<USS Banshee> The Body?s Song of Sorrow

  • From: "angelserene@xxxxxxxx" <angelserene@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: ussbanshee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2004 23:04:54 GMT

The Body?s Song of Sorrow
by Telsia Ehling

Telsia sat down at the kitchen table, a cup of coffee in one hand and a PADD in 
the other.  She was reviewing some information about a disease she thought one 
of the patients might possibly be suffering from.  Unfortunately her mind 
wasn?t focusing on work, in fact, it wasn?t focusing on anything, she was so 
tired and so exhausted all the time that nothing seemed to be able to hold her 
attention for long enough.  Even Cameron had a hard time getting his mom to 
play with him, something that Tel would have done at any moment before.

Of course that was the kicker there, nothing was the same as it was before and 
it probably wouldn?t be the same.  Besides that one night of going to see Josh, 
Tel heard nothing about his condition nor had she gone to visit him.  That was 
one of the reasons that Telsia hadn?t slept a full night in a long time, it was 
hard to sleep when so worried about someone that your insides were just in a 
huge constant knot.  Her worry had gotten so bad that Tel was having a hard 
time keeping food down; every time she ate she got sick, so of course with that 
logic, Tel wasn?t eating much.

After days of hardly eating and getting sick when eating and many sleepless 
nights, the stress was getting to Telsia.  She looked run down and exhausted, 
every bone in her body ached and every muscle cried for rest.  Instead of 
listening to her body, Tel stood up from the table and checked to make sure 
Cameron was sound asleep before leaving their quarters and going to work.  It 
was going to be a long day.

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