[TechAssist] Toshiba 50H71 TAC0162 dead, blows convergence output -FIX

  • From: "Leonard G. Caillouet" <lcaillo@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <techassist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2004 16:52:11 -0500

This one has a couple of FYIs...

Had blown F850 (5 amp) and F852(2 amp) and was dead.
Replaced convergence output STK392-110 and fuses, ran fine for a while and
blew again.  This time I found 5Vdc on the green horizontal coming out of
the digital convergence board after an op amp (quad, SO14 case) QH171 would
get hot.

The FYI is that none of the Toshiba distributors that I called had the chip
(QH171 MC33079D) except Andrews on the west coast.  Digikey only has it on
reels of thousands.

Also, don't necessarily assume a bad output if you blow a new one...

Also, this dig conv module was pretty easy to service and the schematic for
it is complete.  The new module is not too expensive at a little over $70,
but they surely won't be available forever.  I prefer to make the labor and
not have to swap EEPROMs or realign the entire set, particularly on the HD

To you guys in Central and North FL...did this one in the shop for $190
labor, parts, 2 service trips x $50.  Total ~$380 with tax.  How do these
rates compare to yours.  We went out thinking it would be a routine
convergence output job at $120 + $50 service trip + parts.  Are we in the
ballpark with others in the area?  I am considering raising my labor rates
but want to be reasonably competitive.  Thinking about a two-tiered rate for
HD sets that need multiple convergence setups for each scan rate, also.
This seems fair but adds complexity to charges.  How do you all charge for
these more complex sets?

Leonard G. Caillouet
Electronics World
Gainesville, FL
352-332-5668 (fax)

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  • » [TechAssist] Toshiba 50H71 TAC0162 dead, blows convergence output -FIX