[texbirds] Re: Cassin's Finch in TX

  • From: "Mary Beth Stowe" <mbstowe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <Clay.Taylor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <robertjbecker@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "'texbirds'" <texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 18:33:00 -0600

Hi, Clay (and all)!

The most distinctive flight call I remember from the mountains of California
and elsewhere was an almost Cockatiel-like "WHEEE-oo!"

Mary Beth Stowe
McAllen, TX

-----Original Message-----
From: texbirds-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:texbirds-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Clay Taylor
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2014 6:29 PM
To: robertjbecker@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; texbirds
Subject: [texbirds] Re: Cassin's Finch in TX

Hi all - 

Given that there are now multiple sightings in TX, it might not be a bad
idea to scrutinize ALL "Purple Finches" currently being seen in TX,
regardless of where you are.   Hey, Acorn Woodpecker on the Bolivar
Peninsula?    Tree Sparrow at Sabine Pass?   Maybe those Houston-area PUFIs
are really Cassin's!

While I have seen Cassin's Finches in the Western US on about 7 or 8
different occasions, I do not remember ever seeing them in the company of
and made a direct comparison to Purple Finches.   Having grown up in the
Northeast, I am VERY familiar with Purple, as the novice birders were
forever trying to turn House into Purple.   

What I do not know is whether the flight vocalizations differ between
Cassin's and Purple.   Purple is instantly identifiable in flight, as they
make a constant "tick....tick....tick" call.   I will always remember a
birder characterizing them as "the flying clock", and I used to joke that
Captain Hook hated Purple finches.

So, does anybody have a comment on Cassin's Finch flight vocalization - like
Purple, different from Purple, or do they fly silently like Pine Grosbeaks?

You KNOW that I will be listening in my yard tomorrow morning.

Clay Taylor
TOS Life Member
Calallen (Corpus Christi), TX

-----Original Message-----
From: texbirds-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:texbirds-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Robert Becker
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2014 5:29 PM
To: texbirds
Subject: [texbirds] More on Cassin's Finch

I found the Cassin's Finch at 1:45 p.m. today at Resaca de la Palma State
Park. Actually, I didn't have to "find" it. It flew in to the feeders in
back of the park headquarters just after I got there and proceeded to chow
down on seed on the ground with some Inca and Common Ground Doves. It stayed
in sight for about 10 minutes. Thank you Sherry and Dick Wilson and Mary
Beth Stowe for their initial reports of this bird on Sunday.
The bird is shy, and is being seen sporadically. Early mornings may be best,
when Sherry puts out the bird seed at 8-8:15 a.m. or so.

A photo of the finch is here, along with a few others from Resaca and Palo
Alto yesterday and today:


Bob Becker
Rancho Viejo.

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