[uae] Re: Bug in e-uae-osx_sdl-20050619

  • From: Steven Saunders <s_j_nevets@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: uae@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 19:51:09 +1000 (EST)

> I'm very sorry Steve, i'm not on Mac for a long time and i  always
> confused the key "command" and "options". Your shortcuts work
> perfectly with the "command" key, but how to switch between the
> Amiga screens now ?  it seem we have a conflict here.

OK, that explains it. I never use the command-key as the amiga-key
myself, so I never noticed this. The page-down and page-up keys map
to the left and right amiga keys. I tested using pagedown-m to
screen-switch and that works. 

I could get rid of the cmd-m for minimise shortcut, if everyone's
predominantly using the cmd keys as the Amiga keys, however? I'd much
rather leave it in though, if possible.

> Good news, the rtg emulation don't crash anymore ;-))

Woohoo! Finally something's working. :-)

> I have found a  bug :
> Look at the output in the console when i launch euae.app
> (i have a default.uaerc in my home) :

> ...

> The other configfile is loaded too. Now, it's a big mess on
> my workbench because the two configurations are mixed
> (the hardiles of the configA + the hardfiles of the configB.

This is the standard behaviour of e-uae, even the command-line
version. It will always load ~/default.uaerc (if it exists) and then
the configuration you specify, if you specified one - so this doesn't
have anything to do with the Cocoa GUI code or the application bundle
version in particular.

You'll probably need to remove from your default.uaerc anything that
you don't want to apply all the time... or convince Richard that
default.uaerc shouldn't be loaded unless specifically asked for. :-)

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