[ussbansheec] The Aftermath of the Window Incident

  • From: Andy Maluhia <CaptainAndy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ussbansheec@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 06:20:14 -0400

***Thanks to Liz for getting Vincent, Aileas, and 5 of 12 just right :-D

Four at one end of the room and one at the other. The commandant knew better than to make all five cadets be near each other in the same room. He sat at his desk reading over their individual files. He knew T'Cerys quite well, considering her father was his closest childhood friend and his own children's uncle. The others were unknown to him but there wasn't anything in their records to indicate such an act as the four had committed was a regular pattern. Illogical. Definitely illogical. Then there was Admiral Fishler's rather peculiar interest in Cadet Lynley, his insistence that the young man be expelled as the ring leader. Ridiculous and he'd already told the man to mind his own business.

As if the matter wasn't strange enough on its own, he'd decided on an equally strange way to settle the disciplinary aspects of the situation. If they participants involved were all, as the saying went, Fleet brats then they could certainly be disciplined by their parents. He'd sent messages to each set of parents asking them to meet with him on that day, four days after the incident. Before then, all of them were confined to their quads, with no outside contact, with one minor change. Cadet Butler was transferred out of the quad he was in and Cadet Aigremont was moved in. Pending disciplinary action or not, the commandant knew that it was always possible that T'Cerys and her two quad mates might do something to Butler. And deep inside, he didn't blame the cadets one bit.

"So, I am certain you are wondering what I've called you here for after four days of utter silence," the commandant began.

The group of four shared a look, starting from Etienne, to T'Cerys, to Coaimhe, to David. David looked back at the others and shrugged. "The thought did cross our minds, sir."

"As well it should have. Your parents are here, cadets, and your grandfather in your case, Cadet Butler. You can explain yourselves to them and then we will decide on your punishments."

"Maudit," Etienne muttered slumping down in his chair.

"Keech," Coaimhe agreed.

"Yelaan."  She'd heard her father mutter it upon occasion.

"Bloody hell," David said with a sigh.

The door opened to admit four sets of parents, some in uniform, and one grandparent. The commandant recognized one man immediately. It was hard not to, really. No one had spoken just yet but each set had gravitated toward their cadet and were simply staring at them. He touched the one man on the arm.

"Chief Lynley, may I have a word with you in private please?" the commandant asked.

David had watched his father's brows raise slightly, maybe for being addressed by rank still, but he went with the commandant anyway. He stole a glance at Etienne. His mother was a sweet looking Trill lady and he looked a great deal like his father but his father also looked awfully angry.

"Qu'as tu fait, Etienne? Je veux une bonne explication," he began, his face flushed.

Nan turned his dark eyes, usually so full of amusement and laughter, onto his beloved girl. Coaimhe didn't think he looked so happy. Not a hint of reaction from her mother at all but she knew better than to expect it in public. "Well?" was her father's softly voiced only question.

T'Cerys looked up at her father. He looked vaguely amused for some reason and she wondered if the commandant had said anything to him. "It is a long story...," she began.

Rosie stared after her husband but turned those hazel eyes back to their only son. "David William Lynley..."

He night have tried to turn on the famous Lynley charm but it only worked on Mum when Dad did it. Instead, David took a deep breath and stood up. He looked at each of his friends then each of their parents.

"I can explain," he began and he did, detailing exactly what JJ Butler had done and said over the last four weeks. He winced, not wanting to hurt his mother's, or any of the other parents,' feelings but he left nothing out. Finishing, he said, "And that would be about it."

Five stared at the young man for barely a second then she swept her green eyed gaze to her daughter, then slowly, inexorably, she turned around to look at Butler. Many years ago she'd learned to control her angry outbursts but, right at that moment, it took all of Aileas' strength of will to stop 5 of 12 from just marching over there and throttling the boy. Instead she stared at him, hard, her implant scanning him over, fixing him in her mind. Her one green eye bored a hole through his skull and she practically shook with anger.

Coaimhe might have felt sorry for JJ. Might have but she didn't. She was infinitely glad her mother's wrath was being turned on her. Instead, she just wrapped an arm around her mother's waist, smiling slightly when she felt her father's arm there as well.

Putting a hand on his son's shoulder, Vincent silently said, 'You did well,' but outwardly said, "Perhaps you could have handled it a little better?"

"I'm sorry, Papa," Etienne said simply. That was a simple promise to try to not have it happen again. His father was very fair man and Etienne hated to disappoint him. "I will next time."

Jassa smiled as her husband and son, who looked so much like each other, simply put an arm around each other's shoulders. "Perhaps there won't be a next time," she said gently.

T'Cerys looked up at her father. Mother was uncomfortable on Starfleet grounds and was, no doubt, waiting at Uncle's home nearby. His face was its usual Vulcan calm but those eyes...he was amused. Amused to the point where he was almost going to smile in public. "You should have dropped him, T'Cerys-kam."

David didn't dare laugh--T'Cerys' dad was pretty funny after all--not with his mother's eyes fixed on him. "Not the brightest of ideas, David," Rosie said mildly. She was vaguely horrified that her son would do that to somebody but pleased that he would stick up for her at the same time. "Next time, try your father's impervious English calm instead of my Cajun temper, dear."

There hadn't been a peep from JJ but they all heard his grandfather say, "I will deal with your behavior later, young man."

There was a low buzz of conversation and the four cadets slowly pulled their parents toward each other, making introductions, while they waited for the commandant and Nat to return. It was a few minutes later when they finally did. David cringed slightly. His dad looked awfully pissed off. Whatever he was angry about, though, it couldn't have entirely been the window incident.

Nat dropped into the chair next to David and shook his head. Unconsciously echoing Vincent he said, "Couldn't think of a better idea?"

The commandant sat back down behind his desk, his gaze flicking once toward Nat, but then allowing his eyes to reach everyone else in the room. "So now we come to the disposition of this rather interesting problem. No matter the circumstances, I cannot allow the incident to go unpunished. I've come up with the following..."

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