[texbirds] GCBO Smith Point HW, 30 Sep

  • From: Tony leukering <greatgrayowl@xxxxxxx>
  • To: Texbirds <texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Tamie Bulow <Tamie.Bulow@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Tom Reed <coturnicops@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2012 19:30:10 -0500

Hi all:

What a difference a day makes!  Today, I counted twice as many hawks of 50% 
more raptor species than yesterday!  Of course, yesterday, I counted only two 
hawks of two species.  A ripping WSW wind and, eventually, spitting rain that 
ruined my data sheets while I was getting more juice for the hummers from my 
car, got me to call it quits at noon.  The sky continued to howl and spit for 
the rest of the day.  In fact, it I still doing so.

The forecast for tomorrow still looks muy magnifico!

Raptors counted:

Northern Harrier 1 juv
Sharp-shinned Hawk 2 juvs
Peregrine Falcon 1 ad

Other stuff:

I did have my best shorebird day ever on the tower -- 6+ species -- with 11 
flocks of Lesser Yellowlegs totaling 106 birds.  Unfortunately, I got on some 
of the flocks to note that there additional species involved (total of 56 
birds), but not soon enough to discern those additional species.  Ah, well.  
The other species ID'ed were Killdeer, Am. Oystercatcher, Willet (western), and 
Semi and Least sandpipers.


Tony Leukering
Smith Point, TXEdit your Freelists account settings for TEXBIRDS at

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