<USS Eagle> Starfleet Exams" pt 2

  • From: malachistyles@xxxxxxx
  • To: usseagle@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2008 10:18:05 -0500

Pt 2

(Note:? This JL completed with the aid of Dr. Terra Anne, CNO of Pasteur 
Station, DS-21)

A lanky teen=aged boy walks into DS-21's infirmary.? He stops in the entrance 
and looks around for a familiar face.

Terra walks out of her office jotting notes on a PADD, not really paying 
attention to where she was walking. 

Malachi smiled broadly as he noticed her coming out of her office.

Terra walked to the desk and opened a patient file, added her notes to the 
file, and then frowned slightly.? There was something different here. She 
looked up from the desk and looked around the infirmary.? Her smile lit up her 
face.? "MALACHI!!" 

"Hello, Aunt Terra," Malachi said, opening his arms to hug her.

She moved towards him and hugged him.? "My, you have gotten so big young 

Malachi blushed as he hugged her.? "I have heard that is a by-product of 
getting older."

In some cultures maybe." She joked with him.? She gave him an extra hug.? "When 
did you come aboard?? Where's your father? How have you been?? Oh, come into my 
office and sit down for a while" 

Malachi walked with her into her office.? "I hope I am not taking you from any 
of your suties."

"Nope, Not busy at all right now.? Was just updating some charts, and that can 
wait for a while.? They aren't going anywhere.? Now, tell me everything that is 
going on with you." She gestured to the couch in her office, and then went to 
get 2 cups of tea for them from the replicator. 

"That is good," Malachi siad as he sat down/? "I have just arrived.? I came 
aboard to take the Starfleet Academy entrance exam.? This is the closest 
station to our mission area that is holding them? Father is still aboard the 
Eagle.? He had allowed the XO, and second officer to take shore leave, so he 
felt he should remain aboard."

"That is just like your dad.? But he needs to relax too.? I'll have to call him 
and holler a bit.? Tell him he is over working."? Terra smiled at Mal as she 
handed him his tea.? So, when does testing start?" 

Malachi took the tea, and gingerly took a sip of the hot brew.? He set the cup 
on the table.? "In two and a half hours.? Yes, you should call him and holler 
at him. Dr. Hamza is too easy on him."

?"So, do you need some encouragement, some moral support, a hug?? An ear to 

"No, ma'am," Malachi said with a chuckle.? "I just needed to see my favorite 

She smiled at him.? "OK."? Took a sip of her tea.? "And how is the rest of the 

"I just spoke with Mom, on the way here," Malachi informed her.? He took 
another sip of his tea.? "She reminded me several times that you were now 
stationed here, and that I should remember to stop in and see you.

"Luna, the twins and Jess are getting big, much like me. "

"Your mom sent me new pictures just before I got here.? Its just amazing to see 
how big you all are getting." She looked over to the holopics she had on the 
desk. "Speaking of which... after the testing is done, are you going back to 
the ship, staying here on the station, staying with me?" she asked hopefully. 

"I could probably stay on the station," Mal answered.? "How are you adjusting 
to station life?"

She shrugged.? "Its different.? Can't say its worse or better, just different.? 
At least the kids are with me, and growing like proverbial weeds themselves." 

Malachi smiled at the mention of her kids.? "I am eager to see them again."

"I know Celeste will be excited to see you again.? And Noble, he'll really like 
to meet you and know who you are.? He keeps asking about you when he sees your 
holopic. He was very little when you last saw him. You are welcome to stay with 
us while you are here." 

"Thank you," Malachi said.? "I am looking forward to seeing Celeste again, and 
meeting Noble. Mom is always telling me how cute he is getting."? 

"Well, he is getting into EVERYTHING.? Typical 15month old. And I will swear 
that he and Celeste are keeping secrets from me.? Sometimes I wish your mom 
were still close by.? Its hard to deal with telepathic children when I have no 

"I will be able to help you with that," Malachi said.? "My telepathy came on 
rather strong..... Al at once."

"And how are you dealing with that?" 

"Fine now," Mal admitted wotha bot of embarrassment.? "When it first came on, I 
had sent out a surge, fusing a lot of circuits aboaerd the ship.? Admiral Krell 
and her son, Windsong, have taught me control over my abilities."

"I can bet your father loved that.? Did you have to help replace all them?" 

Malachi blushed at the memory of it all.? "Once they removed the psi-dampner, I 
was able to help, but most of the repairs had been completed by then." ?

Malachi and Terra talked for quite a bit more.? Before he knew it, the time had 
come to go for the exam.? Terra made Malachi promise he would come directly 
back to the infirmary and tell her how he had done, and then they could go back 
to her quarters and Mal could get to see Celeste and Noble.? Malachi made the 
promise and went off to the exam suite.

to be continued
Malachi Fyrstk, Acting Ensign
Science officer

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  • » <USS Eagle> Starfleet Exams" pt 2