[ussbansheec] Apologies and Diversions

  • From: Andy Maluhia <CaptainAndy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ussbansheec@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 06:08:58 -0400

Andy made it back to his office without being stopped but he wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. He hadn't actually lied to Victoria about going home. He just hadn't told her the whole truth. He settled back to read the drill reports and waited, glancing at the door every now and then.

"This is a bad, bad idea," Victoria told herself as she stared at the swirling violence of the Badlands. "If you go and see him, you are just going to get mad." Alternatively, if you continue to sit here, talking to yourself, you're going to just explode at him the second he gets home. Shaking her head, she brushed her fingers against her viewport and sighed. "Okay, Victoria, time to confront the demons." Not that Andy was a demon, it was the whole situation that made her feel physically sick, he just wasn't helping.

Slipping quickly from her office and Sick Bay, she marched down corridors, her skirts fluttering around her legs. Once in the relative safety of the turbolift, she called out for the Marine Deck and bounced up and down as it made its slow progress through the ship.

Looking up from his work screen yet again, Andy blew out a soft breath. How could he say something to her when he was not supposed to? Then again--how could he not? Especially when they sat there watching the wormhole and making plans? She's going to kill me.

Private Smith watched as the Cap's little redhead marched into the Squad Room, looking less than cheery, but not quite looking pissed either. More like a storm just waiting to explode, a spring wound tightly and about to break, or a little redhead with a lot on her mind. Sliding lower in his seat, his greeting died on his lips at the thought of inadvertantly being the focal point for that little tornado.

Ringing the chime on his office, Victoria held her breath. She didn't want to be angry, that wasn't fair, but she was and there wasn't a right lot she could do about it.

He'd been actually looking at the door when it chimed so the sound actually startled Andy slightly. He got up to answer it, smiling when he saw Victoria. "Hey, pretty lady, come on in."

/Oh God, you're gorgeous. Snap out of it, Victoria, you're meant to be angry with him./ But her irritation had melted just at the sight of her lovely Marine and she beamed up at him, stepping into his office and closing the door. "I'm supposed to explode in here, blazing fire at you for not telling me the truth, you know," she told him with a grin.

Andy folded an arm around her waist and kissed her softly. "To tell you the truth, I've been kind of waiting on that. I suppose I deserve it."

"Why didn't you tell me?" she said quietly as she brushed his cheek, still smiling. "And if you say it was orders, I swear I'll tickle you."

Andy cringed. "Oh, don't do that," he said, stepping an arm's length away, the smile back on his face. "But it really was. I think Grace would've had a MacPack in her office if I told you."

"You don't think I can be trusted to not tell my siblings?" A curling tendril of her anger snaked back through her stomach. Slowly, she folded her arms and lengthened the distance between them.

"It's not that, Victoria. I was afraid of it upsetting you. If you get upset I kind of think you wouldn't tell them but then they'd ask why you were upset..." He left out a sigh of frustration. "I know one of your brothers or sisters would want to know why."

"I'm that flappable, huh?" Victoria shrugged, moving to lean against a wall. "I suppose that's my own fault for getting easily upset about personal things."

"Never said anything about flapping," Andy told her. "I wasn't implying that you'd get the hysterics type of thing but you'd still know and have to keep it from them. You guys are like me and Tommy. He always knows when something's up and vice versa."

"I just wish you'd trusted me," she sighed finally, covering her eyes with one hand, the other arm wrapped around her stomach.

"/'Trusted you'/?" Andy shook his head and stepped closer. "It's got nothing to do with trust, Victoria. I was trying to save you the grief of having to lie to them."

Dropping her hand to her side, she fixed light grey eyes on him. "I don't lie but I am adept at avoidance. 'How are you feeling today, Victoria?' 'Like the sun is shining and the birds are singing.' Not a lie but not the answer they think it is, when the true answer is 'I feel like death warmed up, thank you very much, how would you feel after major surgery?' It's an art form, you should ask your Vulcan Aunt about it one day."

Andy sat back on the edge of his desk with a heavy sigh. "I will. When we get home and we /will/ get home," he said softly. "Victoria, I don't know what to tell you. I wasn't trying to coddle you in that way, like you were an invalid. To me, you're this beautiful little woman who I love and I'd do anything if it'd spare you pain, not because you're too weak to take it, but because I love you."

"I know we'll get home, I have faith in the combined abilities of this crew. And I know you love me and I even know why you didn't tell me. I just find it..." Victoria huffed out a breath, glared at him then pushed away from the wall to move in front of him. Poking a finger into his chest, she said, "You frustrate me, sometimes. I love you so much but there are times when I just," she let out a little growl and poked him again. "Stop being so sweet and caring, then I can be mad at you for more than five minutes at a time."

"Hey, cut that out," Andy said suddenly, biting back a smile. "I thought you were joking about the tickling..."

Biting her lip mischievously, Victoria slid her fingers around his stomach and up his sides, tickling in the places she knew were his most sensitive. "I never joke," she teased.

He couldn't hide the smile any longer and the laughter was only marginally easier to keep down. "You are a wicked, wicked woman, Victoria, tickling defenseless Marines like this," he finally said breathlessly. He reached to take hold of her hands. "If I kiss them will you stop?"

"Helpless Marines? Hmm... I think I saw one cowering outside, want me to call him in so you can kiss him?" Her grin was broad as she reached onto tiptoe and kissed his nose. "He looked like he could do with something, but his CO kissing him probably wasn't what he had in mind. But hey, it'd be good for a laugh."

"Ah, that ain't happenin'," Andy said with a chuckle. He kissed both her hands then said, "If it was Smith outside, he's probably looking at you. He approves of you y'know."

"Well he can't have me," she chuckled. "There's only one Marine for me." Then she tilted her head to the side and asked, "Approves of me?"

Andy nodded. "He asked me if it was true that I was living with you. I told him that was none of his business but then he went and said 'Good for you, sir. She's good people'. And you are." He kissed her hands again. "Forgive me for not telling you?"

"Silly boy," she smiled as she gripped his hand tightly. "You've been tickled, thus punishment has been served. Of course I forgive you." Again, she stood on tiptoe, this time kissing his lips. "As if I could ever hold a grudge against you."

As he had done the first time he dared touch her, Andy reached to easily pick her up, settling her on his lap as he sat on the edge of the desk. "You know, I can't bear to think of how our families are going to react if they realize that we're missing but it's going to be hard on the rest of our crew. They all have families at home but I have you here. I'm glad of that."

Cupping his chin in her tiny hands, she rubbed her thumbs over his smooth cheeks. "I don't know what I'd do without you now, I don't think I'd survive this at least. I miss home so much it hurts."

"You and Moria are going to have your hands full I think. I will, too. Assuming any of the guys or gals out there will bend and say anything, I'll listen. Not that I can do anything but I'm the boss. It's my job and one I don't mind," Andy said softly, holding her to him.

"Moria said she's already fully booked with appointments, run off her feet. I have limited counselling training but I'm going to offer to take the overflow." Then a funny thought struck her. "We need a morale officer like they had on Voyager. We need a Neelix."

"Better be somebody on board already then," Andy said ruefully. "I don't Grace is allowed to pick up hitch hikers."

"Hmm... very true. Though having a proper Neelix would be interesting." Tapping her lips, she frowned. "Can you think of anyone we can volunteer for Morale Officer?"

"Umm...not off the top of my head, especially since they're all going to be so struck by this," Andy began.

"You know," she mused, "I always find Z to be very joyful company. Maybe we could ask him."

"That might be interesting. Except for the look on his face when JM mentioned his wife, he's been really good about this whole thing," Andy mused.

"Maybe getting everyone else to feel better will make Z feel better too, d'you think?" Victoria laid her head on his shoulder and smiled. "I know that when I feel really bad, making someone else laugh always brightens my day."

"Plus it'd keep his mind off of things and expend some of that huge store of energy he's always got," Andy said, warming to the idea. "You get to make the suggestion to Moria though."

"And you can tell Z," Victoria countered.  "Fair?"

"You mean after you talk to your sister, right? I don't mind, any way. He's one of the family on my side, too," Andy stated.

"And the crew will be in good hands," Victoria said cheerfully.

A look of mischief spread across Andy's face. "You wanna amuse Smith out there? I'll bet you he and his buddies are listening to see if we're going t'yell or something. We really ought to do something to make the wait worth while."

An evil smirk on her face, Victoria said, "As for example?"

An idea flashed across his thoughts but Andy shook his head. "Bad idea that one..."

"No, no, tell me," Victoria beamed.

"It'll be a bit embarrassing but kinda worth it," Andy began, the mischief back in full force.

"Embarrassing I can live with," Victoria chuckled then poked him. "Now tell me."

With his arms still around her, Andy whispered in her ear, even though he knew he didn't have to. "What do you think?" he asked when he was finished.

Grinning evilly, she nodded and stood up. In a loud voice that would carry through the door, she said, "How dare you lie to me!"

"Hey, you know what? Marines don't lie. We get word right from God Himself, lady," Andy replied in his best imitation of a particularly nasty DI he once had. He bit back the grin on his face as he opened the door. "You Fleet types are too soft!"

"Soft! Ha!" Victoria put on a glare that Sussanna would have been proud of. "At least we're not knuckle dragging apes with less IQ than a glass of water." Sweeping out after Andy into the Squad Room, she managed, despite her diminutive size, to peer down her nose at him.

"Yeah but we got backbones, now don't we? Not like you spineless Fleeters. Can do half of anything yourselves," Andy sneered. Oh but it was hurting to keep a straight face.

Victoria snorted and it took all of her will power for it not to turn into a giggle. Returning his sneer, she said, "At least we can tell our arses from our elbows. But then Marines can't find their backsides even with a map."

Smith's jaw was on the floor. He couldn't believe he was hearing that sort of language out of the boss never mind the doc. He stared over at the corporal. The woman was just shaking her head in shock.

"Tell ya what," Andy growled as he towered over Victoria. "See if you can find a Fleeter who can do this."

His back to the Marines, he lunged , his arms wrapping around her waist and supporting her head, and kissed full on the mouth.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, Victoria returned the kiss with fervour. As Andy set her back on her feet, she brushed down the front of her dress, raised one eyebrow and shrugged. "Not every day, no."

"Or any day for that matter?" Andy asked, just about to laugh.

"Meh," Victoria said with another shrug that hid the way she was shaking to suppress the giggles. "There was this one guy in Med School..."

"Med school?" Andy gave a snort that may as well have been a stifled guffaw. "Ha! I oughtta throw you over my shoulder and lock you up for talking to me like that."

Victoria was physically shaking. To the Marines behind her it must have looked like it was through anger but to Andy, it was clear that she was silently laughing. Only just keeping it out of her voice, she sniffed haughtily and said, "I'd like to see you try."

At that, Andy really did snort in amusement. She knew how easy it would be for him to do it. As quickly as any Marine at top form, he bent from the waist then propped her over his shoulder, careful, though, to be gentle. "Brig for your smart mouth, lady."

She let out a yelp that was more laugh than shock. Holding her breath for a few seconds, she managed to get it under control. In his ear, she whispered, "Only if you keep me company." Then loudly, she said, "How can you only lock up my mouth, how silly." Then she made a show of struggling, but only weakly. "Put me down, you great oaf."

"I think I might just do that," Andy whispered but at his normal tone, he said, "See? You admit it. Marines are great. C'mon, Doc, brig with ya."

As the Cap escorted the doctor from the room, Smith frowned at their backs. "I thought the Cap liked Doc McEntire."

The corporal was grinning from ear to ear. "Oh, I think he does, Smithie, trust me. What do you think, Hale?"

"I think," Evy observed, a wistful smile on her face, "our brig is still empty but my cousin's cabin ain't gonna be for very long,"

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  • » [ussbansheec] Apologies and Diversions