[texbirds] Utley, Webberville Park, Elgin (Black-billed Cuckoo etc.)...Local

  • From: Brush Freeman <brushfreeman@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <Texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 3 May 2013 12:16:46 -0500

Miserable freaking wind and cold early this morning...Saw a few things
around the property and decided to go to Webberville Park...Met KC there
but she wimped early out and went to work.  I stayed for a bit finding Am.
Redstart, Prothonotary, Chestnut-sideds (2), Green Heron, O. Orioles (3)
and ten cold toes in a pair of Crocs.

  Went to Elgin to get a chain saw blade sharpened..Man said ready in about
an hour.  I walked around the area of Ave. A and W. 4th.  Much less wind
here and it was warming.  A lot of pecans are still tasseling here...Lots
of big old trees..  Found a few migrant flocks with 5-7 species of
warblers, best being a Bay-breasted.  Had a handful tanagers and a couple
of RB Grosbeaks, but the best was a nice Black-billed Cuckoo which can be
hard to get in the county likely due to a paucity of birders.  Also had a
Yellow-billed and a few hungry swifts flying about even tho it was still
likely only in the upper fifties.

  After picking up the sharpened chain, drove the Memorial Cemetery finding
a couple of Yellow Warblers and a small flock of Indigos.   Then drove
around a bit more and found a mother load of Indigos and another fem RB
Grosbeak.  There must have been 25+ Indigos in a yard but traffic behind me
prevented a quick stop so drove around the blk. but could not refind them
after I had flushed them...too much traffic. Was hoping for a Lazuli.... it
was to windy here.  Were it not so $#*&@*$% windy I would have liked to
have walked the big pecan areas more....But the low temps and the wind
chill were just too much for this lizard.

  A few things in the property and yard I need to follow up on...One Yellow
Warbler I think already.


  On the south side there were two Mississippi Kites low over the tree
tops.  Two Western Kingbirds west of the HEB....

Brush Freeman
361-655-7641 Cell
Finca Alacranes., Utley,Texas

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  • » [texbirds] Utley, Webberville Park, Elgin (Black-billed Cuckoo etc.)...Local - Brush Freeman