[TN-Bird] Re: Eurasion Wigeon present

  • From: Michael Todd <birder1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Tn bird <tn-bird@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 20:35:34 -0800 (PST)

I didn't see the Savannah bottoms bird, and don't remember if there were any 
photos of it. I think the Busseltown and Britton Ford birds are different 
though, on plumage. I was a bit distant today, but the bird Terry and David 
found looked to be a classic Eurasian, with a solid rufous head; the Busseltown 
bird Ruben found had an obvious creamy paler area on the cheek below the eye, 
that was visible at a distance. Your scenario does make sense with the scarcity 
of this species in the mid-south, but I guess as with most of these rarities, 
probably more of them around than we realize.
Good Birding!!
Mike Todd
McKenzie, TN

From: Bill Pulliam <littlezz@xxxxxxxxx>
To: Tn bird <tn-bird@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
Sent: Saturday, November 30, 2013 4:31 PM
Subject: [TN-Bird] Re: Eurasion Wigeon present

This makes three of the last four winters with an adult male Eurasian Wigeon 
spotted somewhere along the Tennessee River/Kentucky Lake corridor between 
Britton Ford and Savannah Bottoms.  Makes one wonder if they have possibly all 
been the same bird? 

Bill Pulliam
Hohenwald TN

On Nov 30, 2013, at 1:04 PM, Michael Todd wrote:

>Britton Ford, Henry Co
>When I arrived about 10 AM, David Kirschke and the Routledges were already 
>there, with the bird in and out of view with the large group of Wigeon 
>present. They would walk around the point to the north, then fly out in mass a 
>hundred yards or so, only to steadily walk back out of view. This went on 
>several times, before the drake Eurasian finally decided to take a long nap, 
>on the point buried in amongst the various other ducks. Most of the this time, 
>it was effectively invisible due to being behind so many other birds. Ruben 
>Stoll arrived in time to see it, and Bill Lisowski of KY (finder of the recent 
>Say's Phoebe at Reelfoot), arrived just a couple of minutes after the whole 
>group flew to the south end of the bay here, which is largely hidden from 
>view. You have to move around a lot to try to see into this area, and we 
>hadn't relocated the bird when I left about 11:30. It is still in the area 
>though. Also 3 Cackling Geese flew by trailing a group of
 White-fronts. Otherwise, just the expected birds of the area, with a few 
Forster's Terns a nice addition. I didn't check any of the other areas here, 
though others were.
>I've placed 2 distant shots of the Eurasian Wigeon in a gallery here:
>http://www.pbase.com/mctodd/gallery/winter_201314   Hopefully others will get 
>some better shots of this very sharp bird, showing no signs of hybridization.

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