[texbirds] Fall Shorebird Arrival

  • From: Ron Weeks <ronweeks@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 12:10:24 -0700 (PDT)

Not surprisingly, my "fall" shorebird arrival experiences mirror Mel's.  
Generally, I see a pulse in shorebird numbers at coastal marshes the last few 
days of June.  It becomes more obvious the first week of July.  My fall 
arrivals in Montana and Michigan are amazingly similar suggesting these birds 
make great time in moving southward from their breeding grounds.
On a related note, eBird alerted me to a new early shorebird arrival for the 
Upper Coast.  On June 19th, an Upland Sandpiper was found and photographed at 
Brazoria NWR.  I should say I presume it to be a fall arrival as this species 
has never been documented as summering in this area.  The previous early record 
was June 28th.  I used to live in mid-Michigan but that was far enough north 
that it was tricky to sort out breeders from birds on the move.  Alan 
Wormington can probably enlighten us as to when this species typically starts 
to move by his favorite haunts in the Pelee area.
Ron Weeks
Lake Jackson 
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  • » [texbirds] Fall Shorebird Arrival - Ron Weeks