[texbirds] Flycatcher/Honeycreeper Hunt (longish)

  • From: "Mary Beth Stowe" <mbstowe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "'texbirds'" <texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 15:01:43 -0600

Hi, all!

My original plan yesterday was to visit Adolph Thomae CP and surroundings,
but that morning I saw Ranger John's post about the Red-legged Honeycreeper
at Estero, so I changed plans and decided to chill a little before heading
out.  Then I saw the EBird report about the Fork-tailed Flycatcher at Laguna
Atascosa and decided to do that first, but by that time it was too late to
get there by dawn, so not wanting to waste daybreak birding by driving, I
decided to start the morning at La Sal del Rey, and had just a marvelous
time:  the weather was beautiful, and had a good selection of raptors.  The
cranes and geese gave distant views in flight, and on GI Road (no longer
called that but I forget the new name) picked up an Ash-throated Flycatcher
(who also called quite nicely), a nice Cassin's Sparrow jumped up along with
some Savannah Sparrows, and finally was able to pick out a female Brewer's
Blackbird in with the cowbirds.


Headed over to Laguna Atascosa after that, picking up an in-flight Anhinga
on 77!  I made the mistake of making several stops along General Brant Road
on the way in, and missed the Fork-tailed Flycatcher by ten minutes! L  I
ran into Madeleine Sandefur and we commiserated (she was down the street
when the bird was seen and it had taken off by the time she got back), and
met a very nice couple from Houston who were also hoping for the bird!  I
gave it an hour, during which time Father Tom (and some pretty White
Pelicans) also showed up, but the bird never came back; the consolation
prize was some Anis calling in the bush.  I checked out the visitor center
area where I ran into Javier DeLeon and his friend Ben, and had a little
skipper that might have been a Pale-rayed (feedback welcome; picture is on
the website below).  Osprey Overlook had a few ducks, but had a nice Merlin
power by at the resaca along to road out there.  Finally picked up a
Roadrunner on the way out, but this one looked as though he had a narrow
escape from something as he had no tail and appeared to be hopping on one


Next stop was Estero Llano Grande where a crowd of people gave me hope that
the honeycreeper was about, but I missed that one by about ten minutes, too!
L  The Sniders had a bunch of guest chairs lined up next to their RV, so
since the lighting was better from that angle I parked myself there and gave
it another hour, during which the couple from Houston showed up, along with
Erik Breden and a bunch of other people I didn't know (or recognize.).  Ben
Basham was there, too, pointing out the male Black-chinned Hummingbird that
kept coming to the feeder as a consolation prize (the House Sparrows gave
everyone fits rummaging through the bushes.)!  After my vigil I checked out
the deck and added their Canvasback to the day list, took a walk around the
boardwalk where another ranger pointed out a soaring Peregrine, and headed
for Santa Ana to pick up my CBC packet from Raul Garza before they closed
(and I just made it-they decided to close early that day!)  A stroll around
the Chachalaca Trail only added White-tipped Dove and tons of Red Admirals
to the day list, but a flyover Gray Hawk on the levee delighted some
visiting birders!


Had just enough time to blast up to Wallace Road, where both wetlands now
have water (although the big northeast lake is still full of wetland
vegetation)!  Had a pair of Fulvous Whistling Ducks here and the tittering
Tropical Kingbird, but an even bigger surprise was a pair of duetting Great
Horned Owls (with the sun still shining)!  I thought the last bird of the
day would be the Horned Larks, but three Neotropical Cormorants flew past
just as I pulled into the Ranch! J


Pictures are posted here:




.or here:




Bird List:


Fulvous Whistling-Duck                Dendrocygna bicolor

  Greater White-fronted Goose           Anser albifrons

  Snow Goose                            Chen caerulescens

  Gadwall                               Anas strepera

  Mottled Duck                          Anas fulvigula

  Blue-winged Teal                      Anas discors

  Northern Shoveler                     Anas clypeata

  Northern Pintail                      Anas acuta

  Green-winged Teal                     Anas crecca

  Canvasback                            Aythya valisineria

  Redhead                               Aythya americana

  Ring-necked Duck                      Aythya collaris

  Lesser Scaup                          Aythya affinis

  Ruddy Duck                            Oxyura jamaicensis

  Plain Chachalaca                      Ortalis vetula

  Northern Bobwhite                     Colinus virginianus

  Least Grebe                           Tachybaptus dominicus

  Pied-billed Grebe                     Podilymbus podiceps

  Neotropic Cormorant                   Phalacrocorax brasilianus

  Double-crested Cormorant              Phalacrocorax auritus

  Anhinga                               Anhinga anhinga

  American White Pelican                Pelecanus erythrorhynchos

  Snowy Egret                           Egretta thula

  White Ibis                            Eudocimus albus

  Black Vulture                         Coragyps atratus

  Turkey Vulture                        Cathartes aura

  Osprey                                Pandion haliaetus

  Northern Harrier                      Circus cyaneus

  Harris's Hawk                         Parabuteo unicinctus

  White-tailed Hawk                     Geranoaetus albicaudatus

  Red-shouldered Hawk                   Buteo lineatus

  Gray Hawk                             Buteo plagiatus

  Red-tailed Hawk                       Buteo jamaicensis

  Sora                                  Porzana carolina

  Common Gallinule                      Gallinula galeata

  American Coot                         Fulica americana

  Sandhill Crane                        Grus canadensis

  Killdeer                              Charadrius vociferus

  Least Sandpiper                       Calidris minutilla

  Rock Pigeon                           Columba livia

  Eurasian Collared-Dove                Streptopelia decaocto

  Mourning Dove                         Zenaida macroura

  Common Ground-Dove                    Columbina passerina

  White-tipped Dove                     Leptotila verreauxi

  Greater Roadrunner                    Geococcyx californianus

  Groove-billed Ani                     Crotophaga sulcirostris

  Great Horned Owl                      Bubo virginianus

  Black-chinned Hummingbird             Archilochus alexandri

  Buff-bellied Hummingbird              Amazilia yucatanensis

  Golden-fronted Woodpecker             Melanerpes aurifrons

  Ladder-backed Woodpecker              Picoides scalaris

  Crested Caracara                      Caracara cheriway

  American Kestrel                      Falco sparverius

  Merlin                                Falco columbarius

  Peregrine Falcon                      Falco peregrinus

  Eastern Phoebe                        Sayornis phoebe

  Ash-throated Flycatcher               Myiarchus cinerascens

  Great Kiskadee                        Pitangus sulphuratus

  Tropical Kingbird                     Tyrannus melancholicus

  Couch's Kingbird                      Tyrannus couchii

  Loggerhead Shrike                     Lanius ludovicianus

  White-eyed Vireo                      Vireo griseus

  Green Jay                             Cyanocorax yncas

  Horned Lark                           Eremophila alpestris

  Tree Swallow                          Tachycineta bicolor

  Black-crested Titmouse                Baeolophus atricristatus

  Verdin                                Auriparus flaviceps

  House Wren                            Troglodytes aedon

  Bewick's Wren                         Thryomanes bewickii

  Blue-gray Gnatcatcher                 Polioptila caerulea

  Ruby-crowned Kinglet                  Regulus calendula

  Hermit Thrush                         Catharus guttatus

  Curve-billed Thrasher                 Toxostoma curvirostre

  Long-billed Thrasher                  Toxostoma longirostre

  Northern Mockingbird                  Mimus polyglottos

  European Starling                     Sturnus vulgaris

  Orange-crowned Warbler                Oreothlypis celata

  Common Yellowthroat                   Geothlypis trichas

 Yellow-rumped Warbler                 Setophaga coronata

  Cassin's Sparrow                      Peucaea cassinii

  Savannah Sparrow                      Passerculus sandwichensis

  Lincoln's Sparrow                     Melospiza lincolnii

  Northern Cardinal                     Cardinalis cardinalis

  Pyrrhuloxia                           Cardinalis sinuatus

  Red-winged Blackbird                  Agelaius phoeniceus

  Eastern Meadowlark                    Sturnella magna

  Brewer's Blackbird                    Euphagus cyanocephalus

  Great-tailed Grackle                  Quiscalus mexicanus

  Brown-headed Cowbird                  Molothrus ater

  Lesser Goldfinch                      Spinus psaltria

  House Sparrow                         Passer domesticus




Mary Beth Stowe

McAllen, TX



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  • » [texbirds] Flycatcher/Honeycreeper Hunt (longish) - Mary Beth Stowe