took the seat the man had gestured to nodding politely at him. "Perhaps 
I would be able to procure some from the replicator. Are these grown on earth?" 
She asked looking over at Tawa " I believe Mr.Pax would like some and I might 
be able to order some If I knew where to get them. Does your brother sell them?"

Laughing loudly, Vincent's eyes sparkled.  "Non, petit chou, my brother sells 
wine.  You can get coffee from the replicator, of course.  When my wife lets me 
back in my room, I will give you some of my real beans also, if you would like. 
 And teach you how to make proper coffee."

"That would be...nice." T'Pern answered not knowing how Tawa would react " I 
think I would like that. Maybe I could meet your wife."

"But of course you may.  We will have coffee and my wife will bake cakes, she 
is the most wonderful cook."  A misty smile spread over his face.  "She makes 
these little biscuits, made with nutmeg and cinnamon, rolled in sugar.  We will 
have those, I think."  Yes, that is how I will get back into my rooms, my wife 
will not resist entertaining for petit chou and her friends.  Both Vincent and 
his wife loved children but they were unable to have any of their own.

" I am afraid that I am not familiar with those ingredients but if they are as 
...tasteful as this I believe that I shall...... enjoy them." T'Pern had 
trouble finding words that suited her purposes but she got along okay with the 
ones that she chose. " Do you have any children?"

"Non, petit chou, we have not been..."  Vincent's voice caught in his throat a 
little but he covered it with a smile.  "Non, we have no children.  Mais, my 
wife is the librarian, I am told that her story times are very popular."

As was his habit, Revaed surveyed any room as soon as he walked in.  He spotted 
his nephew holding his great-niece and nodded. All was well Seren's nod told 
him.  Menkha, he told himself.  There are too many things going on still.  I 
ought to ask that changeling how things are on the station.  He was took a seat 
close to where he could keep an eye on Seren and the child, knowing they were 
both easy to keep track over amongst the seeming horde of children in there.

Vincent watched the alien wander in, his face picking up the classic markings 
of a Vulcan.  Smiling at T'Pern, he called over to Revaed, "Will you join us 
also?"  Well, well, Vincent, you are most sociable this evening.  He ordered 
coffee enough for three and waved the new-comer over.

Revaed turned to see who had spoken to him.  Humans have the most peculiar 
voices, he mused.  His dark eyes, which often looked like a hunter's stare, 
took Vincent and the child in.  True, between T'Aris' own children and Baya's 
many nieces and nephews, he had been exposed to more children but they still 
seemed like alien creatures to him, no matter the species.  

He moved over slightly, still keeping a peripheral watch on Seren, then stared 
down at the mug the Human had ordered.  "Why do you people drink that stuff?"

"You do not drink coffee, mon ami?"  Vincent raised an eyebrow.  "C'est une 
catastrophe.  Why?  It is one of the few fine things in life, alongside good 
wine and a fine woman."

"It tastes of shoe polish that the old ones use in the market place," Revaed 
told the stranger.  "My niece's husband thinks the same as you but he is 
partial because it grows in his native land.  I tried it to silence him but it 
still is unpalatable."

"You are a heathen, mon ami," Vincent chuckled.  "And what of wine and women?  
Or do you abstain from even those fine things also?"

Revaed snorted in amusement.  He has no idea what he's asking.  "Neither.  Ask 
your khiensa about his bottle of Andorian ale sometime and my lady is aboard 
this ship."  Elements, the man thinks I'm a Vulcan like Seren..

"Bah!  Andorian ale, sickly stuff.  Now that is unpalatable.  My brother owns a 
vineyard in the South of France, I have many fine examples of his vintages.  
There is nothing in the known universe like a fine, red wine."  Vincent eyes 
the man very carefully as something struck him.  "You are married then?  That 
is something that I have never truly understood about Vulcans, how they can 
marry without love."

Revaed, stared, then gave voice to what that stare said.  "What sort of an 
idiot are you?" he asked, one brow raised.  "Do I look like the sort of man who 
lives without any sort of passion?"

Vincent simply gaped, his colour rising.  "Je suis desole, mon ami.  I did not 
realise, you are Romulan?"  His eyes widened and he just plain stared at the 

"Obviously," Revaed said dryly.  he tapped the silver colored knife at his 
waist.  "I have never seen a Vulcan with a kaleh.  I am very Rihannsu.  Nor am 
I married.  We have an understanding--my lady and I."

"Huh," Vincent said as he sipped his fresh coffee.  "What kind of 

"I am hers and she is mine.  As simple as that," Revaed stated.  Indicating the 
doctor talking to Abbie, he added, "You do know there is another of us aboard, 
do you not, Sergeant?  Dr. tr'Ghaladriel is no more a Vulcan than I am."

"Non, I was not aware of this.  Err...  I know that we are at peace with the 
Empire now but do you not think it unsafe to be here?  There are still many who 
hate your kind."  Swirling the black liquid around in his cup, he appraised 
Revaed.  "Not that I am one such."

"And I could care less if you did," Revaed said a bit dryly.  "No passion robs 
the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear.  A proverb my 
father was fond of.  Sergeant, there are no doubt a whole host of people who 
wish be dead but if I worried about that all the time I would be locked in a 
closet like an idiot.  That is no way to live."

"Oui, that is very true."  Losing himself in the vortex of his drink, Vincent 
tried imagining if the situation were reversed.  It made the hairs on the back 
of his neck stand on end.  So engrossed in his meandering thoughts was he that 
it was a fair few minutes before one of the things that the Romulan had said 
sunk in.  "I am not a Sergeant, mon ami, I am a Sergeant Major."  His eyes 
flashed to Revaed's and he added with a tight smile, "There is a very large 
difference.  But please, call me Vincent."

That mistake, Revaed could understand as being offensive.  "My apologies, 
Vincent," he said simply.  "Not all of us served the military so am not 
familiar with all your ranks, even if I was enarrain of our Imperial Guards.  
The word is captain in Standard but I answered to no one save the Praetor.  
Even then, he had to obey certain of my demands."  He considered the other man 
quietly, his dark eyes a shade less than calculating for once.  At his age and 
rank, mnhei'sahe demanded certain things.  "I am Revaed S'Aehallh'Nveni."

T'Pern looked up at the two men. Taking in all that they said while remaining a 
 moment before asking Vincent. " Would it be all right if Mr. Pax were to join 

"Vincent Aigremont," he said to the Romulan with a respectful nod.  Turning to 
T'Pern, he added, "Non, of course he may join us.  Or at least," he looked at 
Revaed, "with your agreement, mon ami."

Revaed shrugged.  "If my nephew's son wishes to join us, it is his decision, " 
he said.  Even if he was a bit hot tempered, he liked the boy.  He had a much 
potential.  He smirked at Vincent.  "You are surprised, Vincent?"

"A little."  Narrowing his eyes at the security guard that T'Pern was 
addressing, he considered the pair of them.  Quite a hybrid, isn't he?  
"Although, the longer that I do this job and the older I get, the less things 
surprise me.  Do you not find that, Revaed?"

"I ceased being surprised at anything in the Federation after I met my niece's 
husband," Revaed agreed.

T'Pern got up immediately and walked over to Tawa "Mr.Pax, would you like to 
come join these gentleman and I in conversation?"

Tawa had been generally keeping an eye on the chaotic kids and the rest of the 
crowd.  He wanted to find out what was wrong with Calista but he decided to ask 
Vivie at a quieter time.  When T'Pern approached him, he looked up and saw 
where she was pointing.  He's actually talking to somebody without taking their 
head off?  This I have to see...  "Sure, kid, why not?"

Alex wasn't sure where Vivie had gone, but she didn't feel like eating alone so 
she made her way to the mess hall where she was over powered by the amount of 
people and the amount of children present. And to think Vivie want's to add 
more to this group of children. I just never realized how many children were 
onboard this ship.

Muddling her way through the throng of people, big ones, little ones, different 
colors and shapes, she finally found a table where she could at least drink her 
Diet Pepsi. It wasn't quite like the real thing, but for now replicator's would 
have to do. I wonder what Kylara is up too?!

Vivie had been standing by the window after Calista had left. Her mind 
wandering back and forth between thoughts of how heartbroken she would be if 
she'd lost one of her mothers, and the joy she felt at the idea of having a 
baby. Suddenly feeling as if she really wanted to be held, she made her way 
towards the door so she could go home to Alex, but then she caught sight of her 
wife sitting at a corner table. Walking over she plopped down in Alex's lap 
without warning and then kissed her. 

Alex hadn't been paying attention to what was going on around her, she was 
still deep in thought. Once minute she was drinking her Pepsi and then suddenly 
Vivie was plopped down in her lap. After returning Vivie's kiss, Alex looked at 
her wife. "To what do I owe this unexpected surprise?"

"You love me." Vivie replied as she put an arm around her wife's neck and then 
picked up her Diet Pepsi and took a long drink of it. 

"You're right, I do love you, but you had better save me a swallow of that 

Vivie held the glass out of Alex's reach. "And if I don't?"

Alex laughed while a sly evil grin appeared on her face. "If you don't then I 
might have to make a scene in front of all these people. You know something 
along the lines of picking you up and carrying you out of here like a sack of 
potato's. Only to get you home and make mad passionte love to you."

Vivie made a face that said she was thinking this over very carefully. Then she 
matched her wife's grin before quickly downing the rest of her soda. 

"Don't say I didn't warn you!" Alex looked at her wife for a moment, took the 
glass from her hand, setting the glass down on the table. Standing up, she 
picked up Vivie and tossed her over her shoulder, as promised, and made her way 
through the large group of people. She didn't even care who was watching.

They reached the doors to the mess hall and exited as soon as they opened. With 
Vivie still on her shoulder she chuckled, "If  you want babies I suppose we 
should go practice." With that she gave Vivie a little pat on her butt.

Tawny and Von entered the unbelievably crowded mess hall intending to grab a 
bite now that their shift was over. Spying Ari across the room, Von turned to 
leave. Tawny caught her by the arm, noting where her gaze and wandered, and 
dragged her back in that direction. "Talk...remember. Unless you don't think 
there's anything left to salvage?"

Von looked at her, shocked. "What? Of course there is, I love her...we.." she 
looked at Tawny and could have kicked her for her 'see, I told you' expression. 
"Smartass." she muttered, making her way toward Ari. Glancing back over her 
shoulder at Tawny, wishing she'd come with her, she drew a deep breath and 
continued. "Excuse me," she said to the little girl at the table who was 
playing with, of all things, Ari's prosthetic hand. "I need to borrow Ari a 
moment, and I think she might want to bring that with her. Okay?"

"Sure," Frankie frowned, handing the prosthesis reluctantly back to Ari. "Can 
you show me how it works sometime?" she asked before letting go.

"Sure," Ari answered, rising from the table. "next time I see you."

"Great!" Frankie smiled, jumping up from the table. "See you then."

Von watched her go, then turned back to Ari. "Come on. We need to talk, but not 
here. Too crowded. I want to be able to yell without making a scene if I need 
to. Follow me." Without waiting to see if Ari was behind her, she hurried back 
out of the mess hall.

Rain passed them as they left. Her shift had finally ended and after her relief 
showed up, she decided to go grab something to eat from the mess hall rather 
than replicating something. She almost turned around when the doors opened and 
the sounds practically knocked her backwards. Peering inside, she saw that 
there were more people than she could recall even being aboard the ship. 
Slipping inside, she sank into the nearest seat, wondering if she dared try to 
make her way over to the other side where the food was. Hunger won out and she 
stood slowly, trying to pass unnoticed through the room. 

Syd woke up restless again, only this time she was hungry as well. She didn't 
want anything replicated so she got dressed and headed toward the mess hall. 
Upon entering all she could see was wall to wall kids. Where did they all come 

Tawny grabbed her tray and turned, almost running into the attractive blonde 
ship's SO. "I'm sorry, ma'am, excuse me." she said, embarrassed by her 

Nodding to Tawny in acceptance of her apology, Rain finally made it to the 
actual food. Picking a salad and bowl of soup, she carefully made her way back 
to the table she had staked out in th ecorner and settled in to watch the chaos 
surrounding her. 

Looking for a place to sit, she almost choked. There was T talking to the 
Second Officer and looking all flushed at that. She needed to know where she 
stood so she took a chance and walked over to the two of them.

Placing her hand on Tawny's shoulder and the other on the tray, she asked, "Can 
I help you with your tray and perhaps find a place to sit?" She leaned in and 
whispered into Tawny's ear, "I have missed you and you look beautiful."

Tawny jumped, then smiled a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. 
"I'm...no...I think I'm not so hungry after all," she answered, her stomache 
suddenly too filled with butterflies to eat. "I'm sorry, but...I can't do this 
here..not now...not with so many people." Seeing the look on Syd's face at the 
apparent brush-off, she added quickly, "The arboritum ... tonight ... eight 
oclock, okay? Please? We'll talk then, I promise." Unwilling to risk 
disagreement at that point, she turned and all but fled the mess hall, leaving 
her tray there in Syd's hands.

Tawa allowed T'Pern to lead him back to where Revaed and the sergeant were 
sitting, to his surprise, in relative peace.  He would have sat down 
automatically but he was mindful of the sergeant's presence.  It would have 
been disrespectful to simply join them.  Instead, he smiled at Revaed and said, 
"I didn't know you were here, Uncle."

Vincent sat back and watched the young man, his respect for the Romulan was 
very clear.  Not wanting to interfere, he remained silent until Revaed spoke.

"That is because to were occupied with your charge, Tawa," Revaed said simply, 
nodding at T'Pern.  "Since she has invited you, stay.  This is Sergeant Major 
Aigremont.  Vincent, my nephew's son--Tawa Pax."

Before he sat, Tawa held is hand out to Vincent.  "Pleased to meet you, sir."

"Bonjour, Sir," Vincent said as he stood, shaking Tawa's hand and waiting until 
he sat before returning to his own chair.  His back straight, Vincent couldn't 
let his guard down as much as he had with Revaed and the little one.  Glancing 
between his two superiors, he started to wish that Elspeth hadn't thrown him 

Tawa raised one brow very slowly.  In his case, curiosity pheromones took on 
the scent of fresh lemons.  Bright blue eyes flicked at Revaed then at T'Pern.  
"You don't mean me, do you?"

"Oui, of course, Sir.  You are a commissioned officer, I am enlisted, that 
makes you my superior officer.  Does it not?"  Vincent tried to sound as mild 
as he could, without getting frustrated that he had to point this out.

Tawa snorted in disbelief, which earned him a somewhat disapproving stare from 
Revaed.  Well, I have to tell the truth, don't I?  "This is the commissioned 
officer who still has nine out of ten demerits on his records, sir.  I don't 
get to be superior officer to anybody unless I'm told so by my lieutenant or 
unless I have a weapon."

"It matters not," Vincent said with a gallic, one shouldered shrug.  "If you 
insist on calling me 'sir' then I will insist on returning the gesture, Sir."  
Offering the young man a smile, he said, "If, on the other hand, you wish to 
call me by my name then I will be forced to respond in kind."

Still very aware of Revaed's dark eyed stare, Tawa shook his head.  "Begging 
the sergeant major's pardon but if I did that, he'd kill me," he said dryly as 
he tilted his chin at the older man.  "My name's Tawa but, since I have an 
addiction to breathing, d'you mind if I stick to 'sir' or 'Sergeant Major' for 

"Yes, well, breathing is always a good thing."  Chuckling softly, he tried 
another sip of his coffee, screwing his face up.  "Cold coffee is the worst 
thing in the known universe.  Would you join me for another cup or do you share 
Revaed's aversion to it?"

"Oh, no, I don't mind it all, sir.  Thank you," Tawa said, a smile slowly 

"Bon," he said as he ordered another round of coffee with a small tray of cream 
and sugar, despite having neither in his.  "I cannot stay long, I must try to 
talk to my wife again.  As much as I find them a fine thing, there are times 
that women confuse me beyond words.  Give me a good, old fashioned science 
experiment any day over trailing through the mind of a woman."

"Smart man," Revaed stated.  He didn't try to figure his beloved out.  He just 
took her as she was but he knew better than to probe into any woman's mind.  

"I don't know..." Tawa said carefully.  "Maybe I ought to just shut my mouth 
while I'm ahead but wouldn't just opening your mouth and saying what you wanted 
to say be better than dancing around a subject?  Seems to sorta work for me..."

Zoe yawned and rubbed the her little eyes with the back of her tiny hands. 
Looking around she spotted her mother and quickly held out her arms. "Momma!" 
She liked Gressa but when she was sleepy there was only one person she wanted. 

Smiling, Joanna reached out and took her youngest from the Klingon nanny's 
arms. "Thank you for seeing to them, I can't tell you how much I appreciate 
it." she told her and she cuddled Zoe close. "But I believe it's time I 
gathered them up for home. Francesca! Abigail! Let's go on, if you please." she 
called out, assembling her own quickly and leading them out of the mess hall 
far quieter than they came in.

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  • » [ussgeorgetown] "Saturday Evening Social"