[ussgeorgetown] Allies and Enemies

  • From: Anna <tkilyle@xxxxxxx>
  • To: ussgeorgetown@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 08 Mar 2009 18:59:22 -0400

_Allies and Enemies
_by Revaed S'Aehallh'Nveni & Iruvande S'Akhiy'Rhienn

/"We must always seek to ally ourselves with that part of the enemy that knows what is right"--M. Gandhi/

The feeling that he got every time he looked upon his paehne never ceased to amaze Revaed. The child was perfect in every way but more striking was the unending amazement that this wonderful creature was made by him and Mei. Science and biology be damned, Tao was a gift of the Elements and that was it. Too bad, he thought wryly as he lifted her up, they are not personified.

Iruvande reclined, a large cat at ease, at the table of a Cardassian restaurant. There was a vast array of small dishes in front of her, each sampled and arranged by how much she had appreciated them. For the moment, she was sipping their alcoholic beverage and nibbling on a fish stew of some kind that was the least displeasing of all of the food. Her pale green eyes seemed to look at nothing at all, while still seeing everything around her. She appeared completely relaxed, the epitome of sloth and ennui.

Only someone who knew Revaed quite well, which would have included Mei and maybe his nephew and ch'Thane, would have recognized amusement in his eyes as he walked to the ship's transporter room. The people on this ship, Lloannen'galae all, were particularly bad at watching while trying not to watch. Generally, they tried never to look him in the eye but they were curious, he knew, about the baby. Curiosity, though, never overcame outright fear of his attitude and that was what amused him so. He had every notion that the same would hold when he got to the station. The child needed more than stale shipside air and woe to anyone who thought to approach or touch her. He did, at least, manage to not not growl at the Ninitchik as he entered the transporter room. The man simply tickled the baby under chin once then stepped back. The man was harmless but the glare at least cut off any of his usual unending speeches.

"Is there anything else?" the serving girl asked the weird-looking Vulcanoid.

"Dost thy menu offer a sweet?" Iruvande asked as she pushed her stew away.

"Yeah...  I can bring you the dessert menu if you'd like," the girl said.

"Ie, that would be appreciated." The girl scampered off, two more replacing her and they started gathering up the dishes of half-finished food.

"Didn't you like your dinner?" one asked.

"It was unusual but perhaps not to my taste," Iruvande said with a smirk.

If he were another man, Revaed might have recalled what Vincent had once said about worrying whether someone would plunge a knife into him on the station, simply for being what, never mind who, he was. He had dismissed the thought then and he dismissed it as soon as he stepped off the platform on the station. He doubted there were people aboard that knew who he was and those who know what he was tended to skirt out of his path. Though he supposed he might not mind seeing the changeling again. That io, he thought as he stroked Tao's cheek, had mnhei'sahe, even if it wasn't Rihannsu.

The dessert menu was as unusual and potentially unpalatable as the rest of the cuisine had been but Iruvande believed that there must be something appealing about all food. She'd even found something she liked in Ferengi food but that had been a long, hard and quite nauseating search. From this, she chose a form of ice cream and then sat back to wait, watching the people move around her.

There was no intent in his path. Reaved simply walked, though 'simply' walking for him meant falling into ages old habits, watching the people and surroundings for anything untoward. Nah, he was no longer Enarrain of the Imperial Guards, charged with guarding the Empty Chair, but those habits died hard. He even still wore his habitual dark clothing, choosing shades of midnight blue and black that day. Tao, though, was dressed in what was apparently considered appropriate garb for the area Mei's Human ancestors came from. "I would think thee a Fire child dressed so brightly, little io," he said, his voice deep and soft, meant only for his paehne's ears.

The accent would have sparked her interest all on its own. It was not often that a Capital City accent was heard on this station. But the voice itself almost had her snort down her ice cream. Rather, Iruvande placed down her spoon, slipped the required credits onto the table and rose. Her long white hair flowed around her shoulders but she covered it quickly with her dark green cloak. Those pale eyes now scanned the crowd with a more intense determination. She found the Enarrain easily, he hardly blended in, so distinct as he was. With that wild cat's grace, she prowled after him.

"We will have to ask Ri'nanov where you fall in that calendar of hers, na?" he asked,pleased with how intently she listened or seemed to. Years spent as Enarrain and he'd never had more than a moment's interaction with children, never mind babies. It wasn't until T'Aris brought him to Earth that that had happened. This io, though, was more precious than..how strange, he thought. The people approaching him had looks on their faces that suggested they didn't know where to 'not' look first. Obviously, one of the places was at him but the other...

"Jolan'tru, Enarrain," Iruvande said in a soft, archaic accent, a slight smirk on a face hidden within the folds of a deep velvet cloak.

Whether or not Tao would remember him ever saying them, he swore colorfully. Not just the accent but her. Of all the ones he might have missed about the Empire, she was certainly not one of them. His free hand went automatically to the kaleh at his waist while the other tightened protectively around the baby as he turned around. Eyes narrowed, he stared at the center of the cloak's hood. "What fatherless child sent you to haunt me?"

There was a snort from inside the cloak. "Thy manners have not improved, Enarrain, but thy reflexes are slowing. Mine ears heard rumours but twas not til this moment that I believed them. The Enarrain made soft by a woman and a child." She tutted as one hand lowered her hood so she could meet his dark dark eyes, the other hand remained tucked inside her cloak out of sight.

He almost spat on the deck in disgust. "Au know nothing," he said coldly, "and perhaps it is au who are soft if rumor mongering has become your pass time."

She arched one eyebrow but kept her expression of light amusement over her school features. "Thee should know that mongering of any form is not my pass time, Enarrain," she said with a lilting laugh. "What these ears hear does not pass beyond them." She paused for a moment to look down at the child in his arms then added, "Unless it profits the Empire."

"Do not threaten me or endanger this child. If you think that I've become soft, do that and see how very wrong you are, hru'Airifvir. I would be the least of your worries." He almost laughed. Mei would kill him first and then the hru'Airifvir.

Iruvande outright laughed at him and shook her head, freeing some of her white hair from the velvet. "I did na threaten thee, Enarrain.. Nor did I threaten thy child. Thee misunderstands my intent. Always so quick to jump to conclusions, patient as a glacier yet swift to anger."

"In the matter of any child, I will kill first and ask questions later," he said simply. "Including," he added, his voice pitched so low that only she could hear, "and especially those haunted by those spineless ios of the TalShiar."

Iruvande bit back a snarl, her eyes flaring for just a moment before her composure returned. "They haunt not my steps, Enarrain, be at peace." She hissed at him in a teasing way. "Thee may have left the Empire, but those of us left must still be cautious."

A growl rumbled low in his chest. Just speaking the name of that evil group made him angry. His grip on Tao tightened yet again then loosened just slightly when it occurred to him that it might make the child uncomfortable. "Then think harder, woman. They apparently know that I am not, as many assumed, simply living in the hinterlands on ch'Rihan. More than that, I have no idea what they know but it matters not. What I have here is more precious to me than all the Empire ever was."

"Sacrilege," Iruvande smirked but she stepped closer, gently and easily, only now producing her second hard that was free of weapons. She pushed her cloak back to prove that she was, on surface inspection, unarmed. Only her kaleh decorated her hip but none alive now in the Empire had ever seen her use it, let alone unsheathe it. She peered down at the child, the first honest smile touching her lips. "Jolan'tru, little io. Di'nanov guards thee fiercely."

He stiffened with the potential to do great damage if warranted but, as patient as Water, he waited. He had never known the woman, in all the years that her existence vexed him, to be a danger to innocents but time changed all things eventually. "I guard all that is dear to me, hru'Airifvir, as I have always done. What makes you think that has changed?"

"Time changes all things, Enarrain," she replied as she lifted a gentle hand to touch the cheek of the baby he held. "Sacrifice changes us most of all and thee have made more sacrifices than many in the Empire." She lifted her eyes and fixed them on his.

"It still stands does it not? It is a shame, though, that what I gave up and that sacrifice has not, it seems, made it learn a damned thing. Veruuls they are. I have my own ears out there, hru'Airifvir, and what they tell me disgusts me." He snorted in deep disgust. "Children...they snipe at children for gain. There is no honor in that-- the cowards. Small wonder that I guard my paehne so well."

"Aim thine ears in a different direction, Enarrain, and thee will hear of other things, things that do not shame us, things that are changing even the most rotten of our hearts."

Reaved hmmphed softly. "Speak for yourself, hru'Airifvir. My heart was never rotten but simply stubborn," he said plainly. "I have yet to see anything that has shown me it's changed for the better." He thought of the big Vulcan's little wife and shook his head. "I refer to recent events, things that were in motion before I left no doubt."

"Ie? What of recent events?" she asked almost distracted, her fingers stroking the soft cheek of the baby.

"What mnhei'sahe is there when a woman is assaulted in place of a true target?" he asked coldly. "It matters not who told me or who was the victim but the fact is that it happened. It disgusts me."

"There is none," Iruvande whispered gravely. "Take comfort in knowing that the matter was avenged." She met Revaed's eyes again and there was a ferocity there that burned with cold green fire as if it would ignite the very pits of hell with its fury. "I will purge ch'Rihan of them. I will cleanse my people of their filth."

"This io will never walk the Earth of ch'Rihan but Rihannsu she still is and thy promise is much, hru'Airifvir," he said simply, dark eyes fierce with pride. "There is nothing like the mnhei'sahe of a true Rihanha." He hmmphed softly. "I hope that the picture these Lloannan'galae people have of me would eventually extend to the rest of our people."

"As do I," she said softly with a nod. "Raise thy new generation with the grace thee hath found, old friend."

He almost smiled. Almost, though it did reach his eys as he looked at Tao. Mnhei'sahe was not only for those who loved and spoke now. It was those who came later as well and to be preserved from ages before also. "She will be as beautiful as her mother, Iruvande," he said quietly, speaking her name for perhaps the second or third time in his entire life. "and as fierce and honorable as us both."

"Then she will be Rihannsu in truth if not in fact." She placed a hand on Revaed's shoulder as one warrior to another. "Be well and as our Sundered kin would have it, live long and prosper, Enarrain."

"...and I had done nothing...but shoot an unarmed Cardassian in his 
underwear."-Li Nalas

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  • » [ussgeorgetown] Allies and Enemies - Anna