[TechAssist] TA RCA P52812AB(PTK195AB)Dead..Was conver. issue

  • From: "Intrepid Video Support" <support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Techassist" <techassist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2004 09:56:43 -0500

I had a call originally on this for convergence going out after 30-60 minutes. 
Replaced STK IC U19700 and
open R19233 (15K-3w). After replacing these, the set is dead...I double checked 
every connector many times
and can not find the problem.

S/B voltages seem find(no print)..Best I can do from my notes is, pin 5 of 
micro has 2.5v, press power,
goes to 0 v.
U14701 has B+, but 0v on either output. Replaced and still 0v..I disconnected 
the output from circuit and
still 0v, replaced, same problem..
I measured these pins as I pressed power and the 5 volts for the output comes 
up, but the 12v goes to a
couple volts, then to 0.
I've tried the troubleshooting guides, with no luck...or they don't apply to 
this set.
I am still at a loss what could have happened from the time I ordered these 
convergence parts and replaced
them..any ideas?
Thank you.

Jeff Dougherty
Intrepid Video TV/VCR
263 S Front St
Steelton PA 17113
www.intrepid-video.com www.tech-repair.net

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