[texbirds] Lafitte's Cove 3/25 - Purple Finch, Hooded Oriole, and 13 Warbler Species

  • From: John Tharp <jlt290@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Texbirds <texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 20:27:22 -0500

Another good day at Lafitte's today with plenty of migrant activity. The
Hooded Oriole was calling early on and it was initially observed by the
bottle brush before being seen later on up front by the gazebo. I believe
this is day 8 of this birds stay at Lafitte's so far.
Warblers were similar to yesterday with the exception of a notable decrease
in Yellow-throated Warblers. 13 Species were present today. Most numerous
were Hooded and Northern Parula. Vireos put in a decent showing as well
with 4 species present. A few of the larger migrants are starting to show
including Eastern Kingbird and Orchard Oriole.

The best bird of the day was oddly not the Hooded Oriole but instead a
first year male Purple Finch that myself, Richard Liebler, and Rachel Wrenn
located singing in the top of one of the oaks around mid-morning. I saw the
bird two more times through the course of the day, we got pictures along
the way, and Richard informs me that it was still present as of 6pm.
Definitely an unusual record for that location.

Decent birds in the fields around the general area (Settegast, 8 mile, etc)
including Long-billed Curlew, American Golden Plover, Pectoral Sandpiper,
Wilson's Phalarope, and Swainson's Hawk.

Good Birding,

John Tharp
Houston, TX

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  • » [texbirds] Lafitte's Cove 3/25 - Purple Finch, Hooded Oriole, and 13 Warbler Species - John Tharp