[uae] Re: faster blitfunc

  • From: Mustafa TUFAN <mustafa.tufan@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: uae@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2007 22:02:10 +0300


i don't know about other compilers but gcc (for arm and mips) does very good job optimizing (when -O3 or -Os is used)..
but the patch i've done here is very simple but effective one..

for (j = b->vblitsize; j--; ) { ... }
here the test contition is j-- and it's just a; is j non-zero, decrement and loop..

for (j = 0; j < b->vblitsize; j++) { ... }
but here it has to subtract j from b->vblitsize and check if it's not zero, increment and loop..

more like;
   move.l b->vblitsize,d0
   dbf d0,.mylop

   mov    ecx, b->vblitsize
   loop    .mylop


   move.l #0,d0
   add.l #1,d0
   cmp b->vblitsize,d0
   bne .mylop

   mov ecx,0
   add ecx,1
   cmp ecx,b->vblitsize
   bne .mylop

my other patch was to remove unused srcc (uae_u32 srcc = b->bltcdat), normally compiler warns about unused variables
but the thing is e.g:
void blitdofast_0 {
uae_u32 srcc = b->bltcdat;    // srcc is loaded
b->bltcdat = srcc;   //and back..
the srcc value does not change here.. and because of the (b->bltcdat = srcc) line, compiler thinks this variable is used and leaves it there..

these may not make a speed difference on high end pcs,
but it makes a lot of difference for 266 mhz psp and 200 mhz gp2x.


Toni Wilen wrote:
genblitter diff for wip4.. this should be even faster..

Shouldn't it be C-compiler's job to do these kinds of optimizations? (I thought all modern compilers handle these easily)

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