[tpsenviro] Re: Meeting Friday Enviro team

  • From: "Ian Adams" <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Redacted sender "iansnail" for DMARC)
  • To: tpsenviro@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2019 20:31:54 +1100

Hi Jen,

Good question! I suspect we might struggle, so an Auslan interpreter would be awesome if that's a possibility. But on the other hand, we might learn better meeting habits more quickly if we don't have an interpreter. What is your experience in meeting situations like this? To give you an idea of what to expect, we would usually have around 10-15 people in our first meeting and normally sit in a rough circle under the shade near the garden shed (where the bench seats make a half-circle and we bring extra chairs). There are generally kids popping in and out for occasional food and adult company too. Do you have a preference?

(I would presume that any costs for an interpreter would come from TPS enviro budget, and could be factored into our future budget by school council, so assume that shouldn't be a factor in your choice.)

Cheers, Ian.

Ian Adams

On 25/02/2019 8:09 pm, Jen Blyth wrote:


Do you think I'll need an Auslan interpreter for this, or will you be able to speak slowly and clearly and one at a time?


Be afraid of the enormity of the possible.

I live, learn and work in Wurundjeri Land and I pay my respects to First Nations people and Elders past, present and future

On Mon, 25 Feb 2019 at 06:25, Renee Wierzbicki and Matthew Pope <treehorn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:treehorn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Hi all,

    Let’s meet this Friday!
    Is 3pm too early? Or 3.40pm? We have a lot to discuss.

    Bring healthy snacks to share, especially for the kids.

    Meet in the prep yard, in front of the garden tool shed (where the
    Enviro Team had our plant stall at the BBQ last week)


      * welcome new team members, introduction to all the areas we cover
      * working bee, discuss tasks to be done
      * chook team update
      * Djeri pre-schooler gardening group update
      * landscaping under shade sail
      * Kitchen Garden classroom planning (inc. rats, chook housing,
      * other items?

    It will be hot!


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