[TechAssist] Zenith RZ465Z83D7..9-1848, 9-1690*voltage surge

  • From: "Jeff Dougherty" <jeff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Techsonline" <techassist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 17 Mar 2002 23:52:00 -0500

I really have problems with this set, now.
Set powers up, no video. turn screens up and the tubes light with several
horizontal lines, the thickness of retrace, but seems to be going in both
It seems the connector from the convergence board will fit in a connector
for vel scan, so 115v was going through the 5v line to conv blowing the SM
resistor R4151M. Also, the first time this happened the 12v reg on main
board shorted(ICX3406) as well as QX3404. Both are replaced and have not
shorted again. This twelve volts goes to the video board and is making it
there with the set powered up. Is it safe to assume this video board needs
replaced? Also, I am having trouble tracing the 5v from the convergence
board, even with the schematic. Can someone tell me where this comes from so
I can check the regulator or transistor?
I know I will lose money on this set, but I need to at least get it
repaired. Perry Bower has offered to send me the convergence board and
possibly the video board if he has them, so I will know if I need to order
either of these, but I wanted to follow any good leads during the wait. I
know this may take some brain-storming from some of you, but I would be
grateful for any ideas/responses.
Thanks (I hope everyone else's weekend was fine).


FAX 717-564-4952
Jeff Dougherty
Intrepid Video & Electronics
501 Luther Rd
Harrisburg, PA 17111
VCR tips, electronics info & general interest.
www.intrepid-video.com www.tech-repair.net www.thetoolcaddy.com

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  • » [TechAssist] Zenith RZ465Z83D7..9-1848, 9-1690*voltage surge