[uae] Progess report

  • From: Richard Drummond <evilrich@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: uae@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 00:53:53 -0500

Hi All

It's been a while seen the last release of E-UAE, but I wanted to assure 
everybody that I haven't been entirely idle in that time.

I'm putting a lot of effort into getting the next version into a releasable 
state, and hopefully it'll be ready to go in a week or two.

I'll give a quick summary of what's going to be in the next version.

* Many core emulation changes merged from WinUAE 1.2.
* The bsdsocket.library emulation should now work on any POSIX-like system (I
  replaced the stack magic voodoo with something that's portable. The 'old'
  network stack emulation which required a stub library has now been removed).
* 64-bit hardfiles are now supported (thanks in part to Martin Blom).
* Auto-scroll screens now work in P96.
* Saving/loading emulator state now supported.
* MacOS X version is now a proper Cocoa application (this is thanks in part to  
  some great work done by Steve Saunders) and no longer requires hacks to

Things still to do for next release:

* Complete save-state dialogs on supported platforms (currently AmigaOS file   
  requesters are done).
* Finish up changes for cocoa-ization on OS X.
* Add rpath support for the BSD people.
* Maybe get vsynced double-buffering to a releasable state (at least in the
  SDL display driver). Maybe.

I'll try and provide a current source-code snapshot for those-inclined to 
build from source to play with very soon, and hopefully some binaries for the 
rest of you.

BTW, I try to ensure that the CVS repository at sourceforge is always in a 
buildable state (okay, it was broken for OS X for a while). If you want to 
check out the code, run the ./bootstrap.sh script in the directory root 
before configuring (if the configure script is modified by a CVS update, then 
you're then you'll probably need to run ./bootstrap.sh again and 

Any comments?


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