[texbirds] Coastal Rio Grande Valley Shorebirding - Tuesday August 7th

  • From: Erik Breden <erik.breden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: TexBirds <texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 08 Aug 2012 00:35:26 -0500


Rex and Birgit Stanford and I continued our Rio Grande Valley shorebird quest at coastal regions today (Tuesday August 7th). We visited the following areas:

- Flats behind the South Padre Island Convention Center

- South Padre Island Convention Center Boardwalk

- Route 48 Boat Launch

- Port Isabel Reservoir

We saw a total of 18 shorebird species:

01. Black-bellied Plover
02. Killdeer
03. Wilson's Plover
04. Semipalmated Plover
05. Piping Plover
06. Snowy Plover
07. Black-necked Stilt
08. American Avocet
09. Willet
10. Long-billed Curlew
11. Marbled Godwit
12. Ruddy Turnstone
13. Red Knot
14. Sanderling
15. Western Sandpiper
16. Least Sandpiper
17. Long-billed Dowitcher
18. Wilson's Snipe

This brings our two day RGV shorebird quest to a total of 28 shorebird species:

        Species Sun ? 8/5       Tue ? 8/7
1       Black-bellied Plover    ----    X
2       Killdeer        X       X
3       Wilson's Plover ----    X
4       Semipalmated Plover     ----    X
5       Piping Plover   ----    X
6       Snowy Plover    ----    X
7       Black-necked Stilt      X       X
8       American Avocet X       X
9       Willet  ----    X
10      Greater Yellowlegs      X       ----
11      Lesser Yellowlegs       X       ----
12      Solitary Sandpiper      X       ----
13      Spotted Sandpiper       X       ----
14      Upland Sandpiper        X       ----
15      Long-billed Curlew      X       X
16      Marbled Godwit  ----    X
17      Ruddy Turnstone ----    X
18      Red Knot        ----    X
19      Sanderling      ----    X
20      Semipalmated Sandpiper  X       ----
21      Western Sandpiper       X       X
22      Least Sandpiper X       X
23      Stilt Sandpiper X       ----
24      Pectoral Sandpiper      X       ----
25      Buff-breasted Sandpiper X       ----
26      Long-billed Dowitcher   X       X
27      Wilson's Snipe  ----    X
28      Wilson's Phalarope      X       ----

I will get some photos up tomorrow...in the meantime, get out there and enjoy the birds!

Erik Breden
Harlingen, Texas

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  • » [texbirds] Coastal Rio Grande Valley Shorebirding - Tuesday August 7th - Erik Breden