[TN-Bird] Henry and Benton Counties (pic)

  • From: Shawna Ellis <yodergoat@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Tn Bird List <tn-bird@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2013 23:25:36 -0500

April 23, 2013

This morning in our Henry County yard, we had a few first of seasons:

Rose-breasted Grosbeak (2 males)
Palm Warbler (new yard bird for us)
Pine Warbler

Also in the yard, White-eyed Vireos, Orchard Orioles and Summer
Tanagers have been singing up a storm, we've had Indigo Buntings
visiting feeders and water with some regularity, and the hummingbirds
are swarming every evening that we've been home to observe them, in
larger numbers than we have ever had... up to close to 15-20 during
peak times right before dark. That has been very exciting for us since
we usually just have a few.

Last night I woke at about 3 in the morning and heard Barred Owls
absolutely going crazy nearby with their calls back and forth. It was
a nice spring-timey sound.

After five months of enjoying Red-breasted Nuthatches at our feeders,
we spent several days seeing none and were sad that they had
apparently moved on. Yesterday, one visited briefly, but we haven't
seen it again. I suppose it is time for our winter visitors to
leave... sigh.

On a humorous note, both my husband and I on separate occasions this
week have been startled to hear a Killdeer in our yard (not good
Killdeer territory at all). It was part of a Northern Mockingbird's
song repertoire, expertly mimicked. It reminded me of a
Yellow-breasted Chat we heard last year which would clearly give the
"bob" part of a Northern Bobwhite's call... so well copied that you
found yourself anxiously awaiting the "white" that never came!

As we were driving along a very nice fencerow about a mile from our
home, we enjoyed seeing a Red-headed Woodpecker, getting close looks
and photos as he worked on some old wooden posts. We don't see those
in this immediate vicinity very often.

During a visit to Nathan Bedford Forrest State Park in Benton County
today, we heard a first of season Wood Thrush and Great-crested
Flycatcher, and saw two more male Rose-breasted Grosbeak males.

Included is the photo of the Red-headed Woodpecker.

Shawna Ellis
Paris, Henry County TN

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  • » [TN-Bird] Henry and Benton Counties (pic) - Shawna Ellis