[USS Athena] "The Elder Base"

  • From: Svonn <svonn@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ussathena@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2008 11:49:50 -0400


"I have received the data from Arrain Dhivael," Svonn reported. "She has arrives at the same conclusions as I.  The civilization appears to be pre-industrial. so we should have no issues with them."

"Very well," Ronov acknowledged.  "Arrain Jhu'Rhiana.  Take us down."

"Ie, Rekkhai," Jhu'Rhiana responded.  She set the shuttle for atmospheric entry.

"I would recommend atmospheric entry over the western hemisphere, and approaching the base on a low trajectory," Svonn stated.  "This would provide for the least chances of being spotted by the base's defense system.  The fiest base we encountered had an automated defense system which shot down the shuttle."

"Make it so," Ronov ordered. "How will we overcome the defenses if this base is equipped with such?"

"I will attempt to access the base computers with the information we obtained previously," Svonn said.  "Lt. ch'Ren was very instrumental in decyphering the language and the programming."

"That would have been helpful information before we left the ship, Commander," Ronov stated matter-of-factly,

"I assure you, Erei'Riov," Svonn said evenly.  "I am well-versed in the computer language from the previous base."

"Let's hope so," Ronov muttered.

Jhu'Rhiana did as recommended.  She took the shuttle into the planet's atmosphere from over the western hemisphere.  She agreed with Svonn's concerns of being spotted by any defense systems.  If the shuttle was going to be seen at all, it would be during the entry into the planet's atmosphere,  The cloaking device did nothing to hide the ship during that time.  Once they were in the atmosphere, they would again be cloaked, but for that very short period they would be visible to sensors.  She took the shuttle low to the planet's surface, skimming 20 meters off the surface. 

Svonn watched the progress of the shuttle's flight on his monitor.  The display was counting down the distance to the base.  He had sent a message to tthe Aegyptus to keep an "ear" on the Starzen listening posts, to make certain they did not see the Rhaetia's atmospheric entry.  "Arrain.  Hold this position.  We are close enough for me to use a low power signal to access the base computer.

"Ie, Commander," Jhu'Rhiana responded.  She halted the forward flight of the shuttle, then activated station keeping thrusters to keep them in one place.

Ronov looked out the forward view port.  He could see no base.  All he saw was purple-colored mountains.  He knew this did not mean the base did not exist.  From reading about the first discovery, it was found quite by accident, as the Athena thought the planet was barren and were going to start a mining expidition.  The bases automatic defense systems kicked in as the shuttle approached the surface.  So far, their approach was unnoticed.

:I have accessed the computer," Svonn announced.  "Arrain.  Course 24.9, precisely, will bring us to an entrance.  Do not vary in the slightest."

"Ie, Commander," the helm operatot responded once more. "She set the course prescribed.  The shuttle moved forward, towards the mountain.  The course took them right to the side of the mountain. Jhu'Rhiana could see no entrance. She glanced over to Ronov.

"I see no entrance, Commander," Ronov stated.

"It is there, Erei'Riov," Svonn stated evenly.  "Remina precisely on course."

Jhu'Rhiana did as instructed.  If Svonn said there was an entrance there, she figured it must be hidden behind a holographic projection.  IF he was correct.  If not, they would crash, horribly, into the side of the mountain.  Despite everything inside her that said to veer away, she stayed on course.   The mountain wall was now two meters away....one meter, then black

to be continued...
Erei'Riov Ronov
Executive Officer

Lt. Commander Svonn
Chief science officer/Second Officer

Arrain Jhu'Rhiana
NPC Helm officer

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