[TN-Bird] Re: Possible Tufted Duck Pickwick

  • From: "Jud Johnston" <rivendell@xxxxxxx>
  • To: <tnbarredowl@xxxxxxx>, <tn-bird@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 21:47:02 -0500

Being only forty miles away, I twitched to Damien's report, arriving at 
Pickwick State park around 5.  Around 6, I finally spotted two athya ducks in 
mid-river.  One of them did look very white on the sides, but at that distance 
I couldn't say much more.  So, it may still be there, but I couldn't verify it. 
 The two ducks were loosely asociated with a raft of 8-10 grebes, which I 
couldn't hope to identify further at that distance.  A female bufflehead flew 
in at one point and joined them.  The white slash on the head made that one 

I did find one eared grebe just off the beach parking lot, beginning to molt 
and showing some of the fluffy golden feathers.  In the slough leading to the 
marina was a horned grebe in winter plumage; and another horned, showing the 
golden eyebrows, up near the bridge.  There were at least six common loons in 
breeding or near breeding plumage - gorgeous birds.  I did not see the 
red-throated loon or any scoters.
I observed from several vantage points from the marina slough around to near 
the bridge.  I also looked from the observation deck at the north end of the 

Jud Johnston
Waynesboro, TN

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