[texbirds] Las Palomas WMA - Arroyo, & Adolph Thomae CP

  • From: "Mary Beth Stowe" <mbstowe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "'texbirds'" <texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 6 Dec 2014 16:37:09 -0600

Hi, all!

The last time I tried to get into the subject WMA it was closed to public
access, but this time I found a nice big parking lot and lots of trails to
explore (although beware:  it's easy to get turned around in there.)!  I
made a loop and had the normal woodsy stuff, including a pack of Coyotes at
close range!  (Not the human type thankfully. :-P)  The bird highlight here
was a Krider's Hawk.  Adolph Thomae was a delight; highlights included a
Curve-billed Thrasher at point blank, a goofy-looking Great Blue Heron
staring me down bittern-like from the top of a pole, and a Great Egret with
odd soft-parts coloration.  The biggest thrill (believe it or not) was being
able to record some disgruntled Black Vultures by the side of the road!


Pictures and recordings are here, but I couldn't get the "record bar" to
work properly so we're back to the Speaker Icon for now.




or here:




Bird List:


  Northern Shoveler                     Anas clypeata

  Plain Chachalaca                      Ortalis vetula

  Double-crested Cormorant              Phalacrocorax auritus

  Brown Pelican                         Pelecanus occidentalis

  Great Blue Heron                      Ardea herodias

  Great Egret                           Ardea alba

  Tricolored Heron                      Egretta tricolor

  White Ibis                            Eudocimus albus

  Black Vulture                         Coragyps atratus

  Turkey Vulture                        Cathartes aura

  Osprey                                Pandion haliaetus

  Red-shouldered Hawk                   Buteo lineatus

  Red-tailed Hawk                       Buteo jamaicensis

  Black-bellied Plover                  Pluvialis squatarola

  Killdeer                              Charadrius vociferus

  Spotted Sandpiper                     Actitis macularius

  Laughing Gull                         Leucophaeus atricilla

  Ring-billed Gull                      Larus delawarensis

  Caspian Tern                          Hydroprogne caspia

  Eurasian Collared-Dove                Streptopelia decaocto

  Mourning Dove                         Zenaida macroura

  Inca Dove                             Columbina inca

  Common Ground-Dove                    Columbina passerina

  Golden-fronted Woodpecker             Melanerpes aurifrons

  Ladder-backed Woodpecker              Picoides scalaris

  Crested Caracara                      Caracara cheriway

  American Kestrel                      Falco sparverius

  Eastern Phoebe                        Sayornis phoebe

  Great Kiskadee                        Pitangus sulphuratus

  Couch's Kingbird                      Tyrannus couchii

  Loggerhead Shrike                     Lanius ludovicianus

  White-eyed Vireo                      Vireo griseus

  Green Jay                             Cyanocorax yncas

  Black-crested Titmouse                Baeolophus atricristatus

  Verdin                                Auriparus flaviceps

  House Wren                            Troglodytes aedon

  Carolina Wren                         Thryothorus ludovicianus

  Bewick's Wren                         Thryomanes bewickii

  Cactus Wren                           Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus

  Blue-gray Gnatcatcher                 Polioptila caerulea

  Ruby-crowned Kinglet                  Regulus calendula

  Curve-billed Thrasher                 Toxostoma curvirostre

  Long-billed Thrasher                  Toxostoma longirostre

  Northern Mockingbird                  Mimus polyglottos

  Orange-crowned Warbler                Oreothlypis celata

  Common Yellowthroat                   Geothlypis trichas

  Yellow-rumped Warbler                 Setophaga coronata

  Olive Sparrow                         Arremonops rufivirgatus

  Lark Sparrow                          Chondestes grammacus

  Lincoln's Sparrow                     Melospiza lincolnii

  Northern Cardinal                     Cardinalis cardinalis

  Red-winged Blackbird                  Agelaius phoeniceus

  Eastern Meadowlark                    Sturnella magna

  Great-tailed Grackle                  Quiscalus mexicanus

  Brown-headed Cowbird                  Molothrus ater




Mary Beth Stowe

McAllen, TX



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Other related posts:

  • » [texbirds] Las Palomas WMA - Arroyo, & Adolph Thomae CP - Mary Beth Stowe