[tunerpro] Progammatic interfaces?

  • From: Jason H <scorp1us@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "tunerpro@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <tunerpro@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2012 09:27:58 -0800 (PST)

As a software developer myself, I would be able to probably write an
 auto tune module if TunerPro exported it's readings. This is likely not going 
to happen, however it would be immensely cool for me to be able 
to load a script into TunerProand access and write the values as needed.

For this I would recommend Python, which has an "embedding" module ( 
http://docs.python.org/2/extending/embedding.html ), probably use SIP ( 
http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/software/sip/intro )to interface between the 
C/C++ runtime (I'm guessing TunerPro is in C/C++) and provide python objects.

If you can't follow this, this is how it would play out.
Tunerpro would take a command line script argument (myfile.py) or a menu would 
allow a specification of script with a file-select dialog.
Depending on how the hand-off to python is implemented, the script would be 
called at some time (either by registering functions on a particular event or a 
time interval)
The python script would run, and on completion control would be reverted back 
to TunerPro.

Example code (assuming a timer starts the script every second)
import tunerpro # creates the tunerpro C++/Python interface object

def checkSparkTable():                       #declare a function that does the 

  for rpm in tunerpro.ecu.rpm_graduations:   # returns a list of [400, 600, 
8000, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600.. etc - specific to each ECU]
    for map in tunerpro.ecu.map_graduations: # returns a list of MAP 
graduations [0, 20, 40 ... 100]
      rcell = tunerpro.tables("average spark retard").rpm(rpm).map(map) # for 
brevity pick out retard cell and hold onto it.
      scell = tunerpro.tables("main spark").rpm(rpm).map(map) # for brevity 
pick out spark cell and hold onto it.
        if rcell.samples > 5 and rcell.value > 0:   # if we have a 5 samples 
and we have retard

           scell.value = scell.value - 1            # decrease timing 1 degree

           rcell.samples = 0                        # reset the retard cell so 
we don't do this again until we have 5 more readings

           rcell.value = 0                          # reset the retard cell so 
we don't use old data

checkSparkTable()                                   #invoke the function

This will watch the average spark retard table and bump the main spark table. 
This will be invoked and process the whole table every second. TunerPro would 
have to come up with and publish the object model (or rather, this stuff might 
be assigned by your definition file) 

Instead of fixed-time invocations of this script, TunerPro could develop a 
call-back model for events:
tunerpro.tables("main spark").onWrite.addHandler(checkSparkTable)

Where the python logic above is invoked every time the TunerPro updates the 
values in the table from from the datastream. This is a little more complicated 
because the C++ program needs to directly support calling python functions, 
whereas a timed invocation just happens.

tunerpro.ecu.flags(flagname).value = true or false
tunerpro.ecu.list(listname).at(value) =  some value

If we come up with a library of functions, we can distribute that and people 
can use the functions as:
import tunerpro
import jasonslibrary
import daveslibrary


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