[TechAssist] Sony KP43T75 (Dead) "FIXED"

  • From: "Jim Bailey" <baileystv@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "TechAssist" <techassist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 11:48:36 -0500

Model:  KP43T75
Symptom Multiple pictures then Dead:
                        This set came in dead customer complaint was fuzzy and 
multiple pictures,
Red led indicator on the front would not blink when plugged in problem was
B+ 135 line not functioning, I removed the CN652 jumper Plug for the B+ IN
and B+ out then my 135 B+ line came back and I had sound, I removed IHVT and
ringed it I got no rings, I ordered a new fly back and checked it against
the old one and it ringed 19 rings, replacing IHVT and one side of MX0842
was bad also replaced Convergence IC's repaired set.
This is the second Sony I have seen with the QVC home shopping impression in
the upper left corner of the set it is a  yellowish box image.

Jim Bailey
Bailey's TV Sales & Service
Buckhannon, WV 26201

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