[tn-moths] Re: [ncsc-moths] Moth Night rules, timing, event listings

  • From: Larry McDaniel <larrycmcd@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ncsc-moths <ncsc-moths@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, tn-moths <tn-moths@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2011 21:32:53 -0400

Kris Light and I plan to participate by conducting a moth sheet demonstation 
Saturday night, July 30th, at Roan Mountain State Park in Carter County, TN. It 
will be a part of Xtreme Roan Adventures (the Nature Rally for Kids) which is 
Friday night and all day Saturday, July 29th and 30th. We will have a moth 
sheet going on Friday night also. If anyone would like more information you can 
contact me or visit the Xtreme Roan Adventures website at 
Larry McDaniel
(423) 773-9234


Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2011 13:45:03 -0400
Subject: [ncsc-moths] Moth Night rules, timing, event listings
From: birdranger248@xxxxxxxxx
To: ncsc-moths@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Kyle Kittelberger (aka kkmicromoth-er) has graciously agreed to be compiler of 
Moth Night, which is great because July is a very busy time for me.  I was 
thinking of using the Excel checklist on the moth night web site and having all 
counters fill in numbers and location, email it as an attachment directly to 
Kyle, then he compiles the master results and posts them.  It would be on the 
honor system with any new state records or others deemed rare requiring photo 
documentation (which we all do anyway)
1-what times for moth night, should we do midnight to midnight like most bio 
blitzes using one calendar day?  seems like two nights are possible that way, 
how about July 30th 6am to 6am?!?! or does it even matter.  I would do some 
daytime moth-ing so wanted to have some daylight hours and save my public hike 
for the evening.
2-For the competition aspect what do you think about the categories
Highest overall total moth species identified
Highest overall total species per state (NC winnder, SC winner, TN, etc)
Highest total species per county
Highest total species per backyard (from within a few hundred feet or some 
arbitrary rulling)
Highest total number of indivuals tallied
Highest total of participants on a hike/walk/talk
3-Updating the moth night web site soon, send me any events you have including
email/sign up
program/event description

Brian Bockhahn
State Park Ranger
Falls Lake State Recreation Area

Other related posts:

  • » [tn-moths] Re: [ncsc-moths] Moth Night rules, timing, event listings - Larry McDaniel