[TN-Butterflies] latest batch of county records for bamona now posted

  • From: Stephen Stedman <SStedman@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: tn-butterflies@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2009 12:14:21 -0500

The most recent batch of (92) new county butterfly records that I sent
October 6, 2009, to be processed by the folks who run the BAMONA website
has recently been posted, so have a look and see if all your
photo-documented records are now properly reflected in the maps for each
species and included in the butterfly list for your county or counties.
I note that Eastern Tailed-Blue is now missing in just six counties
(with one recent county record still to be submitted), Pearl Crescent in
just eight counties (with two recent county records still to be
submitted), and Eastern Tiger Swallowtail in just 10 counties (with no
recent county records still to be submitted).


I plan to submit another batch of (at least 55) recently submitted new
county butterfly records next Monday, so if you have any photos
documenting new county butterfly records, as reflected at the BAMONA
website, please send those along pronto.  During the coming winter, I
will be slower about submitting new county (and other) records to
BAMONA, so please act now to see your records reflected at the BAMONA
website as fast as possible.


The butterfly season is ending all too quickly, so any and all comments
about the 2009 butterfly season in your part of TN are welcome. I would
especially like comments on individual species in your part of the
state.  If Long-tailed Skippers were absent, please say so; if Mourning
Cloaks put on a good show in May and June in your part of the state (as
they did in mine), send that word along; if Yehl Skippers were more
plentiful than usual where you seek butterflies, send word; if Monarchs
were normally numerous as southbound, late season migrants, let me know.
There more species about which you comment, the better.


If you kept a list of butterfly species you saw in your yard or county
this year, please send the list(s) to me soon along with an indication
of where the list came from and very roughly how much effort was
involved in putting it together.


Good butterflying, Steve

Other related posts:

  • » [TN-Butterflies] latest batch of county records for bamona now posted - Stephen Stedman