[texbirds] South Padre Friday

  • From: MiriamEagl@xxxxxxx
  • To: texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 3 May 2013 21:43:37 -0400 (EDT)

Hi, all!
After much hemming and hawing I decided to take another vacation day at the 
 last minute and head out to SPI after the last front, and while not as  
phenomenal as last Friday, there were still plenty of birds underfoot,  
delighting many!  Many of the species from last week (Bobolink, Kentucky  
Cerulean Warbler, Rose-breasted Grosbeak) seemed to have disappeared,  and 
many that were out the yin yang last week (Ovenbirds, Hooded Warblers,  
Painted Buntings) just had one or two representatives compared to the hordes of 
last time.  There were still good numbers of RT Hummers, Indigo Buntings,  
Magnolia Warblers, Redstarts, Tennessee Warblers, and both orioles.  But  
highlights THIS time (for me) included very cooperative Worm-eating and  
Blackburnian Warblers, male Cape May and Bay-breasted Warblers, a Least  
Flycatcher, and the male Western Tanager coming in to worms that were being  
offered!  (The other warblers were chowing down on those as well...)   It was 
freezing cold out there first thing with a stiff north wind, but it  warmed up 
nicely.  Out back there were hordes of Franklin's Gulls, along  with a few 
Black Terns that were FOS for me.  The sapsucker is still  hanging around (she 
knows a good deal when she sees it ;-)) and the American  Bittern was still 
out on the boardwalk...  When I first arrived I drove out  on the beach and 
was treated to a nice Peregrine!
Pictures will be posted later this weekend.  Bird List:
  Black-bellied  Whistling-Duck          Dendrocygna  autumnalis
Lesser  Scaup                           Aythya affinis
Pied-billed  Grebe                      Podilymbus podiceps
Neotropic  Cormorant                    Phalacrocorax brasilianus
Brown  Pelican                          Pelecanus occidentalis
American  Bittern                       Botaurus lentiginosus
Great Blue  Heron                       Ardea herodias
Snowy  Egret                            Egretta thula
Little Blue  Heron                      Egretta caerulea
Tricolored  Heron                       Egretta tricolor
Reddish  Egret                          Egretta rufescens
Cattle  Egret                           Bubulcus ibis
Green  Heron                            Butorides virescens
Roseate  Spoonbill                      Platalea ajaja
Osprey                                 Pandion haliaetus
Common  Gallinule                       Gallinula galeata
American  Coot                          Fulica americana
Black-bellied  Plover                   Pluvialis squatarola
Semipalmated  Plover                    Charadrius semipalmatus
Piping  Plover                          Charadrius melodus
Black-necked  Stilt                     Himantopus mexicanus
American  Avocet                        Recurvirostra americana
Willet                                 Tringa semipalmata
Lesser  Yellowlegs                      Tringa flavipes
Marbled  Godwit                         Limosa fedoa
Ruddy  Turnstone                        Arenaria interpres
Sanderling                             Calidris alba
Least  Sandpiper                        Calidris minutilla
Pectoral  Sandpiper                     Calidris melanotos
Dunlin                                 Calidris alpina
Short-billed  Dowitcher                 Limnodromus griseus
Laughing  Gull                          Leucophaeus atricilla
Franklin's  Gull                        Leucophaeus pipixcan
Least  Tern                             Sternula antillarum
Caspian  Tern                           Hydroprogne caspia
Black  Tern                             Chlidonias niger
Royal  Tern                             Thalasseus maximus
Sandwich  Tern                          Thalasseus sandvicensis
Black  Skimmer                          Rynchops niger
Eurasian  Collared-Dove                 Streptopelia decaocto
Ruby-throated  Hummingbird              Archilochus colubris
Yellow-bellied  Sapsucker               Sphyrapicus varius
Peregrine  Falcon                       Falco peregrinus
Eastern  Wood-Pewee                     Contopus virens
Acadian  Flycatcher                     Empidonax virescens
Least  Flycatcher                       Empidonax minimus
White-eyed  Vireo                       Vireo griseus
Warbling  Vireo                         Vireo gilvus
Red-eyed  Vireo                         Vireo olivaceus
Barn  Swallow                           Hirundo rustica
Cliff  Swallow                          Petrochelidon pyrrhonota
Gray-cheeked  Thrush                    Catharus minimus
Swainson's  Thrush                      Catharus ustulatus
Gray  Catbird                           Dumetella carolinensis
Northern  Mockingbird                   Mimus polyglottos
Ovenbird                               Seiurus aurocapilla
Worm-eating  Warbler                    Helmitheros vermivorum
Northern  Waterthrush                   Parkesia noveboracensis
Black-and-white  Warbler                Mniotilta varia
Prothonotary  Warbler                   Protonotaria citrea
Tennessee  Warbler                      Oreothlypis peregrina
Nashville  Warbler                      Oreothlypis ruficapilla
Hooded  Warbler                         Setophaga citrina
American  Redstart                      Setophaga ruticilla
Cape May  Warbler                       Setophaga tigrina
Northern  Parula                        Setophaga americana
Magnolia  Warbler                       Setophaga magnolia
Bay-breasted  Warbler                   Setophaga castanea
Blackburnian  Warbler                   Setophaga fusca
Yellow  Warbler                         Setophaga petechia
Chestnut-sided  Warbler                 Setophaga pensylvanica
Black-throated Green  Warbler          Setophaga  virens
Yellow-breasted  Chat                   Icteria virens
Clay-colored  Sparrow                   Spizella pallida
Lark  Sparrow                           Chondestes grammacus
Lincoln's  Sparrow                      Melospiza lincolnii
Summer  Tanager                         Piranga rubra
Scarlet  Tanager                        Piranga olivacea
Western  Tanager                        Piranga ludoviciana
Indigo  Bunting                         Passerina cyanea
Painted  Bunting                        Passerina ciris
Dickcissel                             Spiza americana
Red-winged  Blackbird                   Agelaius phoeniceus
Yellow-headed  Blackbird                Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus
Great-tailed  Grackle                   Quiscalus mexicanus
Brown-headed  Cowbird                   Molothrus ater
Orchard  Oriole                         Icterus spurius
Baltimore  Oriole                       Icterus galbula
House  Sparrow                          Passer domesticus

Mary Beth  Stowe
McAllen, TX
_www.miriameaglemon.com_ (http://www.miriameaglemon.com/) 

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