[texbirds] Fw: Re: Bushtits in eastern Edwards Plateau?

  • From: "Alan Wormington" <wormington@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 22:29:36 GMT


A very, VERY excellent post!

Yes it would be **extremely** interesting to analyze which birders actually do 
(or do not) enter data into e-bird.

The big one:  What percentage of long-time (experienced) birders actual enter 
their data into e-bird?

(I do not use e-bird, and never will.)

Alan Wormington
Leamington, Ontario

"Birding is getting goofier and goofier by the day!"

---------- Forwarded Message ----------
From: tony gallucci <hurricanetg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Chuck Sexton <gcwarbler@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Tex Birds <texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Rich Kostecke <rkost73@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [texbirds] Re: Bushtits in eastern Edwards Plateau?
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 17:21:11 -0500

two quick impressions/questions about this:
a) is there a bias about which particular checklists are reported to eBird 
and/or which BIRDERS report to eBird from the pre-eBird period . . . i could 
much envision a scenario in which the checklists that have been added in 
multi-year retrospect are ones more likely to have been trips recording 
Bushtits . . .

that is -- unless you know a nest site location, Bushtit is never a bird you 
just go out and find . . . you run across them in the course of a day of 
birding, once in a while . . . and casual little jaunts rarely find them . . . 
since the advent of eBird, perhaps even more likely just the last couple of 
years (coinciding with drought), one is, i believe, more likely to eBird every 
little jaunt into the field, everything gets entered . . .

however, pre-advent (meaning one has to dig through one's own personal trip 
lists and spend time entering old data), i believe it's more likely that the 
trips that get entered are going to be the major efforts, big trips, daylongs,  
the ones with a better chance of finding Bushtits, and folks are not likely to 
enter every little stop at the park on the way home, the times less likely to 
encounter Bushtits  . . .

and b) i would revise this statement (as follows, change in caps) "but what 
this *suggests* is that 
despite the increased observer coverage and reporting to eBird in  
recent years, Bushtits are definitely being encountered less often  
from observers who are afield AND WHO REPORT THEIR FINDINGS TO eBIRD."

which is to say i have no way to measure frequency or occurrence or abundance 
on my trips, but that i 
have seen Bushtits a number of times this spring, at a rate i wouldn't consider 
unusual, but really can't 
honestly quantify . . . and i don't eBird . . . 
all my best,
tony g

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