<USS Eagle> Sim recap/log 090826

  • From: Lukas <captfyrstk@xxxxxxx>
  • To: usseagle@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2009 11:37:12 -0400


Nothing special at this time.

"Outpost 2035"
Officers present: Commodore Fyrstk, Commanders Marqusa, Haas, Lost & Dr. Hamza, Lt. Commnders Matsu &Vanik, Lt. Melody & Dr. Fenway, Cadet Styles
Stardate: 64499.88 (07/02/2387, 11:00 hours)

The ship is assigned to make a slip-stream jump to the far side of the Romulan Empire borders to see what damage has been caused by the Hobus star going super nova.  They are also to check on the status of Outpost 2035, a station set up in unclaimed space.  Towards the end of the journey, they find they have to drop to normal space, as high radiation in the area is deteriorating the slip-stream conduit.  When they arrive at the outpost, they find a powerless, empty station.  An away team is sent over.


21:00 CommoFyrstk: =/\= ATTENTION ON DECK =/\=
21:00 DrFenway: ::AA::
21:00 Cmdr_Haas: ::AA::
21:00 LtCmdrVanik: ::AA::
21:00 Cmdr_Marqusa: ::AA::
21:00 CadetStyles: ::AA::
21:00 Ens_Wren: ::AA::
21:01 LtMelody: ::AA::
21:01 LtCmdrMatsu: ::AA::
21:01 CommoFyrstk: Captain's Log, Stardate 64499.88 (07/02/2387, 11:00 hours)
21:02 CommoFyrstk: We have fahnally made it out of Romulan space, or what's left of it, and back to Nigala to retrieve our missing crew, and shuttles.
21:03   Ratchet entered the room.
21:04 CommoFyrstk: Starfleet has ordered us to the far sahde of the Romulan Star Empahre to see what else has been damaged in Hobus' shockwave. The news has leaked out that Praetor Chulan and a majority of the senate, has been assassinated. The "atmosphere in the Empahre is very tense, and warbirds are keeping a tahght lid on the borders.
  Starfleet has remahnded me that this is a delicate mission and not to cross the border for any reason whatsoever.
  On a good note, mah son, Cadet Malachah Stahyles is back, on vacation from the academy. Ah am entering him into the roster as an assistant scahence officer, but he shall retain his cadet status.
21:08 CommoFyrstk: CO> :: Shuts off the recorder, and leaves the ready room.::
21:08 CommoFyrstk: CO >[ HELM ] Mr. Vanik ready slip-stream drahve.
21:09 LtCmdrVanik: HELM >[ CO ] Readying slip-stream, aye, sir. Destination?
21:09 LtMelody: CNS>::In her office going over paperwork from her sessions with the Romulans.::
21:10 CommoFyrstk: CO >[ HELM ] The Beta Quadrant sahde of the Romulan Empahre. Not in the empahre, though.
21:11 DrFenway: AMO> :: in sick bay, checking out the crew picked up at Nigala::
21:11 LtCmdrMatsu: CSci>::Sitting at the science station.::
21:11 CadetStyles: SCI2> ::Enters the bridge, heads over by Yoshi::
21:11 Cmdr_Marqusa: xo> :: on the bridge sitting in her usual seat
21:12 Ens_Wren: Ops> :: at the Ops station::
21:12 Cmdr_Haas: CENG> ::In main engineering::
21:12 LtCmdrMatsu: CSci>Well hello Mal. Welcome back aboard.
21:12 CommoFyrstk: CO> ::sit down in the command seat, tosses Gwen the PADD with out orders on them ::
21:13 Cmdr_Marqusa: xo> :: takes a look at the PADD and then gives Lukas a quissitive look::
21:14 CadetStyles: SCI2> :: Smiles:: Thank you, Commander. It is great to be back aboard. I did not think I was going to be able to with the Hobus star exploding and the destruction of Romulus.
21:14 LtCmdrMatsu: CSci> Why not?
21:15 CommoFyrstk: CO> :: looks back to Gwen. :: They want us to check out what kahnd of damage has been done over there. Particularly an outpost.
21:16 LtCmdrVanik: HELM> :: signals to engineering the preparation of the slip-stream drive. Deploys the ablative armor::
21:16 Cmdr_Marqusa: xo> ::nods, takes a closer look at the PADD::
21:16 Cmdr_Haas: CENG> :: Sees the signal from helm, instructs crew to the slip-stream console::
21:17 LtMelody: CNS>::Can feel Mal aboard but resists going to see him for now.::
21:17 LtCmdrVanik: HELM >[ CO ] Captain, the slip-stream is ready, course set.
21:18 CadetStyles: SCI2> ::feels Melody's "touch," Smiles :: [CSCI] There was so much going on, I was certain the ship was going to be kept busy and unaccessible to me.
21:19 CommoFyrstk: CO >[ HELM ] Very well, Mr. Vanik. Engage.
21:20 LtCmdrMatsu: CSci> I am quite suprised myself. With our reputation I was sure were were going to be out there longer then we were.
21:20 LtCmdrVanik: HELM> ::engages the ship at Warp 1, then opens the slip-stream conduit::
21:21 CommoFyrstk: =/\=ACTION: The ship easily goes into the conduit and is on its way. =/\=
21:21 Cmdr_Marqusa: xo >[ co ] do we know anything about this outpost?
21:22 CommoFyrstk: CO >[ XO ] Ah believe they were actually trahing to keep an eye on Kligon and Romulan movements, though Starfleet will denah that. They say it was a research outpost in uncontrolled space.
21:24 CommoFyrstk: =/\=ACTION: After fifteen minutes of travel, Science and Helm sensors start to see a decay in the slip-stream conduit. =/\=
21:24 Cmdr_Marqusa: xo >[ co ] should be interesting
21:25 LtCmdrMatsu: CSci> Sir I am reading a decay in the slip stream conduit.
21:25 CommoFyrstk: CO >[ XO ] Ah hope interesting is ALL it is.
21:25 LtCmdrVanik: HELM >[ CO ] As am I, sir.
21:27 CommoFyrstk: CO >[ HELM ] Can we hold in the stream, Commander?
21:27 Cmdr_Marqusa: xo >[ co ] with you around Captain, that's a long shot
21:27 LtCmdrVanik: HELM >[ CO ] with the rate of decay, sir, negative.
21:28 CommoFyrstk: CO >[ HELM ] Very well. Take us out of the stream.
21:29 CommoFyrstk: CO >+[ CENG ]+ Bridge to engineering, what's going on with the slip-stream core, Commander?
21:29 LtCmdrMatsu: CSci> ::Attempts to locate the source of the decay after they exit the stream.::
21:29 LtCmdrVanik: HELM> ::takes the Eagle out of slip-stream::
21:30 Cmdr_Haas: CENG >+[ CO ]+ I am not certain, Sir. The core is functioning nominally.
21:30 Cmdr_Marqusa: xo >+[ ceng ]+ what's the chance of the decay happening if we restart the system and go back into slipstream?
21:31 CommoFyrstk: =/\=ACTION: Yoshi's sensors show it was from the Eagle's end but this area of space, due to the explosion of Hobus. =/\=
21:31 Cmdr_Haas: CENG >+[ XO ]+ Not certain, Gwen. We could always try.
21:32 CommoFyrstk: CO >[ HELM ] how close are we to our destination?
21:33 LtCmdrVanik: HELM> ::Checks coordinates:: We are within warping distance, Commodre. We could be there within 15 minutes at maximum warp.
21:33 LtCmdrMatsu: CSci>Sir my scans indicate that our troubles with the slip stream are due to high levels of radiation from the explosion of Hobus.
21:34 CadetStyles: SCI2> Warp drive will be te only option at this time, Captain.
21:35 Cmdr_Marqusa: xo >[ sci ] can we correct for the radiation or counteract it?
21:35 CommoFyrstk: CO >[ HELM ] Make it maximum warp, then Mr. Vanik. Engage.
21:35 LtCmdrVanik: HELM >[ CO ] Aye, sir. Maximum warp.
21:36 CadetStyles: SCI2> :: Starts working the computer to find a way to combat the radiation::
21:36 LtCmdrMatsu: CSci>[XO] Not by ourselves Commander. The amount is way too high for one ship to clear up by itself.
21:37 CommoFyrstk: =/\=ACTION: Another 15 minutes pass The ship arrives at the outpost. =/\=
21:38 LtMelody: CNS>::Finishes her paperwork and heads up to the bridge.::
21:38 LtCmdrVanik: HELM >[ CO ] We are on approach to the outpost, Captain.
21:38 CommoFyrstk: CO >[ HELM ] Slow to three quarter impulse.
21:39 LtMelody: CNS>::Smiles at Mal on her way to her chair next to the Commodor.::
21:40 CommoFyrstk: =/\=ACTION: Sensors show this area of space took a minimal hit by the shockwave. The damage gets more intense back towards the Empire. =/\=
21:40 CadetStyles: SCI2> :: Quick turns from the console, to return the smile to Melody. ::
21:41 LtCmdrMatsu: CSci> Sir sensors show this area took a minimal hit by the shockwave.
21:41 LtCmdrVanik: HELM> :: Slows the ship to 3/4 impulse and approaches the outpost.::
21:42 CommoFyrstk: CO >[ CSCI ] Is the outpost intact?
21:42 LtCmdrMatsu: CSci>::Scans the outpost.::
21:43 LtCmdrMatsu: CSci> The shockwave doesn't appeard to have damaged it. Tho it seemed to have been displaced by 500 meters.
21:43 Cmdr_Marqusa: xo >+[ sci2 ]+ Mal, how large is that radiation that hindered the slip stream conduit?
21:44 LtCmdrMatsu: CSci> They seem to be without power tho.
21:45 CadetStyles: SCI2> [XO] It is easily as wide as the Sol Sector, in this area, Commander.
21:46 CommoFyrstk: CO >[ XO ] ::quietly:: They could have abandoned it fearing the shockwave.
21:47 Cmdr_Marqusa: xo >[ co ] Permission to take a team over there Captain?
21:47 CommoFyrstk: CO >[ XO ] You were reading mah mahnd, Gwen.
21:47 Cmdr_Marqusa: (test)
21:48 Cmdr_Marqusa: xo > :: smiles::
21:48 CommoFyrstk: CO >[ OPS ] put us on yellow alert, Ensign Wren.
21:48 Cmdr_Marqusa: xo >[ csci ] Yoshi, you're with me :: pauses and then looks at Mal:: We could probably use your abilities as well Cadet
21:49 CadetStyles: SCI2> :: Smiles and rises from his seat::
21:49 LtCmdrMatsu: CSci>::Stands and bows slightly.::Hai Commander.
21:50 Cmdr_Marqusa: xo >[ ceng ] Rommie, please join me in the TR for an away mission
21:50 LtCmdrVanik: HELM> :: brings the ship into a parking orbit::
21:50 Cmdr_Marqusa: (errr, that should have had + on there)
21:50 Ens_Wren: ops >[ co ] aye sir, ::sounds yellow alert::
21:50 Cmdr_Haas: CENG >+[ XO ]+ On my way to the transporter room.
21:51 CommoFyrstk: =/\=Yellow Alert=/\=
21:51 Cmdr_Marqusa: xo >+[ cmo ]+ Doc, I need either you or Melody for an away mission
21:51 LtCmdrMatsu: CSci>::Follows Gwen.::
21:52 LtMelody: CNS>I'm right here if you need me Commander.
21:52 Ratchet: CMO>+XO+I'll come
21:52 DrFenway: AMO> ::Continues his exams of the other crewmen;:
21:52 Cmdr_Marqusa: xo >+[ cmo ]+ meet me in the TR
21:53 Cmdr_Marqusa: xo> :: makes her way to the TR quickly, waiting for the others to join them::
21:53 LtCmdrMatsu: CSci>::Grabs her science tricorder.::
21:53 CadetStyles: SCI2> ::right with Gwen and Yoshi::
21:53 LtCmdrMatsu: CSci>::Enters the TL right behind Gwen.::
21:54 LtMelody: CNS>~~Be careful Mal.~~
21:54 Ratchet: CMO>+XO+On it
21:54   HermiaMalfoi entered the room.
21:55 CadetStyles: SCI2> ~~ Always, Melody ~~
21:55 Ratchet: CMO>::starts to head to the TR::
21:55 Cmdr_Marqusa: xo > ::Steps up on the transporter padd, checking her phaser as she does so::
21:55 Cmdr_Haas: CENG> ::enters the TR::
21:55 LtCmdrMatsu: CSci>::Steps up next to Gwen.::
21:56 Cmdr_Haas: CENG> :: Grabs a phaser, checks it and steps up on the pad::
21:56 CadetStyles: SCI2> :: on the platform::
21:57 CommoFyrstk: =/\=ACTION: The away team transports over. The staion is dimly lit, and the air is very musty:: =/\=
21:58 CadetStyles: @ SCI2> :: Starts scanning::
21:58 Cmdr_Marqusa: @ xo >+[ ceng ]+ see what power you can get operational
21:59 LtCmdrMatsu: @CSci>::Also starts scanning.::
21:59 Cmdr_Haas: @ CENG >[ XO ] You got it. ::heads for their main power room::
21:59 Cmdr_Marqusa: @ xo >+[ cmo ]+ doc, any life signs?
21:59 CadetStyles: @ SCI2> [XO] The station is empty, Commander.
22:00 CadetStyles: ((Sorry, Doc))
22:00 CommoFyrstk: =/\= Pause Sim =/\=

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  • » <USS Eagle> Sim recap/log 090826 - Lukas