<USS Banshee> Sara's Updated Bio

  • From: EnsnSaraCrusher@xxxxxxx
  • To: ussbanshee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2002 22:21:58 EDT


Full Name: Sara Rhiannon Crusher 
Rank: Lieutenant
Position: Chief Medical Officer

Personal Data:
Species: Human,  1/4 betazed
Date of birth: May 1 2358 
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Green
Ht: 5’2   Wt: 116lbs
Place of birth: Phoenix, Arizona. North American continent of Earth 


Mother: Captain Stephanie Crusher 
Father:  Commander Jake Crusher 
Siblings: Lt. Sr. Gr. Matthew Nikolas Crusher (25) 
              Kate Crusher (Sister-in-law.. 23)   
              Matthew Jack Crusher (Nephew.. 6 months)

Personal Profile:
Sara is the youngest child of Captain Stephanie Crusher, a professor of 
history and culture at Star Fleet Academy, and Commander Jake Crusher of the 
Diplomatic corp. She grew up in a Star Fleet atmosphere, her father’s twin 
brother Jack Crusher as well as his wife Dr. Beverly Crusher are also in Star 
Fleet. Her older brother Matthew is a Lt. in the JAG corp. Sara has always 
had a passion for flying and medicine. She has a very close relationship with 
her Aunt Beverly, who is the CMO of the federation’s flag ship, the 
Enterprise. When ever she had the chance she would be with her aunt studying 
medicine as well as holistic treatments that Beverly learned from her 
grandmother. When she was not with Beverly or at home with her mother in 
Phoenix, Sara could be found on her mother’s home world of Betazed. Her 
mother is half betazed and half human and Sara has inherited her empathic 
abilities as well as having a small amount of telepathic ability. 

Sara excelled at a young age and was placed several grades ahead in school. 
After spending her senior year of high school (At the age of 16) on Betazed 
working for Ambassador Lwaxana Troi, who is a close personal friend of her 
mother’s family, as is her daughter Deanna. Sara decided to attend Star Fleet 
Academy. She completed the Command task program with a specialty in 
navigations in two years. She then attend Star Fleet Medical School were she 
graduated in the top five of her class. After completing her internship with 
her Aunt Beverly aboard the Enterprise she was assigned as the AMO of the 
U.S.S Banshee. 

Personal Profile Update:
Sara has been on the Banshee for sometime now and fully considers her home. 
Professionally she has made great strides. Which is clearly evident in her 
resent promotions.  Although she has had her fair share of problems, having 
been reprimanded twice by her Captain. Personally she’s never been happier 
and more emotional in many ways. She was reunited with Anthony D’Vorak, a 
close friend from her youth. She formed a very close best friend relationship 
with Cyanah Kaelyre very quickly, a relationship that continues to strengthen 
and change. Sara even found time to have a romantic relationship with Joshua 
Asper, who is also a close friend. 

Psychological Profile:
Sara is the youngest child of two high ranking Starfleet officers. She shows 
the high level of personal standers. She has a habit of needing to prove 
herself not only to others but to herself. She has very close family ties 
which are seen with in her relationships with her mother and aunt. She is 
close to her older brother but has the need to compete with him and an older 
male cousin. Professionally she has never had any trouble with a commanding 
officer, although she will not hesitate to speck her mind. Which she 
demonstrated in the academy when she took command of a survival training 
group after the assigned leader demonstrated a lack of "good" judgment nearly 
costing the group several injuries. 

Her time at the academy provided her with a lot of hurdles to leap. She was 
younger then most of her class and was ranked with in the top five in her 
class both years she attended the academy. Placing her yet again in a 
different group then her peers. She passed though the program in two years 
which again made her younger then most graduating ensigns. Her time severed 
aboard the Enterprise saw the addition of being away from her mother for the 
first time, but she cleared this hurdle as well, with the help of her aunt. 

Personally she is a well rounded young woman with all kinds of interests. One 
of which being music. She has a natural love for animals and has a wide 
verity of holodeck programs that she enjoys. Sara does have a temper, 
something that has gotten her in trouble from time to time since childhood. 
But she has learned to control it and her mouth which to starts when her 
temper is high. Sara is over all a loving and nurturing person and an officer 
willing to learn and grow. Although she has a lot of trouble accepting praise 
for her work, but more then willing to agree with criticism.  She deals 
normally with lose, evident when ever someone talks about her uncle who was 
killed on a Starfleet away mission. The hardest thing she has ever had to 
deal with was the transition after her mother left commanding star ships for 
teaching at the academy.  She felt that her mother was taking a step down in 
her career, and is still dealing with that. 

Psychological Profile Update:
Sara has grown a lot since coming aboard the Banshee. She becomes more self 
confident in her work everyday and is adjusting normally to her new position. 
It will take time for her to fully adjust to the newness of being a 
department head, but it will happen. She is a very open and caring person, 
which you can clearly see in her personal relationships. Her only problems 
are a personal lack of self confidence, which has started to change as she’s 
found herself in a newly defining relationship with a loved one. The other 
problem she has is a natural sense of fear towards her Captain which has 
become more intense since her two trips to the Captain‘s ready room for 
dispensary actions. Sara has slowly started to work on both problems. She is 
becoming more concerned for herself and not trying so hard to conform for the 
sake of the people around her. As for her fear of Captain Morrigan, that to 
will change as well as Sara begins to work more closely with her. 


Medical Profile and History:
Sara Crusher is an average human female. She has a fondness for fitness and 
training, as well as athletics which has lead to most of her personal time 
spent in sick bay.  She has had no major illnesses, with the exception of the 
Vulcan equivalent of chicken pox at age 7 after spending time on Vulcan with 
her father.  She has been treated for several injuries caused by either 
playing parrises squares or a Mok’bara or Bat’leth match. She was also 
treated on the Enterprise for a server concussion after being thrown from a 
horse while on shore leave. 

While at the academy she was treated for minor bumps, bruises and 
lacerations. The worse case coming from a street fight she was in while on 
holiday on Risa. Only once has she ever required surgery,  during her time on 
the Enterprise she was attacked by a romulan while on an away team. She was 
stabbed in the leg which required surgery to repair the muscle and tissue 
that was torn by the gagged blade.   She also spent six weeks in physical 
therapy fallowing her recovery. 

Medical Update:

U.S.S Banshee:
Sara was infected and nearly died from a mysterious Cardassian virus. The 
virus caused among other things, severe  headaches, muscle spasms, and 
hallucinations. The virus which slowly attacks the body’s systems one by one, 
at one point even caused Sara’s heart to stop. She was given the cure which 
was developed by fellow Banshee doctors, Coren Terje and Anthony D’Vorak, 
just before any more of her major systems could go into arrest. After 
spending 72 hours unconscious, Sara went into complete remission. After two 
weeks on inactive duty she was given a clean bill of health. 

Service Record:

Starfleet Academy  
Starfleet Medical School
U.S.S Enterprise (Medical Internship)

237804.18 posted to the U.S.S Banshee as AMO
237808.22 promoted to full Lieutenant and Chief Medical Officer of the 

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  • » <USS Banshee> Sara's Updated Bio